Source PageTATOBA:ADaM variables
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Variable NameVariable LabelTypeCodelist/Controlled TermsCoreCDISC NotesDataset NameVariable GroupingSeq. for OrderClass
DOSExxPPlanned Product Dose for Period xxNumPermSubject-level identifier that represents the planned product dosage for period xx.ADSL Dose 1ADSL
DOSExxAActual Product Dose for Period xxNumPermSubject-level identifier that represents the actual product dosage for period xx.ADSL Dose 2ADSL
DOSExxUUnits for Dose for Period xxCharPermThe units for DOSExxP and DOSExxA. It is permissible to use suffixes such as "P" and "A" if needed, with labels modified accordingly.ADSL Dose 3ADSL
STUDYIDStudy IdentifierCharReqDM.STUDYIDADSL Identifier 1ADSL
USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierCharReqDM.USUBJIDADSL Identifier 2ADSL
SUBJIDSubject Identifier for the StudyCharReqDM.SUBJID. SUBJID is required in ADSL, but permissible in other datasets.ADSL Identifier 3ADSL
SITEIDStudy Site IdentifierCharReqDM.SITEID. SITEID is required in ADSL, but permissible in other datasets.ADSL Identifier 4ADSL
SITEGRyPooled Site Group yCharPermCharacter description of a grouping or pooling of clinical sites for analysis purposes. For example, SITEGR3 is the name of a variable containing site group (pooled site) names, where the grouping has been done according to the third site grouping algorithm, defined in variable metadata; SITEGR3 does not mean the third group of sites.ADSL Identifier 5ADSL
SITEGRyNPooled Site Group y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of SITEGRy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between SITEGRyN and SITEGRy within a study. \n SITEGRyN cannot be present unless SITEGRy is also present. When SITEGRy and SITEGRyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Identifier 6ADSL
REGIONyGeographic Region yCharPermCharacter description of geographical region. For example, REGION1 might have values of "Asia", "Europe", "North America", "Rest of World"; REGION2 might have values of "United States", "Rest of World".ADSL Identifier 7ADSL
REGIONyNGeographic Region y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of REGIONy. Orders REGIONy for analysis and reporting.There must be a one-to-one relationship between REGIONyN and REGIONy within a study. \n REGIONyN cannot be present unless REGIONy is also present. When REGIONy and REGIONyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Identifier 8ADSL
APxxSDTPeriod xx Start DateNumPermThe starting date of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 1ADSL
APxxSTMPeriod xx Start TimeNumPermThe starting time of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 2ADSL
APxxSDTMPeriod xx Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 3ADSL
APxxSDTFPeriod xx Start Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period xx start date. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 4ADSL
APxxSTMFPeriod xx Start Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period xx start time. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 5ADSL
APxxEDTPeriod xx End DateNumPermThe ending date of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 6ADSL
APxxETMPeriod xx End TimeNumPermThe ending time of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 7ADSL
APxxEDTMPeriod xx End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime of period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 8ADSL
APxxEDTFPeriod xx End Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period xx end date. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 9ADSL
APxxETMFPeriod xx End Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period xx end time. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 10ADSL
PxxSwDescription of Period xx Subperiod wCharPermDescription of analysis subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 11ADSL
PxxSwSDTPeriod xx Subperiod w Start DateNumPermThe starting date of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 12ADSL
PxxSwSTMPeriod xx Subperiod w Start TimeNumPermThe starting time of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 13ADSL
PxxSwSDMPeriod xx Subperiod w Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 14ADSL
PxxSwSDFPeriod xx Subper w Start Date Imput FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start date for subperiod w within period xx. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 15ADSL
PxxSwSTFPeriod xx Subper w Start Time Imput FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start time for subperiod w within period xx. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 16ADSL
PxxSwEDTPeriod xx Subperiod w End DateNumPermThe ending date of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 17ADSL
PxxSwETMPeriod xx Subperiod w End TimeNumPermThe ending time of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 18ADSL
PxxSwEDMPeriod xx Subperiod w End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime of subperiod w within period xx.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 19ADSL
PxxSwEDFPeriod xx Subper w End Date Imput FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the end date for subperiod w within period xx. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 20ADSL
PxxSwETFPeriod xx Subper w End Time Imput FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the end time for subperiod w within period xx. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 21ADSL
APHASEwDescription of Phase wCharPermDescription of analysis phase w. Analysis phase is independent of TRTxxP within ADSL, and may be populated for spans of time where a subject is not on product.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 22ADSL
PHwSDTPhase w Start DateNumPermThe starting date of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 23ADSL
PHwSTMPhase w Start TimeNumPermThe starting time of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 24ADSL
PHwSDTMPhase w Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 25ADSL
PHwSDTFPhase w Start Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start date for phase w. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 26ADSL
PHwSTMFPhase w Start Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start time for phase w. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 27ADSL
PHwEDTPhase w End DateNumPermThe ending date of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 28ADSL
PHwETMPhase w End TimeNumPermThe ending time of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 29ADSL
PHwEDTMPhase w End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime of phase w.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 30ADSL
PHwEDTFPhase w End Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the end date for phase w. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 31ADSL
PHwETMFPhase w End Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the end time for phase w. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Period, Subperiod, and Phase Timing 32ADSL
FASFLFull Analysis Set Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be included if FASFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 1ADSL
SAFFLSafety Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be included if SAFFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 2ADSL
PPROTFLPer-Protocol Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be included if PPROTFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 3ADSL
COMPLFLCompleters Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be included if COMPLFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 4ADSL
RANDFLRandomized Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be included if RANDFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 5ADSL
ENRLFLEnrolled Population FlagCharY, NCondMust be iif ENRLFL is defined and required per the SAPADSL Population Indicator 6ADSL
TRTSDTDate of First Exposure to ProductNumCondDate of first exposure to product for a subject in a study. TRTSDT and/or TRTSDTM are required if there is an investigational product. Note that TRTSDT is not required to have the same value as the SDTM DM variable RFXSTDTC. While both of these dates reflect the concept of first exposure, the ADaM date may be derived to support the analysis which may not necessarily be the very first date in the SDTM EX domain.ADSL Product Timing 1ADSL
TRTSTMTime of First Exposure to ProductNumPermTime of first exposure to product for a subject in a study.ADSL Product Timing 2ADSL
TRTSDTMDatetime of First Exposure to ProductNumCondDatetime of first exposure to product for a subject in a study. TRTSDT and/or TRTSDTM are required if there is an investigational product.ADSL Product Timing 3ADSL
TRTSDTFDate of First Exposure Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of date of first exposure to product. If TRTSDT (or the date part of TRTSDTM) was imputed, TRTSDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 4ADSL
TRTSTMFTime of First Exposure Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of time of first exposure to product. If TRTSTM (or the time part of TRTSDTM) was imputed, TRTSTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 5ADSL
TRTEDTDate of Last Exposure to ProductNumCondDate of last exposure to product for a subject in a study. TRTEDT and/or TRTEDTM are required if there is an investigational product. Note that TRTEDT is not required to have the same value as the SDTM DM variable RFXENDTC. While both of these dates reflect the concept of last exposure, the ADaM date may be derived to support the analysis which may not necessarily be the very last date in the SDTM EX domain.ADSL Product Timing 6ADSL
TRTETMTime of Last Exposure to ProductNumPermTime of last exposure to product for a subject in a study.ADSL Product Timing 7ADSL
TRTEDTMDatetime of Last Exposure to ProductNumCondDatetime of last exposure to product for a subject in a study. TRTEDT and/or TRTEDTM are required if there is an investigational product.ADSL Product Timing 8ADSL
TRTEDTFDate of Last Exposure Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of date of last exposure to product. If TRTEDT (or the date part of TRTEDTM) was imputed, TRTEDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 9ADSL
TRTETMFTime of Last Exposure Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of time of last exposure to product. If TRTETM (or the time part of TRTEDTM) was imputed, TRTETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 10ADSL
TRxxSDTDate of First Exposure in Period xxNumCondDate of first exposure to product in period xx. TRxxSDT and/or TRxxSDTM are only required in trial designs where multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P). Examples include crossover designs or designs where multiple periods exist for the same product.ADSL Product Timing 11ADSL
TRxxSTMTime of First Exposure in Period xxNumCondStarting time of exposure to product in period xx. TRxxSTM and/or TRxxSDTM are only required in trial designs where starting time is important to the analysis and multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P).ADSL Product Timing 12ADSL
TRxxSDTMDatetime of First Exposure in Period xxNumCondDatetime of first exposure to product in period xx. TRxxSDTM is only required in trial designs where multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P).ADSL Product Timing 13ADSL
TRxxSDTFDate 1st Exposure Period xx Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of date of first exposure to product in period xx. If TRxxSDT (or the date part of TRxxSDTM) was imputed, TRxxSDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 14ADSL
TRxxSTMFTime 1st Exposure Period xx Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of time of first exposure to product in period xx. If TRxxSTM (or the time part of TRxxSDTM) was imputed, TRxxSTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 15ADSL
TRxxEDTDate of Last Exposure in Period xxNumCondDate of last exposure to product in period xx. TRxxEDT and/or TRxxEDTM are only required in trial designs where multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P).ADSL Product Timing 16ADSL
TRxxETMTime of Last Exposure in Period xxNumCondEnding time of exposure to product in period xx. TRxxETM and/or TRxxEDTM are only required in trial designs where ending time is important to the analysis and multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P).ADSL Product Timing 17ADSL
TRxxEDTMDatetime of Last Exposure in Period xxNumCondDatetime of last exposure to product in period xx. TRxxEDTM is only required in trial designs where multiple product periods are defined (i.e., required when there is a TRTxxP other than TRT01P).ADSL Product Timing 18ADSL
TRxxEDTFDate Last Exposure Period xx Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of date of last exposure to product in period xx. If TRxxEDT (or the date part of TRxxEDTM) was imputed, TRxxEDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 19ADSL
TRxxETMFTime Last Exposure Period xx Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of time of last exposure to product in period xx. If TRxxETM (or the time part of TRxxEDTM) was imputed, TRxxETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Product Timing 20ADSL
ARMDescription of Planned ArmCharReqDM.ARMADSL Product 1ADSL
ACTARMDescription of Actual ArmCharPermDM.ACTARMADSL Product 2ADSL
TRTxxPPlanned Product for Period xxCharReqSubject-level identifier that represents the planned product for period xx. In a one-period randomized trial, TRT01P would be the product to which the subject was randomized. TRTxxP might be derived from the SDTM DM variable ARM. At least TRT01P is required. The xx in TRTxxP must be populated in numeric order such that if TRTxxP is present then TRT{xx-1}P must also be present (with the exception of TRT01P where TRT00P cannot be present).ADSL Product 3ADSL
