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  • 2021-05-04: Initial Version


In computing and programming, a diff is a useful tool to show changes between two versions of a file. It pinpoints exact positions where changes occur. Changes can be of additions, deletions, and modifications. CDISC sees similar applications for standards and introduces a diff feature through CDISC Library. In this application, a diff is a metadata comparison that computes and displays the differences in normative contents between 2 versions of a standard. Highlights from this feature:

  • Machine-readable format is accessible through the API.
  • Diff reports are downloadable from Data Standards Browser as an Excel spreadsheet. Refer to Data Standards Browser for instructions.
  • Diff report has color coding to visually indicate how a value changes before & after.
  • Diff works for all standards: CDASH, SDTM, SEND, ADaM, and CT.
  • Comparison can be made against 2 successive versions (e.g., adamig-1-2 against adamig-1-1), or skipped versions (e.g., sdtmig-3-3 against sdtmig-3-1-2).

Basic Construct

For comparing a product to its immediate version predecessor, the basic construct of a diff API request is: /mdr/diff/{product}/{version}

For comparing to an arbitrary version, /mdr/diff/{product}/{version}/{previous}

productCDISC Library product
versionCDISC Library product version
previousCDISC Library product version


#ScenarioAPI requestRemarks
1diff between ADaMIG v1.3 (draft) and its immediate predecessor, which is v1.2./mdr/diff/adam/adamig-1-3
2diff between CDASH Model v1.2 and v1.0, skipping v1.1./mdr/diff/cdash/1-2/1-0
3diff between CDASHIG v2.1 and its immediate predecessor, which is v2.0./mdr/diff/cdashig/2-1
4diff between SDTM v1.8 and its immediate predecessor, which is v1.7/mdr/diff/sdtm/1-8
5diff between SDTMIG v3.2  and its immediate predecessor, which is v3.1.3, in an Excel output./mdr/diff/sdtmig/3-2 with this request header 'Accept: application/'A binary file will be generated for download.
6diff between SDTMIG-MD v1.1  and its immediate predecessor, which is v1.0, in an Excel output./mdr/diff/sdtmig/md-1-1 with this request header 'Accept: application/'A binary file will be generated for download.
7diff between SENDIG v3.1.1 and v3.0, skipping v3.1, in an Excel output./mdr/diff/sendig/3-1-1/3-0 with this request header 'Accept: application/'A binary file will be generated for download.
8diff between ADaM CT Q3 2020 and its immediate predecessor, which is ADaM CT Q2 2020./mdr/diff/ct/adamct-2020-11-06
9diff between CDASH CT Q3 2020 and its immediate predecessor, which is CDASH CT Q4 2019./mdr/diff/ct/cdashct-2020-11-06
10diff between Define-XML CT Q1 2021 and Define-XML CT Q1 2020./mdr/diff/ct/define-xmlct-2021-03-26/define-xmlct-2020-03-27
11diff between Protocol CT Q1 2021 and  its immediate predecessor, which is Protocol CT Q4 2020./mdr/diff/ct/protocolct-2021-03-26
12diff between SDTM CT Q1 2021 and its immediate predecessor, which is SDTM CT Q4 2020./mdr/diff/ct/sdtmct-2021-03-26
13diff between SEND CT Q1 2021 and SEND CT Q3 2020./mdr/diff/ct/sendct-2021-03-26/sendct-2020-11-06
14diff for SENDIG-AR v1.0./mdr/diff/sendig/ar-1-0HTTP 404 Not Found occurs. No previous version to SENDIG-AR v1.0.
15diff for Glossary CT Q4 2020./mdr/diff/ct/glossaryct-2020-12-18HTTP 404 Not Found occurs. No previous version to Glossary CT Q4 2020, as it is the first quarter of Glossary CT made available to CDISC Library.
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