ScopingDevelopmentReview ProcessPublication Process
Items under considerationUpdate labels in SDTMIGTeam review prior to GGGHeads of Standards Approval
Add agreed upon scoping items to development

Incorporate CDISC glossary text references into the SDTMIG

Resolution of team review issues


Controlled terminology

IR Material ready for GGGTeam Lead/PM address copy-editing comments

Data sciences - test upload?GGG meeting for IR approvalLockdown Wiki space

Internal Review (IR)PDF creation

IR comment resolutionExport public review comments

Post-IR copy-editing/c-e resolutionWebsite posting

PR Material ready for GGGArchive space

GGG meeting for PR approval

Public Review (PR)

PR comment resolution

FDA review

FDA comment resolution

Pub material ready for GGG

GGG meeting for Pub approval

GGG sign-off for publication (pub) approval
  • No labels