TRTxxPNPlanned Product for Period xx (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTxxP. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTxxPN and TRTxxP within a study. \n TRTxxPN cannot be present unless TRTxxP is also present. When TRTxxP and TRTxxPN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 4ADSL
TRTxxAActual Product for Period xxCharCondSubject-level identifier that represents the actual product for the subject for period xx. Required when actual product does not match planned and there is an analysis of the data as treated. If TRTxxA is present then TRTxxP must also be present.ADSL Product 5ADSL
TRTxxANActual Product for Period xx (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTxxA. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTxxAN and TRTxxA within a study. \n TRTxxAN cannot be present unless TRTxxA is also present. When TRTxxA and TRTxxAN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 6ADSL
TRTSEQPPlanned Sequence of ProductsCharCondRequired when there is an analysis based on the sequence of products, for example in a crossover design. TRTSEQP is not necessarily equal to ARM, for example if ARM contains elements that are not relevant to analysis of products or ARM is not fully descriptive (e.g., "GROUP 1," "GROUP 2"). When analyzing based on the sequence of products, TRTSEQP is required even if identical to ARM.ADSL Product 7ADSL
TRTSEQPNPlanned Sequence of Products (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTSEQP. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTSEQPN and TRTSEQP within a study. \n TRTSEQPN cannot be present unless TRTSEQP is also present. When TRTSEQP and TRTSEQPN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 8ADSL
TRTSEQAActual Sequence of ProductsCharCondTRTSEQA is required if a situation occurred in the conduct of the trial where a subject received a sequence of products other than what was planned and there is an analysis based on the sequence of products.ADSL Product 9ADSL
TRTSEQANActual Sequence of Products (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTSEQA. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTSEQAN and TRTSEQA within a study. \n TRTSEQAN cannot be present unless TRTSEQA is also present. When TRTSEQA and TRTSEQAN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 10ADSL
TRxxPGyPlanned Pooled Product y for Period xxCharPermPlanned pooled product y for period xx. Useful when planned products (TRTxxP) in the specified period xx are pooled together for analysis according to pooling algorithm y. For example when in period 2 the first pooling algorithm dictates that all doses of Drug A (TR02PG1="All doses of Drug A") are pooled together for comparison to all doses of Drug B (TR02PG1="All doses of Drug B"). Each value of TRTxxP is pooled within at most one value of TRxxPGy.ADSL Product 11ADSL
TRxxPGyNPlanned Pooled Trt y for Period xx (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRxxPGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRxxPGyN and TRxxPGy within a study. \n TRxxPGyN cannot be present unless TRxxPGy is also present. When TRxxPGy and TRxxPGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 12ADSL
TRxxAGyActual Pooled Product y for Period xxCharCondActual pooled product y for period xx. Required when TRxxPGy is present and TRTxxA is present.ADSL Product 13ADSL
TRxxAGyNActual Pooled Trt y for Period xx (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRxxAGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRxxAGyN and TRxxAGy within a study. \n TRxxAGyN cannot be present unless TRxxAGy is also present. When TRxxAGy and TRxxAGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 14ADSL
TSEQPGyPlanned Pooled Product Sequence yCharPermPlanned pooled product sequence y. Useful when planned product sequences (TRTSEQP) are pooled together for analysis according to pooling algorithm y. For example, this might be used in an analysis of an extension study when the analysis is based on what the subject received in the parent study as well as in the extension study.ADSL Product 15ADSL
TSEQPGyNPlanned Pooled Product Sequence y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TSEQPGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TSEQPGyN and TSEQPGy within a study. \n TSEQPGyN cannot be present unless TSEQPGy is also present. When TSEQPGy and TSEQPGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 16ADSL
TSEQAGyActual Pooled Product Sequence yCharCondActual pooled product sequence y. Required when TSEQPGy is present and TRTSEQA is present.ADSL Product 17ADSL
TSEQAGyNActual Pooled Product Sequence y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TSEQAGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TSEQAGyN and TSEQAGy within a study. \n TSEQAGyN cannot be present unless TSEQAGy is also present. When TSEQAGy and TSEQAGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Product 18ADSL
STRATARStrata Used for RandomizationCharPermSTRATAR contains the combination of values of the individual stratification factors used for randomization. The exact format should be determined by the applicant. \n This variable is intended for studies that use stratified randomization. \n For example, ">=50, Product experienced, N"ADSL Stratification 1ADSL
STRATARNStrata Used for Randomization (N)NumPermNumeric representation of STRATAR. For example, STRATARN=3 when STRATAR=">=50, Product experienced, N". There must be a one-to-one relationship between STRATARN and STRATAR within a study. \n STRATARN cannot be present unless STRATAR is also present. When STRATAR and STRATARN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Stratification 2ADSL
STRATwDDescription of Stratification Factor wCharPermSTRATwD is a full text description of the stratification factor "w". This text description will remain constant for all subjects. These descriptive variables are included to quickly and clearly communicate critical study design information as well as to facilitate integration. \n For example, STRAT3D="Hypertension"ADSL Stratification 3ADSL
STRATwRStrat Factor w Value Used for RandCharPermSTRATwR is the subject-level value of the "w'th" stratification factor used for randomization. \n For example, STRAT3R="N"ADSL Stratification 4ADSL
STRATwRNStrat Factor w Value Used for Rand (N)NumPermNumeric representation of STRATwR. For example, STRAT3RN=0 when STRAT3R="N". There must be a one-to-one relationship between STRATwRN and STRATwR within a study. \n STRATwRN cannot be present unless STRATwR is also present. When STRATwR and STRATwRN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Stratification 5ADSL
STRATAVStrata from Verification SourceCharPermSTRATAV contains the entire string value represents the combination of values of the individual stratification factors that should have been used and represents the "as verified" value. The STRATAV variables are based on the source documentation and are determined after randomization. If the values used for the randomization of a given subject were all correct, then STRATAV will equal STRATAR. Otherwise, one or more components of the text string for STRATAR and STRATAV will be different. \n The exact format should be determined by the applicant. \n For example, ">=50, Product experienced, Y"ADSL Stratification 6ADSL
STRATAVNStrata from Verification Source (N)NumPermNumeric representation of STRATAV. For example, STRATAVN=4 when STRATVR=">=50, Product experienced, Y". There must be a one-to-one relationship between STRATAVN and STRATAV within a study. \n STRATAVN cannot be present unless STRATAV is also present. When STRATAV and STRATAVN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Stratification 7ADSL
STRATwVStrat Factor w Value from Verif SourceCharPermSTRATwV is the "as verified" subject-level value of the "w'th" stratification factor. If the value based on randomization was correct, then STRATwV will equal STRATwR. \n For example, STRAT3V="Y"ADSL Stratification 8ADSL
STRATwVNStrat Fact w Val from Verif Source (N)NumPermNumeric representation of STRATwV. For example, STRAT3VN=1 when STRAT3V="Y". There must be a one-to-one relationship between STRATwVN and STRATwV within a study. \n STRATwVN cannot be present unless STRATwV is also present. When STRATwV and STRATwVN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. \nADSL Stratification 9ADSL
AGEAgeNumReqDM.AGE. If analysis needs require a derived age that does not match DM.AGE, then AAGE must be addedADSL Subject Demographics 1ADSL
AGEUAge UnitsChar(AGEU)ReqDM.AGEUADSL Subject Demographics 2ADSL
AGEGRyPooled Age Group yCharPermCharacter description of a grouping or pooling of the subject's age for analysis purposes. For example, AGEGR1 might have values of "<18", "18-65", and ">65"; AGEGR2 might have values of "Less than 35 y old" and "At least 35 y old".ADSL Subject Demographics 3ADSL
AGEGRyNPooled Age Group y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of AGEGRy. Orders the grouping or pooling of subject age for analysis and reporting. There must be a one-to-one relationship between AGEGRyN and AGEGRy within a study. \n AGEGRyN cannot be present unless AGEGRy is also present. When AGEGRy and AGEGRyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Subject Demographics 4ADSL
AAGEAnalysis AgeNumCondAge used for analysis that may be derived differently than DM.AGE. AAGE is required if age is calculated differently than DM.AGE.ADSL Subject Demographics 5ADSL
SEXSexChar(SEX)ReqDM.SEX.ADSL Subject Demographics 6ADSL
RACERaceChar(RACE)ReqDM.RACE.ADSL Subject Demographics 7ADSL
RACEGRyPooled Race Group yCharPermCharacter description of a grouping or pooling of the subject's race for analysis purposes.ADSL Subject Demographics 8ADSL
RACEGRyNPooled Race Group y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of RACEGRy. Orders the grouping or pooling of subject race for analysis and reporting. There must be a one-to-one relationship between RACEGRyN and RACEGRy within a study. \n RACEGRyN cannot be present unless RACEGRy is also present. When RACEGRy and RACEGRyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Subject Demographics 9ADSL
EOSSTTEnd of Study StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of study or data cutoff. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.ADSL Trial Experience 1ADSL
EOSDTEnd of Study DateNumPermDate subject ended the study—either date of completion or date of discontinuation or data cutoff date for interim analyses.ADSL Trial Experience 2ADSL
DCSREASReason for Discontinuation from StudyCharPermReason for subject's discontinuation from study. The source would most likely be the SDTM DS dataset. Null for subjects who completed the study.ADSL Trial Experience 3ADSL
DCSREASPReason Spec for Discont from StudyCharPermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from study (e.g., description of "other").ADSL Trial Experience 4ADSL
EOTSTTEnd of Product StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of product or data cutoff. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.ADSL Trial Experience 5ADSL
DCTREASReason for Discontinuation of ProductCharPermIf a subject discontinued product in the study, then this variable indicates the reason for discontinuation. This is for discontinuation of product in the overall study and not to be used for discontinuation reason within individual product periods.ADSL Trial Experience 6ADSL
DCTREASPReason Specify for Discont of ProductCharPermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from product (e.g., description of "other").ADSL Trial Experience 7ADSL
EOTxxSTTEnd of Product Status in Period xxChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's product status as of the end of period xx, or data cutoff if within period xx. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.ADSL Trial Experience 8ADSL
DCTxxRSReason for Discont of Prd in Period xxCharPermReason for discontinuing product in period xx.ADSL Trial Experience 9ADSL
DCTxxRSPReason Spec for Disc of Prd in Period xxCharPermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation of product in period xx (e.g., description of "other").ADSL Trial Experience 10ADSL
EOPxxSTTEnd of Period xx StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of period xx, or data cutoff if within period xx. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.ADSL Trial Experience 11ADSL
DCPxxRSReason for Discont from Period xxCharPermReason for discontinuing analysis period xx.ADSL Trial Experience 12ADSL
DCPxxRSPReason Spec for Discont from Period xxCharPermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from period xx (e.g., description of "other").ADSL Trial Experience 13ADSL
RFICDTDate of Informed ConsentNumPermDate subject gave informed consent. Generally equivalent to DM.RFICDTC.ADSL Trial Experience 14ADSL
ENRLDTDate of EnrollmentNumPermDate of subject's enrollment into trial.ADSL Trial Experience 15ADSL
RANDDTDate of RandomizationNumCondRequired in randomized trials.ADSL Trial Experience 16ADSL
RFICyDTDate of Informed Consent yNumPermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple consent dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in RFICDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.ADSL Trial Experience 17ADSL
ENRLyDTDate of Enrollment yNumPermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple enrollment dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in ENRLDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.ADSL Trial Experience 18ADSL
RANDyDTDate of Randomization yNumPermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple randomization dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in RANDDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.ADSL Trial Experience 19ADSL
LSTALVDTDate Last Known AliveNumPermIf this variable is included in ADSL, the best practice is to populate it for everyone. If the derivation for subjects who died differs from the derivation for subjects who are not known to have died, the differences should be noted in metadata.ADSL Trial Experience 20ADSL
TRCMPProduct Compliance (%)NumPermOverall percent compliance with product in the trial. TRCMP may be useful for inclusion in ADSL for reasons such as defining subgroups and/or populations.ADSL Trial Experience 21ADSL
TRCMPGyProduct Compliance (%) Group yCharPermGrouping "y" of TRCMP, product compliance percentage.ADSL Trial Experience 22ADSL
TRCMPGyNProduct Compliance (%) Group y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of product compliance (%) grouping "y". There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRCMPGyN and TRCMPGy within a study. \n TRCMPGyN cannot be present unless TRCMPGy is also present. When TRCMPGy and TRCMPGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Trial Experience 23ADSL
TRxxDURDProduct Duration in Period xx (Days)NumPermProduct duration for period xx as measured in days. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 24ADSL
TRxxDURMProduct Duration in Period xx (Months)NumPermProduct duration for period xx, as measure in months. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 25ADSL
TRxxDURYProduct Duration in Period xx (Years)NumPermProduct duration for period xx, as measured in years. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 26ADSL
TRTDURDTotal Product Duration (Days)NumPermTotal product duration, as measured in days. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 27ADSL
TRTDURMTotal Product Duration (Months)NumPermTotal product duration, as measured in months. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 28ADSL
TRTDURYTotal Product Duration (Years)NumPermTotal product duration, as measured in years. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.ADSL Trial Experience 29ADSL
DTHDTDate of DeathNumPermDate of subject's death. Derived from DM.DTHDTC.ADSL Trial Experience 30ADSL
DTHDTFDate of Death Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondImputation flag for date of subject's death. If DTHDT was imputed, DTHDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.ADSL Trial Experience 31ADSL
DTHCAUSCause of DeathCharPermCause of Death.ADSL Trial Experience 32ADSL
DTHCAUSNCause of Death (N)NumPermNumeric representation of cause of death. There must be a one-to-one relationship between DTHCAUSN and DTHCAUS within a study. \n DTHCAUSN cannot be present unless DTHCAUS is also present. When DTHCAUS and DTHCAUSN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Trial Experience 33ADSL
DTHCGRyCause of Death Group yCharPermGrouping "y" of DTHCAUS, the subject's cause of death.ADSL Trial Experience 34ADSL
DTHCGRyNCause of Death Group y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of grouping "y" of the subject's cause of death. There must be a one-to-one relationship between DTHCGRyN and DTHCGRy within a study. \n DTHCGyN cannot be present unless DTHCGy is also present. When DTHCGy and DTHCGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.ADSL Trial Experience 35ADSL
DTYPEDerivation TypeChar(DTYPE)CondAnalysis value derivation method. DTYPE is used to denote, and must be populated, when the value of AVAL or AVALC has been imputed or derived differently than the other analysis values within the parameter. DTYPE is required to be populated even if AVAL and AVALC are null on the derived record. \n Three common situations when DTYPE should be populated: \n * A new row is added within a parameter with the analysis value populated based on other rows within the parameter. \n * A new row is added within a parameter with the analysis value populated based on a constant value or data from other subjects. \n * An analysis value (AVAL or AVALC) on an existing record is being replaced with a value based on a pre-specified algorithm. \n DTYPE is used to denote analysis values that are "special cases" within a parameter. For each value of DTYPE, the precise derivation algorithm must be defined in analysis variable metadata, even for DTYPE values in the CDISC Controlled Terminology. The controlled terminology for DTYPE is extensible. \n Some examples of DTYPE values:LOCF = last observation carried forwardWOCF = worst observation carried forwardAVERAGE = average of values Analysis Descriptor 1BDS
CRITyAnalysis Criterion yCharPermA text string identifying a pre-specified criterion within a parameter, for example SYSBP > 90. Required if CRITyFL is present. In some cases, the presence of the text string indicates that the criterion is satisfied on this record and CRITyFL is set to Y, while a null value indicates that the criterion is not satisfied or is not evaluable and is accompanied by a null value in CRITyFL. In other cases, the text string identifies the criterion being evaluated and is populated on every row for the parameter, but whether or not the criterion is satisfied is indicated by the value of the variable CRITyFL. See CRITyFL and CRITyFN. \n Refer to Section, Identification of Records Used for Analysis, for additional discussion of CRITy, CRITyFL and CRITyFN. Analysis Parameter Criteria 1BDS
CRITyFLCriterion y Evaluation Result FlagCharY or Y, NCondCharacter flag variable indicating whether the criterion defined in CRITy was met by the data on the record. See CRITy for more information regarding how to use CRITy and CRITyFL to indicate whether a criterion is met. Required if CRITy is present. \n Refer to Section, Identification of Records Used for Analysis, for additional discussion. Analysis Parameter Criteria 2BDS
CRITyFNCriterion y Evaluation Result Flag (N)Num1 or 1, 0PermNumeric representation of CRITyFL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between CRITyFN and CRITyFL within a parameter. \n CRITyFN cannot be present unless CRITyFL is also present. When CRITyFL and CRITyFN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter Criteria 3BDS
MCRITyAnalysis Multi-Response Criterion yCharPermA text string identifying a pre-specified criterion within a parameter, where the criterion can have multiple responses (as opposed to CRITy which has binary responses). Required if MCRITyML is present. For example, the grade of a lab analyte is compared to the baseline grade, with the possible conditions being 0 to 1, 0 to 2, etc. The text string identifies the criterion being evaluated (for example, "Grade increase") and is populated on every row for the parameter; which level of the criterion is satisfied is indicated by the value of the variable MCRITyML (for example "0 to 1", "0 to 2", etc.). \n See MCRITyML and MCRITyMN below, and refer to Section, Identification of Records Used for Analysis, for additional discussion of MCRITy, MCRITyML, and MCRITyMN. Analysis Parameter Criteria 4BDS
MCRITyMLMulti-Response Criterion y EvaluationCharCondCharacter variable indicating which level of the criterion defined in MCRITy was met by the data on the record. See MCRITy for more information regarding how to use MCRITy and MCRITyML to indicate whether a criterion was met. Content is applicant-defined. Required if MCRITy is present. Analysis Parameter Criteria 5BDS
MCRITyMNMulti-Response Criterion y Eval (N)NumPermNumeric representation of MCRITyML. There must be a one-to-one relationship between MCRITyMN and MCRITyML within a parameter. Content is applicant-defined. \n MCRITyMN cannot be present unless MCRITyML is also present. When MCRITyML and MCRITyMN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter Criteria 6BDS
PARAMParameterCharReqThe description of the analysis parameter. PARAM must include all descriptive and qualifying information relevant to the analysis purpose of the parameter. \n Some examples are: "Supine Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)", "Log10 (Weight (kg))", "Time to First Hypertension Event (Days)", and "Estimated Tumor Growth Rate". PARAM should be sufficient to describe unambiguously the contents of AVAL and/or AVALC. \n Examples of qualifying information that might be relevant to analysis, and are therefore candidates for inclusion in PARAM, are units, specimen type, location, position, machine type, and transformation function. There is no need to include qualifiers that are not relevant to the analysis of PARAM. In contrast to SDTM --TEST, no additional variable is needed to further qualify PARAM. \n PARAM is restricted to a maximum of 200 characters. If the value of PARAM will be used as a variable label in a transposed dataset, then the producer may wish to limit the value of PARAM to 40 characters. Such limitation to 40 characters should not compromise the integrity of the description. \n PARAM is often directly usable in Clinical Study Report displays. Note that in the ADaMIG, "parameter" is a synonym of "analysis parameter." \n PARAM must be present and populated on every record in a BDS dataset. Analysis Parameter 1BDS
PARAMCDParameter CodeCharReqThe short name of the analysis parameter in PARAM. The values of PARAMCD must be no more than 8 characters in length, start with a letter (not underscore), and be comprised only of letters (A-Z), underscore (_), and numerals (0-9). These constraints will allow for a BDS dataset to be transposed in such a way that the values of PARAMCD can be used as valid ADaM variable names per Section, General Variable Conventions. There must be a one-to-one relationship between PARAM and PARAMCD within a dataset. \n PARAMCD must be present and populated on every record in a BDS dataset. Analysis Parameter 2BDS
PARAMNParameter (N)NumPermNumeric representation of PARAM. Useful for ordering and programmatic manipulation. There must be a one-to-one relationship between PARAM and PARAMN within a dataset for all parameters where PARAMN is populated. \n if PARAMN is populated on any record for a PARAM, it must be populated on every record for that PARAM. Analysis Parameter 3BDS
PARCATyParameter Category yCharPermA categorization of PARAM within a dataset. For example, values of PARCAT1 might group the parameters having to do with a particular questionnaire, lab specimen type, or area of investigation. Note that PARCATy is not a qualifier for PARAM. PARAM to PARCATy is a many-to-one mapping; any given PARAM may be associated with at most one level of PARCATy (e.g., one level of PARCAT1 and one level of PARCAT2). Analysis Parameter 4BDS
PARCATyNParameter Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of PARCATy. Useful for the ordering of values of PARCATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between PARCATy and PARCATyN within a dataset. \n PARCATyN cannot be present unless PARCATy is also present. When PARCATy and PARCATyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 5BDS
AVALAnalysis ValueNumCondNumeric analysis value described by PARAM. On a given record, it is permissible for AVAL, AVALC, or both to be null. AVAL is required if AVALC is not present, since either AVAL or AVALC must be present in the dataset. Analysis Parameter 6BDS
AVALCAnalysis Value (C)CharCondCharacter analysis value described by PARAM. AVALC can be a character string mapping to AVAL, but if so there must be a one-to-one relationship between AVAL and AVALC within a given PARAM. AVALC should not be used to categorize the values of AVAL. Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both AVALC and AVAL are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between AVALC and AVAL on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either AVAL or AVALC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for AVAL, AVALC, or both to be null. \n AVALC is required if AVAL is not present, since either AVAL or AVALC must be present in the dataset. Analysis Parameter 7BDS
AVALCATyAnalysis Value Category yCharPermA categorization of AVAL or AVALC within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to AVAL and/or AVALC. For example, if PARAM is "Headache Severity" and AVAL has values 0, 1, 2, or 3, AVALCAT1 can categorize AVAL into "None or Mild" (for AVAL 0 or 1) and "Moderate or Severe" (for AVAL 2 or 3). AVALCATy is parameter variant. Analysis Parameter 8BDS
AVALCAyNAnalysis Value Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of AVALCATy. Useful for ordering of values of AVALCATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between AVALCAyN and AVALCATy within a parameter. \n AVALCAyN cannot be present unless AVALCATy is also present. When AVALCATy and AVALCAyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 9BDS
BASEBaseline ValueNumCondThe subject's baseline analysis value for a parameter and baseline definition (i.e., BASETYPE) if present. BASE contains the value of AVAL copied from a record within the parameter on which ABLFL = "Y". Required if dataset supports analysis or review of numeric baseline value or functions of numeric baseline value. If BASE is populated for a parameter, and BASE is non-null for a subject for that parameter, then there must be a record flagged by ABLFL for that subject and parameter. Note that a baseline record may be derived (e.g., it may be an average) in which case DTYPE must be populated on the baseline record. Analysis Parameter 10BDS
BASECBaseline Value (C)CharPermThe subject's baseline value of AVALC for a parameter and baseline definition (i.e., BASETYPE) if present. May be needed when AVALC is of interest. BASEC contains the value of AVALC copied from a record within the parameter on which ABLFL = "Y". If both AVAL and AVALC are populated within a parameter, the baseline record for AVALC must be the same record as that for AVAL. \n Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both BASEC and BASE are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between BASEC and BASE on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either BASE or BASEC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for BASE, BASEC, or both to be null. Analysis Parameter 11BDS
BASECATyBaseline Category yCharPermA categorization of BASE or BASEC within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to BASE or BASEC. For example, if PARAM is "Headache Severity" and AVAL has values 0, 1, 2, or 3, BASECAT1 can categorize BASE into "None or Mild" (for BASE 0 or 1) and "Moderate or Severe" (for BASE 2 or 3). Analysis Parameter 12BDS
BASECAyNBaseline Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of BASECATy. Useful for ordering of values of BASECATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between BASECAyN and BASECATy within a parameter. \n BASECAyN cannot be present unless BASECATy is also present. When BASECATy and BASECAyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 13BDS
BASETYPEBaseline TypeCharCondProducer-defined text describing the definition of baseline relevant to the value of BASE on the current record. Required when there are multiple ways that baseline is defined. If used for any PARAM within a dataset, it must be non-null for all records for that PARAM within that dataset where either BASE or BASEC are also non-null. Analysis Parameter 14BDS
CHGChange from BaselineNumPermChange from baseline analysis value. Equal to AVAL-BASE. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of CHG is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 15BDS
CHGCATyChange from Baseline Category yCharPermA categorization of CHG within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to CHG. The definition of CHGCATy may vary by PARAM. For example, CHGCAT1 may be used to categorize CHG with respect to ranges of change in SYSBP; "-10 to -5 mm Hg", "-5 to 0 mm Hg" categories. Analysis Parameter 16BDS
CHGCATyNChange from Baseline Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of CHGCATy. Useful for ordering of values of CHGCATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between CHGCATyN and CHGCATy within a parameter. \n CHGCATyN cannot be present unless CHGCATy is also present. When CHGCATy and CHGCATyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 17BDS
PCHGPercent Change from BaselineNumPermPercent change from baseline analysis value. Equal to ((AVAL-BASE)/BASE)*100. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated (when calculable) for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of PCHG is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 18BDS
PCHGCATyPercent Chg from Baseline Category yCharPermA categorization of PCHG within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to PCHG. The definition of PCHGCATy may vary by PARAM. For example, PCHGCAT1 may be used to categorize PCHG with respect to ranges of change in SYSBP; ">5%", ">10%" categories. Analysis Parameter 19BDS
PCHGCAyNPercent Chg from Baseline Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of PCHGCATy. Useful for ordering of values of PCHGCATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between PCHGCAyN and PCHGCATy within a parameter. \n PCHGCAyN cannot be present unless PCHGCATy is also present. When PCHGCATy and PCHGCAyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 20BDS
R2BASERatio to BaselineNumPermRatio to the baseline value. Equal to AVAL / BASE. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of R2BASE is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 21BDS
R2AyLORatio to Analysis Range y Lower LimitNumPermRatio to the lower limit of the analysis range y. Equal to AVAL / AyLO. AyLO must exist in the ADaM dataset. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of R2AyLO is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 22BDS
R2AyHIRatio to Analysis Range y Upper LimitNumPermRatio to the upper limit of the analysis range y. Equal to AVAL / AyHI. AyHI must exist in the ADaM dataset. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of R2AyHI is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 23BDS
SHIFTyShift yCharPermA shift in values depending on the defined pairing for group y within a parameter. SHIFTy can only be based on the change in value of any of the following pairs (BASECATy, AVALCATy), (BNRIND, ANRIND), (ByIND, AyIND), (BTOXGR, ATOXGR), (BTOXGRL, ATOXGRL), (BTOXGRH, ATOXGRH), (BASE, AVAL) or (BASEC, AVALC). Useful for shift tables. For example, "NORMAL to HIGH". If used for a given PARAM, should be populated (when calculable) for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate baseline and pre-baseline values of SHIFTy is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 24BDS
SHIFTyNShift y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of SHIFTy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between SHIFTyN and SHIFTy within a parameter.SHIFTyN cannot be present unless SHIFTy is also present. When SHIFTy and SHIFTyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.If SHIFTyN is used for a given PARAM, SHIFTy and SHIFTyN should be populated (when calculable) for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. Analysis Parameter 25BDS
BCHGChange to BaselineNumPermChange to baseline analysis value. Equal to BASE-AVAL. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of BCHG is left to producer choice. Analysis Parameter 26BDS
BCHGCATyChange to Baseline Category yCharPermA categorization of BCHG within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to BCHG. The definition of BCHGCATy may vary by PARAM. For example, BCHGCAT1 may be used to categorize BCHG with respect to ranges of change in SYSBP; "-10 to -5 mm Hg", "-5 to 0 mm Hg" categories. Analysis Parameter 27BDS
BCHGCAyNChange to Baseline Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of BCHGCATy. Useful for ordering of values of BCHGCATy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between BCHGCAyN and BCHGCATy within a parameter. \n BCHGCAyN cannot be present unless BCHGCATy is also present. When BCHGCATy and BCHGCAyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 28BDS
PBCHGPercent Change to BaselineNumPermPercent change to baseline analysis value. Equal to ((BASE-AVAL)/AVAL)*100. If used for a given PARAM, should be populated (when calculable) for all post-baseline records of that PARAM regardless of whether that record is used for analysis. The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of PBCHG is left to producer choice Analysis Parameter 29BDS
PBCHGCAyPercent Change to Baseline Category yCharPermA categorization of PBCHG within a parameter. Not necessarily a one-to-one mapping to PBCHG. The definition of PBCHGCAy may vary by PARAM. For example, PBCHGCA1 may be used to categorize PBCHG with respect to ranges of change in SYSBP; ">5%", ">10%" categories. Analysis Parameter 30BDS
PBCHGCyNPercent Change to Baseline Category y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of PBCHGCAy. Useful for ordering of values of PBCHGCAy or for other purposes. There must be a one-to-one relationship between PBCHGCyN and PBCHGCAy within a parameter. \n PBCHGCyN cannot be present unless PBCHGCAy is also present. When PBCHGCAy and PBCHGCyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Analysis Parameter 31BDS
AWRANGEAnalysis Window Valid Relative RangeCharPermThe range of values that are valid for a given analysis timepoint (a given value of AVISIT). For example, "5-9 DAYS". Analysis Visit Windowing 1BDS
AWTARGETAnalysis Window TargetNumPermThe target or most desired analysis relative day (ADY) value or analysis relative time (ARELTM) value for a given value of AVISIT. Analysis Visit Windowing 2BDS
AWTDIFFAnalysis Window Diff from TargetNumPermAbsolute difference between ADY or ARELTM and AWTARGET. It will be necessary to adjust for the fact that there is no Day 0 in the event that ADY and AWTARGET are not of the same sign. \n If the sign of the difference is important, then AWTDIFF might have to be used in conjunction with ADY or ARELTM and possibly AWTARGET when choosing among records. Analysis Visit Windowing 3BDS
AWLOAnalysis Window Beginning TimepointNumPermThe value of the beginning timepoint (inclusive) needs to be used in conjunction to AWRANGE. For example, if AWRANGE is "5-9 DAYS", then AWLO is "5". Analysis Visit Windowing 4BDS
AWHIAnalysis Window Ending TimepointNumPermThe value of the ending timepoint (inclusive) needs to be used in conjunction to AWRANGE. For example, if AWRANGE is "5-9 DAYS", then AWHI is "9". Analysis Visit Windowing 5BDS
AWUAnalysis Window UnitCharPermUnit used for AWTARGET, AWTDIFF, AWLO and AWHI. Examples: DAYS, HOURS. Analysis Visit Windowing 6BDS
SRCDOMSource DataCharPermThe SDTM domain name or ADaM dataset name that relates to the analysis value (i.e., AVAL or AVALC in a BDS dataset). If the source data is a supplemental qualifier in SDTM, this variable will contain the value of RDOMAIN in SUPP-- or SUPPQUAL. Datapoint Traceability 1BDS
SRCVARSource VariableCharPermThe name of the column (in the domain or dataset identified by SRCDOM) that relates to the analysis value (i.e., AVAL or AVALC in a BDS dataset). In the event that SRCDOM is a SUPPQUAL, then SRCVAR will be populated with the value of the related QNAM. Datapoint Traceability 2BDS
SRCSEQSource Sequence NumberNumPermThe sequence number --SEQ or ASEQ of the row (in the domain or dataset identified by SRCDOM) that relates to the analysis value (i.e., AVAL or AVALC in a BDS dataset). In the event that SRCDOM is a SUPPQUAL, then this variable will contain the sequence number of the relevant related domain record. Datapoint Traceability 3BDS
ABLFLBaseline Record FlagCharYCondCharacter indicator to identify the baseline record for each subject, parameter, and baseline type (BASETYPE) combination. See Section, Analysis Parameter Variables for BDS Datasets. ABLFL is required if BASE is present in the dataset. \n A baseline record may be derived (e.g., may be an average), in which case DTYPE must also be populated. If BASE is populated for a parameter, and BASE is non-null for a subject for that parameter, then there must be a record flagged by ABLFL for that subject and parameter. Flag 1BDS
ABLFNBaseline Record Flag (N)Num1PermNumeric representation of ABLFL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ABLFN and ABLFL. \n ABLFN cannot be present unless ABLFL is also present. When ABLFL and ABLFN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Flag 2BDS
ANLzzFLAnalysis Flag zzCharYCondas SITEGRy, and others. The lower-case letter "zz" in the variable name is an index for the zzth record selection algorithm where "zz" is replaced with a zero-padded two-digit integer [01-99]. Every record selection algorithm "zz" (i.e., every algorithm for populating an ANLzzFL) must be defined in variable metadata. When the set of records that the algorithm "zz" operates on is pre-filtered by application of other criteria, such as a record-level population flag, then the selection algorithm definition in the metadata must so specify. \n Note that the ANLzzFL value of Y indicates that the record fulfilled the requirements of the algorithm, but does not necessarily imply that the record was actually used in one or more analyses, as whether or not a record is used also depends on the other selection variables applied. The ANLzzFL flag is useful in many circumstances; an example is when there is more than one record for an analysis timepoint within a subject and parameter, as it can be used to identify the record chosen to represent the timepoint for an analysis. "zz" is an index for a record selection algorithm, such as "record closest to target relative day for the AVISIT, with ties broken by the latest record, for each AVISIT within <list of AVISITS>." \n Note that it is not required that a specific ANLzzFL variable has the same definition across a project or even across datasets within a study. There is also no requirement that the ANLzzFL variables in a dataset or study be used in numerical order; e.g. ANL02FL might occur in a dataset or study without ANL01FL present in the same dataset or study. Flag 3BDS
ANLzzFNAnalysis Flag zz (N)Num1PermNumeric representation of ANLzzFL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ANLzzFN and ANLzzFL within a dataset. \n ANLzzFN cannot be present unless ANLzzFL is also present. When ANLzzFL and ANLzzFN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Flag 4BDS
ONTRTFLOn Product Record FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator of whether the observation occurred while the subject was on product. ONTRTFL is producer-defined, and its definition may vary across datasets in a study based on analysis needs. Flag 5BDS
ONTRTFNOn Product Record Flag (N)Num1PermNumeric representation of ONTRTFL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ONTRTFN and ONTRTFL within a dataset. \n ONTRTFN cannot be present unless ONTRTFL is also present. When ONTRTFL and ONTRTFN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Flag 6BDS
LVOTFLLast Value On Product Record FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator of the subject's last non-missing value on product for each parameter. Flag 7BDS
LVOTFNLast Value On Product Record Flag (N)Num1PermNumeric representation of LVOTFL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between LVOTFN and LVOTFL within a dataset. \n LVOTFN cannot be present unless LVOTFL is also present. When LVOTFL and LVOTFN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Flag 8BDS
STUDYIDStudy IdentifierCharReqDM.STUDYID, ADSL STUDYID, and/or STUDYID from another ADaM or SDTM dataset appropriate to the analysis. Identifier 1BDS
USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierCharReqDM.USUBJID, ADSL.USUBJID, and/or USUBJID from another ADaM or SDTM dataset appropriate to the analysis. Identifier 2BDS
SUBJIDSubject Identifier for the StudyCharPermDM.SUBJID, ADSL.SUBJID, and/or SUBJID from another ADaM dataset appropriate to the analysis. SUBJID is required in ADSL, but permissible in other datasets. Identifier 3BDS
SITEIDStudy Site IdentifierCharPermDM.SITEID, ADSL.SITEID, and/or SITEID from another ADaM dataset appropriate to the analysis. SITEID is required in ADSL, but permissible in other datasets. Identifier 4BDS
ASEQAnalysis Sequence NumberNumPermSequence number given to ensure uniqueness of subject records within an ADaM dataset. As long as values are unique within a subject within the dataset, any valid number can be used for ASEQ. ASEQ uniquely indexes records within a subject within an ADaM dataset. \n ASEQ is useful for traceability when the dataset is used as input to another ADaM dataset. To refer to a record in a predecessor ADaM dataset, set SRCDOM to the name of the predecessor dataset, and set SRCSEQ to the value of ASEQ in the predecessor dataset. Identifier 5BDS
APERSDTPeriod Start DateNumPermThe starting date for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 1BDS
APERSTMPeriod Start TimeNumPermThe starting time for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 2BDS
APERSDTMPeriod Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 3BDS
APERSDTFPeriod Start Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period start date. If APERSDT (or the date part of APERSDTM) was imputed, APERSDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 4BDS
APERSTMFPeriod Start Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period start time. If APERSTM (or the time part of APERSDTM) was imputed, APERSTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 5BDS
APEREDTPeriod End DateNumPermThe ending date for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 6BDS
APERETMPeriod End TimeNumPermThe ending time for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 7BDS
APEREDTMPeriod End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime for the period defined by APERIOD. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 8BDS
APEREDTFPeriod End Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period end date. If APEREDT (or the date part of APEREDTM) was imputed, APEREDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 9BDS
APERETMFPeriod End Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of period end time. If APERETM (or the time part of APEREDTM) was imputed, APERETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 10BDS
ASPRSDTSubperiod Start DateNumPermThe starting date for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 11BDS
ASPRSTMSubperiod Start TimeNumPermThe starting time for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 12BDS
ASPRSDTMSubperiod Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 13BDS
ASPRSDTFSubperiod Start Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of subperiod start date. If ASPRSDT (or the date part of ASPRSDTM) was imputed, ASPRSDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 14BDS
ASPRSTMFSubperiod Start Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of subperiod start time. If ASPRSTM (or the time part of ASPRSDTM) was imputed, ASPRSTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 15BDS
ASPREDTSubperiod End DateNumPermThe ending date for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 16BDS
ASPRETMSubperiod End TimeNumPermThe ending time for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 17BDS
ASPREDTMSubperiod End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime for the subperiod defined by ASPER. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 18BDS
ASPREDTFSubperiod End Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of subperiod end date. If ASPREDT (or the date part of ASPREDTM) was imputed, ASPREDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 19BDS
ASPRETMFSubperiod End Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of subperiod end time. If ASPRETM (or the time part of ASPREDTM) was imputed, ASPRETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 20BDS
PHSDTPhase Start DateNumPermThe starting date for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 21BDS
PHSTMPhase Start TimeNumPermThe starting time for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 22BDS
PHSDTMPhase Start DatetimeNumPermThe starting datetime for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 23BDS
PHSDTFPhase Start Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of phase start date. If PHSDT (or the date part of PHSDTM) was imputed, PHSDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 24BDS
PHSTMFPhase Start Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of phase start time. If PHSTM (or the time part of PHSDTM) was imputed, PHSTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 25BDS
PHEDTPhase End DateNumPermThe ending date for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 26BDS
PHETMPhase End TimeNumPermThe ending time for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 27BDS
PHEDTMPhase End DatetimeNumPermThe ending datetime for the phase defined by APHASE. Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 28BDS
PHEDTFPhase End Date Imput. FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of phase end date. If PHEDT (or the date part of PHEDTM) was imputed, PHEDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 29BDS
PHETMFPhase End Time Imput. FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of phase end time. If PHETM (or the time part of PHEDTM) was imputed, PHETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables . Period, Subperiod, and Phase Start and End Timing 30BDS
ITTRFLIntent-To-Treat Record-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific record. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are records for the subject that do not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these record-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators1BDS
SAFRFLSafety Analysis Record-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific record. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are records for the subject that do not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these record-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators2BDS
FASRFLFull Analysis Set Record-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific record. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are records for the subject that do not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these record-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators3BDS
PPROTRFLPer-Protocol Record-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific record. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are records for the subject that do not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these record-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators4BDS
COMPLRFLCompleters Record-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific record. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are records for the subject that do not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these record-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators5BDS
ITTPFLIntent-To-Treat Parameter-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific parameter. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are parameters for which the subject does not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these parameter-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators6BDS
SAFPFLSafety Analysis Parameter-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific parameter. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are parameters for which the subject does not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these parameter-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators7BDS
FASPFLFull Analysis Set Parameter-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific parameter. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are parameters for which the subject does not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these parameter-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators8BDS
PPROTPFLPer-Protocol Parameter-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific parameter. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are parameters for which the subject does not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these parameter-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators9BDS
COMPLPFLCompleters Parameter-Level FlagCharYPermThese indicators identify whether or not the subject was in the specified analysis for the specific parameter. Useful when the subject is included in the subject-level population, but there are parameters for which the subject does not satisfy requirements for the population. \n The valid values of these parameter-level population indicators are Y or null. If a flag is used, the corresponding numeric version (*FN, where 1=Yes) of the flag can also be included. As described in Item 8 in Section 3.1.1 , the *FN version of the variable can be included only if the corresponding *FL is also included. \n Additional indicators may also be used; refer to Section 3.1.4, . Population Indicators10BDS
DOSEPPlanned Product DoseNumPermDOSEP represents the planned product dosage associated with the record. Record-Level Dose 1BDS
DOSCUMPCumulative Planned Product DoseNumPermCumulative planned dosage of product for the subject at the point in time of the record (e.g., ADT). Record-Level Dose 2BDS
DOSEAActual Product DoseNumPermDOSEA represents the actual product dosage associated with the record. Record-Level Dose 3BDS
DOSCUMACumulative Actual Product DoseNumPermCumulative actual dosage of product for the subject at the point in time of the record (e.g., ADT). Record-Level Dose 4BDS
DOSEUProduct Dose UnitsCharPermThe units for DOSEP, DOSCUMP, DOSEA, and DOSCUMA. It is permissible to use suffixes such as "P" and "A" if needed, with labels modified accordingly. Record-Level Dose 5BDS
TRTPPlanned ProductCharCondTRTP is a record-level identifier that represents the planned product attributed to a record for analysis purposes. TRTP indicates how product varies by record within a subject and enables analysis of crossover and other designs. Though there is no requirement that TRTP will correspond to the TRTxxP as defined by the record's value of APERIOD, if populated, TRTP must match at least one value of the character planned product variables in ADSL (e.g., TRTxxP, TRTSEQP, TRxxPGy). \n As noted previously, at least one product variable is required even in non-randomized trials. This requirement is satisfied by any subject-level or record-level product variables (e.g., TRTxxP, TRTP, TRTA). Even if not used for analysis, any ADSL product variable may be included in the BDS dataset. Record-Level Product 1BDS
TRTPNPlanned Product (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTP. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTPN and TRTP within a study. \n TRTPN cannot be present unless TRTP is also present. When TRTP and TRTPN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Record-Level Product 2BDS
TRTAActual ProductCharCondTRTA is a record-level identifier that represents the actual product attributed to a record for analysis purposes. TRTA indicates how product varies by record within a subject and enables analysis of crossover and other multi-period designs. Though there is no requirement that TRTA will correspond to the TRTxxA as defined by the record's value of APERIOD, TRTA must match at least one value of the character actual product variables in ADSL (e.g., TRTxxA, TRTSEQA, TRxxAGy). \n As noted previously, at least one product variable is required. This requirement is satisfied by any subject-level or record-level product variables (e.g., TRTxxP, TRTP, TRTA). Even if not used for analysis, any ADSL product variable may be included in the BDS dataset. Record-Level Product 3BDS
TRTANActual Product (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTA. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTAN and TRTA within a study. \n TRTAN cannot be present unless TRTA is also present. When TRTA and TRTAN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Record-Level Product 4BDS
TRTPGyPlanned Pooled Product yCharPermTRTPGy is the planned pooled product y attributed to a record for analysis purposes. "y" represents an integer [1-99, not zero-padded] corresponding to a particular pooling scheme. Useful when planned products (TRTP) are pooled together for analysis, for example when all doses of Drug A (TRTPG1=All doses of Drug A) are compared to all doses of Drug B (TRTPG1=All doses of Drug B). Each value of TRTP is pooled within at most one value of TRTPGy. Record-Level Product 5BDS
TRTPGyNPlanned Pooled Product y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTPGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTPGyN and TRTPGy within a study. \n TRTPGyN cannot be present unless TRTPGy is also present. When TRTPGy and TRTPGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Record-Level Product 6BDS
TRTAGyActual Pooled Product yCharCondTRTAGy is the actual pooled product y attributed to a record for analysis purposes. "y" represents an integer [1-99, not zero-padded] corresponding to a particular pooling scheme. Required when TRTPGy is present and TRTA is present. Record-Level Product 7BDS
TRTAGyNActual Pooled Product y (N)NumPermNumeric representation of TRTAGy. There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRTAGyN and TRTAGy within a study. \n TRTAGyN cannot be present unless TRTAGy is also present. When TRTAGy and TRTAGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Record-Level Product 8BDS
*DT{Date}NumPermAnalysis date not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 1BDS
*TM{Time}NumPermAnalysis time not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 2BDS
*DTM{Datetime}NumPermAnalysis datetime not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 3BDS
*ADY{Relative Day}NumPermAnalysis relative day not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 4BDS
*DTF{Date Imputation Flag}Char(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *DT. If *DT (or the date part of *DTM) was imputed, *DTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 5BDS
*TMF{Time Imputation Flag}Char(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *TM. If *TM (or the time part of *DTM) was imputed, *TMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 6BDS
*SDT{Start Date}NumPermStarting analysis date not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 7BDS
*STM{Start Time}NumPermStarting analysis time not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 8BDS
*SDTM{Start Datetime}NumPermStarting analysis datetime not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 9BDS
*SDY{Relative Start Day}NumPermStarting analysis relative day not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 10BDS
*SDTF{Start Date Imputation Flag}Char(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *SDT. If *SDT (or the date part of *SDTM) was imputed, *SDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 11BDS
*STMF{Start Time Imputation Flag}Char(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *STM. If *STM (or the time part of *SDTM) was imputed, *STMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 12BDS
*EDT{End Date}NumPermEnding analysis date not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. If both *SDT and *EDT are populated then *SDT must be less than or equal to *EDT. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 13BDS
*ETM{End Time}NumPermEnding analysis time not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 14BDS
*EDTM{End Datetime}NumPermEnding analysis datetime not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. If both *SDTM and *EDTM are populated then *SDTM must be less than or equal to *EDTM. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 15BDS
*EDY{Relative End Day}NumPermEnding analysis relative day not directly characterizing AVAL and/or AVALC. If both *SDY and *EDY are populated then *SDY must be less than or equal to *EDY Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 16BDS
*EDTF{End Date Imputation Flag}Char(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *EDT. If *EDT (or the date part of *EDTM) was imputed, *EDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 17BDS
*ETMF{End Time Imputation Flag}Char(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of *ETM. If *ETM (or the time part of *EDTM) was imputed, *ETMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Suffixes for User-Defined Timing 18BDS
STARTDTTime-to-Event Origin Date for SubjectNumPermThe original date of risk for the time-to-event analysis. This is generally the point at which a subject is first at risk for the event of interest evaluation (as defined in the protocol or SAP). For example, this may be the randomization date or the date of first study therapy exposure. Time-to-Event 1BDS
STARTDTMTime-to-Event Origin DatetimeNumPermThe original datetime of risk for the time-to-event analysis. This is generally the point at which a subject is first at risk for the event of interest evaluation (as defined in the protocol or SAP). For example, this may be the randomization datetime or the datetime of first study therapy exposure. Time-to-Event 2BDS
STARTDTFOrigin Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start date. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Time-to-Event 3BDS
STARTTMFOrigin Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of the start time. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Time-to-Event 4BDS
CNSRCensorNumCondDefines whether the event was censored for the subject within the parameter (period of observation truncated prior to event being observed). It is strongly recommended to use 0 as an event indicator and positive integers as censoring indicators. It is also recommended that unique positive integers be used to indicate coded descriptions of censoring reasons. CNSR is required for time-to-event parameters. Time-to-Event 5BDS
EVNTDESCEvent or Censoring DescriptionCharPermDescription of the event of interest or censoring reason for the subject within the parameter. Time-to-Event 6BDS
CNSDTDSCCensor Date DescriptionCharPermDescribes the circumstance represented by the censoring date if different from the event date that warrants censoring. Time-to-Event 7BDS
ADTAnalysis DateNumCondThe date associated with AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Timing 1BDS
ATMAnalysis TimeNumCondThe time associated with AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Timing 2BDS
ADTMAnalysis DatetimeNumCondThe datetime associated with AVAL and/or AVALC in numeric format. Timing 3BDS
ADYAnalysis Relative DayNumCondThe relative day of AVAL and/or AVALC. The number of days from an anchor date (not necessarily DM.RFSTDTC) to ADT. See Section, Timing Variable Conventions. If a dataset contains more than one record per parameter per subject, then an SDTM or ADaM relative timing variable must be present (ADY would meet this requirement). Timing 4BDS
ADTFAnalysis Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis date. If ADT (or the date part of ADTM) was imputed, ADTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 5BDS
ATMFAnalysis Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis time. If ATM (or the time part of ADTM) was imputed, ATMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 6BDS
ASTDTAnalysis Start DateNumCondThe start date associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. ASTDT and AENDT may be useful for traceability when AVAL summarizes data collected over an interval of time, or when AVAL is a duration. Timing 7BDS
ASTTMAnalysis Start TimeNumCondThe start time associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. ASTTM and AENTM may be useful for traceability when AVAL summarizes data collected over an interval of time, or when AVAL is a duration. Timing 8BDS
ASTDTMAnalysis Start DatetimeNumCondThe start datetime associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. ASTDTM and AENDTM may be useful for traceability when AVAL summarizes data collected over an interval of time, or when AVAL is a duration. Timing 9BDS
ASTDYAnalysis Start Relative DayNumCondThe number of days from an anchor date (not necessarily DM.RFSTDTC) to ASTDT. See Section, Timing Variable Conventions. If a dataset contains more than one record per parameter per subject then, an SDTM or ADaM relative timing variable must be present (ASTDY would meet this requirement). Timing 10BDS
ASTDTFAnalysis Start Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis start date. If ASTDT (or the date part of ASTDTM) was imputed, ASTDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 11BDS
ASTTMFAnalysis Start Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis start time. If ASTTM (or the time part of ASTDTM) was imputed, ASTTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 12BDS
AENDTAnalysis End DateNumCondThe end date associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. See also ASTDT. If both ASTDT and AENDT are populated then ASTDT must less than or equal to AENDT. Timing 13BDS
AENTMAnalysis End TimeNumCondThe end time associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. See also ASTTM. Timing 14BDS
AENDTMAnalysis End DatetimeNumCondThe end datetime associated with AVAL and/or AVALC. See also ASTDTM. If both ASTDTM and AENDTM are populated then ASTDTM must less than or equal to AENDTM. Timing 15BDS
AENDYAnalysis End Relative DayNumCondThe number of days from an anchor date (not necessarily DM.RFSTDTC) to AENDT. See Section, Timing Variable Conventions. If a dataset contains more than 1 record per parameter per subject, then an SDTM or ADaM relative timing variable must be present (AENDY would meet this requirement). If both ASTDY and AENDY are populated then ASTDY must be less than or equal to AENDY Timing 16BDS
AENDTFAnalysis End Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis end date. If AENDT (or the date part of AENDTM) was imputed, AENDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 17BDS
AENTMFAnalysis End Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis end time. If AENTM (or the time part of AENDTM) was imputed, AENTMF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. Timing 18BDS
AVISITAnalysis VisitCharCondThe analysis visit description; required if an analysis is done by nominal, assigned or analysis visit. AVISIT may contain the visit names as observed (i.e., from SDTM VISIT), derived visit names, time window names, conceptual descriptions (such as Average, Endpoint, etc.), or a combination of any of these. AVISIT is a derived field and does not have to map to VISIT from the SDTM. AVISIT represents the analysis visit of the record, but it does not mean that the record was analyzed. There are often multiple records for the same subject and parameter that have the same value of AVISIT. ANLzzFL and other variables may be needed to identify the records selected for any given analysis. See Section, Indicator Variables for BDS Datasets, for information about flag variables. AVISIT should be unique for a given analysis visit window. In the event that a record does not fall within any predefined analysis timepoint window, AVISIT can be populated in any way that the producer chooses to indicate this fact (e.g., blank or "Not Windowed"). The way that AVISIT is calculated, including the variables used in its derivation, should be indicated in the variable metadata for AVISIT. The values and the rules for deriving AVISIT may be different for different parameters within the same dataset. Values of AVISIT are producer-defined, and are often directly usable in Clinical Study Report displays. If a dataset contains more than one record per parameter per subject, then an SDTM or ADaM relative timing variable must be present (AVISIT could meet this requirement). Timing 19BDS
AVISITNAnalysis Visit (N)NumPermNumeric representation of AVISIT. Since study visits are usually defined by certain timepoints, defining AVISITN so that it represents the timepoint associated with the visit can facilitate plotting and interpretation of the values. Alternatively, AVISITN may be a protocol visit number, a cycle number, an analysis visit number, or any other number logically related to AVISIT or useful for sorting that is needed for analysis. \n There must be a one-to-one relationship between AVISITN and AVISIT (i.e., AVISITN has the same value for each distinct AVISIT) within a parameter. A best practice is to extend the one-to-one relationship to within a study, but this is not an ADaM requirement. In the event that a record does not fall within any predefined analysis timepoint window, AVISITN can be populated in any way that the producer chooses to indicate this fact (e.g., may be null). Values of AVISITN are producer-defined. \n AVISITN cannot be present unless AVISIT is also present. On a given record, AVISITN cannot be populated if AVISIT is null. AVISITN can be null when AVISIT is populated, as long as the one-to-one relationship is maintained within a parameter on all rows on which both variables are populated. Timing 20BDS
ATPTAnalysis TimepointCharCondThe analysis timepoint description; required if an analysis is done by nominal, assigned or analysis timepoint (instead of or in addition to by-visit). Timepoints are relative to ATPTREF. ATPT may contain the timepoint names as observed (i.e., from SDTM --TPT), derived timepoint names, time window names, conceptual descriptions (such as Average, Endpoint, etc.), or a combination of any of these. This variable is often used in conjunction with AVISIT. ATPT represents the analysis timepoint of the record. \n ATPT can be within an analysis visit (e.g., blood pressure assessments at 10 min, 20 min, and 30 min post-dose at AVISIT=Week 1) or can be unrelated to AVISIT (e.g., migraine symptoms 30 min, 60 min, and 120 min post-dose for attack 1). \n The way that ATPT is calculated, including the variables used in its derivation, should be indicated in the variable metadata for ATPT. The values and the rules for deriving ATPT may be different for different parameters within the same dataset. Values of ATPT are producer-defined, and are often directly usable in Clinical Study Report displays. \n If a dataset contains more than one record per parameter per subject, then an SDTM or ADaM relative timing variable must be present (ATPT could meet this requirement). Timing 21BDS
ATPTNAnalysis Timepoint (N)NumPermNumeric representation of ATPT. Defining ATPTN so that its values represent the planned timepoints (e.g., minutes or hours after dosing) is not required but can facilitate plotting and interpretation of the values. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ATPTN and ATPT within a parameter. (Best practice would dictate that the mapping would be one-to-one within a study, but that is not an ADaM requirement.) \n ATPTN cannot be present unless ATPT is also present. When ATPT and ATPTN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Timing 22BDS
ATPTREFAnalysis Timepoint ReferenceCharPermDescription of the fixed reference point referred to by ATPT/ATPTN (e.g., time of dose). Timing 23BDS
APHASEPhaseCharPermAPHASE is a categorization of timing within a study, for example a higher-level categorization of APERIOD or an analysis epoch. For example, APHASE could describe spans of time for SCREENING, ON PRODUCT, and FOLLOW-UP. APHASE may be used alone or in addition to APERIOD. APHASE is independent of TRTxxP within ADSL. APHASE may be populated for spans of time where a subject is not on product. The value of APHASE (if populated) must be one of the values found in the ADSL APHASEw variables. Timing 24BDS
APHASENPhase (N)NumPermNumeric representation of APHASE. The value of APHASEN (if populated) must be one of the w values found in the ADSL APHASEw variable names. There must be a one-to-one relationship between APHASEN and APHASE within a study, which must be the same as the one-to-one mapping between w and APHASEw in ADSL. \n APHASEN cannot be present unless APHASE is also present. When APHASE and APHASEN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Timing 25BDS
APERIODPeriodNumCondAPERIOD is a record-level timing variable that represents the analysis period within the study associated with the record for analysis purposes. The value of APERIOD (if populated) must be one of the xx values found in the ADSL TRTxxP variable names. APERIOD is required if ASPER is present. APERIOD must be populated on all records where ASPER is populated. \n Timing 26BDS
APERIODCPeriod (C)CharPermText characterizing to which analysis period the record belongs. There must be a one-to-one relationship between APERIODC and APERIOD within a study. \n APERIODC cannot be present unless APERIOD is also present. When APERIOD and APERIODC are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Timing 27BDS
ASPERSubperiod within PeriodNumPermThe numeric value characterizing a sublevel within APERIOD to which the record belongs. Within each APERIOD, the first ASPER is 1 (i.e., it resets to 1 when the APERIOD value changes). The value of ASPER (if populated) must be one of the w values found in the ADSL PxxSw variable names. \n Timing 28BDS
ASPERCSubperiod within Period (C)CharPermText characterizing to which subperiod the record belongs. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ASPERC and ASPER within a value of APERIOD, which must be the same as the one-to-one mapping between PxxSw and w in ADSL, where xx is equal to the value of APERIOD. The value of ASPERC (if populated) must be one of the values found in the ADSL PxxSw variables. \n ASPERC cannot be present unless ASPER is also present. When ASPER and ASPERC are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Timing 29BDS
ARELTMAnalysis Relative TimeNumPermThe time relative to an anchor time. The amount of time from an anchor time to ATM. When ARELTM is present, the anchor time variable and ARELTMU must also be included in the dataset, and the anchor time variable must be identified in the metadata for ARELTM. Timing 30BDS
ARELTMUAnalysis Relative Time UnitCharPermThe units of ARELTM. For example, "HOURS" or "MINUTES." ARELTMU is required if ARELTM is present. Timing 31BDS
ATOXGRAnalysis Toxicity GradeCharPermToxicity grade of AVAL or AVALC for analysis; may be based on SDTM --TOXGR or an imputed or assigned value. Toxicity and Range 1BDS
ATOXGRNAnalysis Toxicity Grade (N)NumPermNumeric representation of ATOXGR. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ATOXGRN and ATOXGR within a parameter. \n ATOXGRN cannot be present unless ATOXGR is also present. When ATOXGR and ATOXGRN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 2BDS
BTOXGRBaseline Toxicity GradeCharPermATOXGR of the baseline record identified by ABLFL. Toxicity and Range 3BDS
BTOXGRNBaseline Toxicity Grade (N)NumPermNumeric representation of BTOXGR. There must be a one-to-one relationship between BTOXGRN and BTOXGR within a parameter. \n BTOXGRN cannot be present unless BTOXGR is also present. When BTOXGR and BTOXGRN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 4BDS
ANRINDAnalysis Reference Range IndicatorCharPermIndicates where AVAL or AVALC falls with respect to the normal reference range for analysis; may be based on SDTM --NRIND or an imputed or assigned value. Toxicity and Range 5BDS
BNRINDBaseline Reference Range IndicatorCharPermANRIND of the baseline record identified by ABLFL. Toxicity and Range 6BDS
ANRLOAnalysis Normal Range Lower LimitNumPermNormal range lower limit for analysis; may be based on SDTM --NRLO or an imputed or assigned value. Toxicity and Range 7BDS
ANRLOCAnalysis Normal Range Lower Limit (C)CharPermCharacter analysis normal range lower limit. \n ANRLOC can be a character string mapping to ANRLO, but if so there must be a one-to-one relationship between ANRLO and ANRLOC within a given PARAM. ANRLOC should not be used to categorize the values of ANRLO. \n Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both ANRLOC and ANRLO are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between ANRLOC and ANRLO on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either ANRLO or ANRLOC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for ANRLO, ANRLOC, or both to be null. Toxicity and Range 8BDS
ANRHIAnalysis Normal Range Upper LimitNumPermNormal range upper limit for analysis; may be based on SDTM --NRHI or an imputed or assigned value. Toxicity and Range 9BDS
ANRHICAnalysis Normal Range Upper Limit (C)CharPermCharacter analysis normal range upper limit. \n ANRHIC can be a character string mapping to ANRHI, but if so there must be a one-to-one relationship between ANRHI and ANRHIC within a given PARAM. ANRHIC should not be used to categorize the values of ANRHI. \n Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both ANRHIC and ANRHI are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between ANRHIC and ANRHI on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either ANRHI or ANRHIC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for ANRHI, ANRHIC, or both to be null. Toxicity and Range 10BDS
AyLOAnalysis Range y Lower LimitNumCondAyLO and/or AyHI are used for analysis ranges other than the normal range. AyLO and/or AyHI are created to capture the different levels of cutoff values used to determine whether an analysis is within a clinically acceptable value range or outside that value range. AyLO and/or AyHI are usually but not necessarily constants, parameter-specific constants, or subject-specific constants. AyLO must be included if R2AyLO is included in the dataset. Toxicity and Range 11BDS
AyLOCAnalysis Range y Lower Limit (C)CharPermCharacter analysis range y lower limit. \n AyLOC can be a character string mapping to AyLO, but if so there must be a one-to-one relationship between AyLO and AyLOC within a given PARAM. AyLOC should not be used to categorize the values of AyLO. \n Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both AyLOC and AyLO are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between AyLOC and AyLO on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either AyLO or AyLOC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for AyLO, AyLOC, or both to be null. Toxicity and Range 12BDS
AyHIAnalysis Range y Upper LimitNumCondSee AyLO. \n For example, if ECG QTc values are summarized based on values >450, values >480, and values >500, there is a need for 3 "hi value" range variables against which to compare values: A1HI=450, A2HI=480, A3HI=500. \n AyHI must be included if R2AyHI is included in the dataset. Toxicity and Range 13BDS
AyHICAnalysis Range y Upper Limit (C)CharPermCharacter analysis range y upper limit. \n AyHIC can be a character string mapping to AyHI, but if so there must be a one-to-one relationship between AyHI and AyHIC within a given PARAM. AyHIC should not be used to categorize the values of AyHI. \n Within a given parameter, if there exists a row on which both AyHIC and AyHI are populated, then there must be a one-to-one relationship between AyHIC and AyHI on all rows on which both variables are populated. (In other words, there is no requirement that records with a null value in either AyHI or AyHIC be included when determining whether the one-to-one relationship requirement is satisfied.) On a given record, it is permissible for AyHI, AyHIC, or both to be null. Toxicity and Range 14BDS
AyINDAnalysis Range y IndicatorCharPermIndicates relationship of AVAL to the analysis range variables AyLO and/or AyHI, or the relationship of AVALC to the analysis range variables AyLOC and/or AyHIC. Toxicity and Range 15BDS
ByINDBaseline Analysis Range y IndicatorCharPermAyIND of the baseline record identified by ABLFL. Toxicity and Range 16BDS
ATOXGRLAnalysis Toxicity Grade LowCharPermLow toxicity grade of AVAL or AVALC for analysis; may be based on SDTM --TOXGR or an imputed or assigned value. Used to assess when a subject's lab value falls within the low toxicity range. Toxicity and Range 17BDS
ATOXGRLNAnalysis Toxicity Grade Low (N)NumPermNumeric representation of ATOXGRL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ATOXGRLN and ATOXGRL within a parameter. \n ATOXGRLN cannot be present unless ATOXGRL is also present. When ATOXGRL and ATOXGRLN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 18BDS
ATOXGRHAnalysis Toxicity Grade HighCharPermHigh toxicity grade of AVAL or AVALC for analysis; may be based on SDTM --TOXGR or an imputed or assigned value. Used to assess when a subject's lab value falls within the high toxicity range. Toxicity and Range 19BDS
ATOXGRHNAnalysis Toxicity Grade High (N)NumPermNumeric representation of ATOXGRH. There must be a one-to-one relationship between ATOXGRHN and ATOXGRH within a parameter. \n ATOXGRHN cannot be present unless ATOXGRH is also present. When ATOXGRH and ATOXGRHN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 20BDS
BTOXGRLBaseline Toxicity Grade LowCharPermATOXGRL of the baseline record identified by ABLFL. Toxicity and Range 21BDS
BTOXGRLNBaseline Toxicity Grade Low (N)NumPermNumeric representation of BTOXGRL. There must be a one-to-one relationship between BTOXGRLN and BTOXGRL within a parameter. \n BTOXGRLN cannot be present unless BTOXGRL is also present. When BTOXGRL and BTOXGRLN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 22BDS
BTOXGRHBaseline Toxicity Grade HighCharPermATOXGRH of the baseline record identified by ABLFL. Toxicity and Range 23BDS
BTOXGRHNBaseline Toxicity Grade High (N)NumPermNumeric representation of BTOXGRH. There must be a one-to-one relationship between BTOXGRHN and BTOXGRH within a parameter. \n BTOXGRHN cannot be present unless BTOXGRH is also present. When BTOXGRH and BTOXGRHN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null. Toxicity and Range 24BDS
ATOXDSCLAnalysis Toxicity Description LowCharPermThe analysis toxicity term used to describe toxicity in the low direction. ATOXDSCL is only populated if AVAL is populated and the PARAM is evaluated for toxicity in the low direction. There is a one-to-one relationship between ATOXDSCL and PARAM within a subject. The intent of this variable is to describe the type of toxicity being evaluated and not the level of toxicity on the specific record. Toxicity and Range 25BDS
ATOXDSCHAnalysis Toxicity Description HighCharPermThe analysis toxicity term used to describe toxicity in the high direction. ATOXDSCH is only populated if AVAL is populated and the PARAM is evaluated for toxicity in the high direction. There is a one-to-one relationship between ATOXDSCH and PARAM within a subject. The intent of this variable is to describe the type of toxicity being evaluated and not the level of toxicity on the specific record. Toxicity and Range 26BDS
STUDYIDStudy IdentifierCharReqXX.STUDYID Identifier 1OCCDS
USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierCharReqXX.USUBJID Identifier 2OCCDS
SUBJIDSubject Identifier for the StudyCharPermADSL.SUBJID Identifier 3OCCDS
SITEIDStudy Site IdentifierCharPermADSL.SITEID Identifier 4OCCDS
--SEQSequence NumberNumCondXX.--SEQ \n Identifies the sequence number in SDTM domain XX that is the source for this row. This variable would be copied unchanged from the SDTM domain XX. Required for traceability back to SDTM when rows in the dataset are created from a single SDTM domain. This may be missing for derived rows. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, use AESEQ, copied from SDTM AE.AESEQ. Row Identifier 1OCCDS
SRCDOMSource DataCharPermIdentifies the name of the domain or dataset that is the source for this row. If the source data is a supplemental qualifier in SDTM, this variable will contain the value of RDOMAIN in SUPP-- or SUPPQUAL. Used when rows in the OCCDS dataset are from multiple SDTM domains or from one or more ADaM datasets. Not to be used in conjunction with --SEQ. This may be missing for derived rows. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, AESEQ is used rather than SRCDOM and SRCSEQ. Row Identifier 2OCCDS
SRCSEQSource Sequence NumberNumPermIdentifies the sequence number that is the source for this row. If SRCDOM is a SUPPQUAL, then this variable will contain the sequence number of the relevant related domain record. Used when rows in the OCCDS dataset are from multiple SDTM domains or from one or more ADaM datasets. Not to be used in conjunction with --SEQ. This may be missing for derived rows. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, AESEQ is used rather than SRCDOM and SRCSEQ. Row Identifier 3OCCDS
ASEQAnalysis Sequence NumberNumPermSequence number given to ensure uniqueness of subject records within an ADaM dataset. \n ASEQ is useful for traceability when the OCCDS dataset is used as input to another ADaM dataset and the --SEQ variable is not included or unique. ASEQ is described in more detail in ADaMIG v1.2, Section 3.3.1, Identifier Variables for BDS Datasets. Row Identifier 4OCCDS
--TERMReported TermCharReqCopied from XX.--TERM \n This variable label differs depending on the SDTM domain. See SDTM v1.7 Section 2.2.2, The Events Observation Class, and SDTMIG v3.3 Section 6.2, Models for Events Domains, for details. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 1OCCDS
--DECODDictionary-Derived TermCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.--DECOD \n This variable is typically one of the primary variables used in an analysis and would be brought in from the SDTM domain. Equivalent to the MedDRA PT. All other SDTM domain variables and supplemental qualifiers needed for analysis or traceability should also be included. Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether coded and used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 2OCCDS
--BODSYSBody System or Organ ClassCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.--BODSYS \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether coded and used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 3OCCDS
--BDSYCDBody System or Organ Class CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--BDSYCD or the supplemental qualifier \n This would be copied from the SDTM domain XX or supplemental qualifier dataset. Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 4OCCDS
--LLTLowest Level TermCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.-- LLT or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether coded and used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 5OCCDS
--LLTCDLowest Level Term CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--LLTCD or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 6OCCDS
--PTCDPreferred Term CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--PTCD or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 7OCCDS
--HLTHigh Level TermCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.--HLT or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 8OCCDS
--HLTCDHigh Level Term CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--HLTCD or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 9OCCDS
--HLGTHigh Level Group TermCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.--HLGT or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 10OCCDS
--HLGTCDHigh Level Group Term CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--HLGTCD or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 11OCCDS
--SOCPrimary System Organ ClassCharMedDRACondCopied from XX.--SOC or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. \n Conditional on whether a secondary SOC was used for analysis. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 12OCCDS
--SOCCDPrimary System Organ Class CodeNumMedDRAPermCopied from XX.--SOCCD or the supplemental qualifier \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. Required for adverse event data. MedDRA Dictionary Coding 13OCCDS
--CATCategoryCharPermCopied from XX.--CAT \n This variable label differs depending on the SDTM domain. Other Categorization 1OCCDS
--SCATSubcategoryCharPermCopied from XX.--SCAT \n This variable label differs depending on the SDTM domain. Other Categorization 2OCCDS
ACATyAnalysis Category yCharPermCategory used in analysis. May be derived from --CAT and/or --SCAT. Examples include records of special interest like prohibited medications, concomitant medications taken during an infusion reaction, growth factors, antimicrobial medications, and other such categories not defined elsewhere or present in SDTM domains. Other Categorization 3OCCDS
CMTRTReported Name of Drug, Med, or TherapyCharReqCM.CMTRT WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 1OCCDS
CMDECODStandardized Medication NameCharWHO DrugCondCM.CMDECOD \n This is typically one of the primary variables used in CM analysis and would be copied from the SDTM CM domain. Include the dictionary version in the variable metadata. \n Conditional on whether coded and used for analysis. WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 2OCCDS
CMCLASMedication ClassCharPermCM.CMCLAS \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 3OCCDS
CMCLASCDMedication Class CodeCharPermCM.CMCLASCD \n Include the dictionary version in the metadata. WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 4OCCDS
ATCyATC Level y TextCharWHO DrugCondCorresponds to the ATC Level Text for WHO Drug. Include the dictionary version in the variable metadata. \n Conditional, based on analysis at multiple levels (y) WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 5OCCDS
ATCyCDATC Level y CodeCharWHO DrugCondCorresponds to the ATC Level Code for WHO Drug. Include the dictionary version in the variable metadata. \n Conditional, based on analysis at multiple levels (y) WHO Drug Dictionary Coding 6OCCDS
--STDTCStart Date/Time of ObservationCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalCondCopied from XX.–STDTC \n Conditional on whether start date is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM \n This variable label differs depending on the SDTM domain. AESTDTC is required for adverse event data. Timing 1OCCDS
ASTDTAnalysis Start DateNumCondCreated from converting XX.--STDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric date format, applying imputation rules if specified in the statistical analysis plan (SAP) or metadata \n Conditional on whether start date is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM. Required for adverse event data. Timing 2OCCDS
ASTTMAnalysis Start TimeNumCondCreated from converting XX.--STDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric time format, applying imputation rules if specified in the SAP or metadata \n Conditional on whether start time is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM Timing 3OCCDS
ASTDTMAnalysis Start DatetimeNumCondCreated from converting XX.--STDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric datetime format, applying imputation rules if specified in the SAP or metadata \n Conditional on whether start datetime is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM Timing 4OCCDS
ASTDTFAnalysis Start Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis start date. Imputation flags are described in ADaMIG v1.2 Section 3.1.3, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. \n Conditional on whether ASTDT (or the date part of ASTDTM) was imputed Timing 5OCCDS
ASTTMFAnalysis Start Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis start time. Imputation flags are described in ADaMIG v1.2 Section 3.1.3, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. \n Conditional on whether ASTTM (or the time part of ASTDTM) was imputed Timing 6OCCDS
--ENDTCEnd Date/Time of ObservationCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalCondCopied from XX.--ENDTC \n Conditional on whether end date is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM \n This variable label differs depending on the SDTM domain. AEENDTC is required for adverse event data. Timing 7OCCDS
AENDTAnalysis End DateNumCondCreated from converting XX.--ENDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric date format, applying imputation rules if specified in the SAP or metadata. If both ASTDT and AENDT are populated then ASTDT must less than or equal to AENDT. \n Conditional on whether end date is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM. Required for adverse event data. Timing 8OCCDS
AENTMAnalysis End TimeNumCondCreated from converting XX.--ENDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric time format, applying imputation rules if specified in the SAP or metadata \n Conditional on whether end time is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM Timing 9OCCDS
AENDTMAnalysis End DatetimeNumCondCreated from converting XX.--ENDTC from character ISO 8601 format to numeric datetime format, applying imputation rules if specified in the SAP or metadata. If both ASTDTM and AENDTM are populated then ASTDTM must less than or equal to AENDTM. \n Conditional on whether end datetime is pertinent for study and is populated in SDTM Timing 10OCCDS
AENDTFAnalysis End Date Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis end date. Imputation flags are described in Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. \n Conditional on whether AENDT (or the date part of AENDTM) was imputed Timing 11OCCDS
AENTMFAnalysis End Time Imputation FlagChar(TIMEFL)CondThe level of imputation of analysis end time. Imputation flags are described in Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables. \n Conditional on whether AENTM (or the date part of AENDTM) was imputed Timing 12OCCDS
ASTDYAnalysis Start Relative DayNumCondThe number of days from an anchor date (not necessarily DM.RFSTDTC) to ASTDT \n Example derivation: \n ASTDT - ADSL.TRTSDT + 1 if ASTDT >= ADSL.TRTSDT, else ASTDT - ADSL.TRTSDT if ASTDT< ADSL.TRTSDT \n This variable may instead be copied from --STDY. \n Conditional on whether analysis start relative day is pertinent to the study. Required for adverse event data. Timing 13OCCDS
--STDYStudy Day of Start of Observation*NumPermCopied from XX.--STDY \n ASTDY may differ from --STDY due to date imputation and the option in ADaM to use a reference date other than SDTM's RFSTDTC. Including XX.--STDY in addition to ASTDY adds traceability. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the AESTDY variable is in the SDTM AE dataset Timing 14OCCDS
AENDYAnalysis End Relative DayNumPermThe number of days from an anchor date (not necessarily DM.RFSTDTC) to AENDT \n Example derivation: \n AENDT - ADSL.TRTSDT + 1 if AENDT >= ADSL.TRTSDT, else AENDT - ADSL.TRTSDT if AENDT < ADSL.TRTSDT \n This variable may instead be copied from --ENDY. \n If both ASTDY and AENDY are populated then ASTDY must be less than or equal to AENDY. Required for adverse event data. Timing 15OCCDS
--ENDYStudy Day of End of Observation*NumPermCopied from XX.--ENDY \n AENDY may differ from --ENDY due to date imputation and the option in ADaM to use a reference date other than SDTM's RFSTDTC. Including XX.--ENDY in addition to AENDY adds traceability. \n If both --STDY and --ENDY are populated then --STDY must be less than or equal to --ENDY \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the AEENDY variable is in the SDTM AE dataset Timing 16OCCDS
ADURNAnalysis Duration (N)NumPermDerive from ASTDT (or ASTDTM) and AENDT (or AENDTM). Timing 17OCCDS
ADURUAnalysis Duration UnitsChar(UNIT)CondConditional on whether ADURN is included Timing 18OCCDS
--DURDuration of XXCharISO 8601 durationCondCopied from XX.--DUR \n Because --DUR is a collected field and ADURN is derived, the values will often differ. Including XX.--DUR in addition to ADURN adds traceability. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the AEDUR variable is in the SDTM AE dataset. Timing 19OCCDS
APERIODPeriodNumPermAPERIOD is a record-level timing variable that represents the analysis period within the study associated with the record for analysis purposes. The value of APERIOD (if populated) must be one of the xx values found in the ADSL TRTxxP variables. See Section, Timing Variables for BDS Datasets, for more information on this variable. Timing 20OCCDS
APERIODCPeriod (C)CharPermText characterizing to which period the record belongs. One-to-one map to APERIOD. Timing 21OCCDS
APHASEPhaseCharPermAPHASE is a categorization of timing within a study, for example a higher-level categorization of APERIOD or an analysis epoch. For example, APHASE could describe spans of time for SCREENING, ON PRODUCT, and FOLLOW-UP. Timing 22OCCDS
PREFLPre-product FlagCharYCondCharacter indicator of whether the observation occurred before the subject started product \n Example derivation: \n If ASTDT < ADSL.TRTSDT then PREFL="Y" \n This variable is conditional on whether the concept of pre-product is a feature of the study and used in analysis. Adverse Events and Concomitant Medications Indicator 1OCCDS
FUPFLFollow-up FlagCharYCondCharacter indicator of whether the observation occurred while the subject was on follow-up \n Example derivation: \n If ASTDT > ADSL.TRTEDT then FUPFL="Y" \n This variable is conditional on whether the concept of follow-up is a feature of the study and used in analysis. Adverse Events and Concomitant Medications Indicator 2OCCDS
TRTEMFLProduct Emergent Analysis FlagCharYCondProduct-emergent flag as defined for analysis Example derivation: \n If ADSL.TRTSDT<=ASTDT<=ADSL.TRTEDT + x days then TRTEMFL="Y" \n The number x in this derivation is defined by the producer and often incorporates the known half-life of the drug. \n For datasets other than SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, this variable is conditional on whether the concept of product emergent is a key feature of the analysis. Adverse Events Indicator 1OCCDS
TREMxxFLProduct Emergent Period xx FlagCharYCondThis variable is required if there are multiple periods where product emergence is a key feature of the analysis for each period. \n If TREMxxFL is included, TRTEMFL is defined as the overall product- emergent flag. Adverse Events Indicator 2OCCDS
TRTEMwFLProduct Emergent Analysis w FlagCharYPermThis variable is used if there are other analysis needs (e.g., different cut-offs) where product emergence is a key feature of the analysis. \n If TREMwFL is included, TRTEMFL is defined as the overall product-emergent flag. Adverse Events Indicator 3OCCDS
AETRTEMProduct Emergent FlagChar(NY)PermProduct-emergent flag from SDTM, if available. \n Derivation: \n SUPPAE.QVAL where QNAM="AETRTEM" \n TRTEMFL may differ from AETRTEM due to different definitions, date imputation, and other analysis rules. Including AETRTEM in addition to TRTEMFL will add traceability. \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the AETRTEM variable is in the SDTM AE dataset and populated. Adverse Events Indicator 4OCCDS
ONTRTFLOn Product Record FlagCharYCondCharacter indicator of whether the observation occurred while the subject was on product. A codelist of Y, N, null may be used as described in ADaMIG Section 3.3.8, Indicator Variables for BDS Datasets. \n Example derivation: \n If ADSL.TRTSDT <= ASTDT <= ADSL.TRTEDT then ONTRTFL = "Y" \n This variable is conditional on whether the concept of on product is a feature of the study and used in analysis. Concomitant Medications Indicator 1OCCDS
ONTRxxFLOn Product Period xx FlagCharYPermThis variable is used if there are multiple periods where on product is a key feature of the analysis for each period. \n If ONTRxxFL is included, ONTRTFL is defined as the overall on-product flag. Concomitant Medications Indicator 2OCCDS
ONTRTwFLOn Product Record w FlagCharYPermThis variable is used if there are other analysis needs (e.g., different cut-offs) where on product is a key feature of the analysis. \n If ONTRTwFL is included, ONTRTFL is defined as the overall on-product flag. Concomitant Medications Indicator 3OCCDS
ANLzzFLAnalysis Flag zzCharYCondThe ANLzzFL flag is useful in many circumstances; an example is when more than 1 coding path is included for analysis, in which case separate analysis flags could be used to denote primary coding path or the records used for analysis from each coding path. A codelist of Y, N, null may be used as described in ADaMIG v1.2 Section 3.3.8, Indicator Variables for BDS Datasets. \n This variable is conditional on whether analysis records flags are needed for analysis. Indicator 1OCCDS
--OCCURXX OccurrenceChar(NY)CondCopied from XX.--OCCUR \n Conditional on whether this content is pertinent for analysis and is populated in SDTM \n SDTM does not allow variable AEOCCUR, so this variable is not available to include in ADaM. SDTM Indicator 1OCCDS
--PRESPXX Pre-SpecifiedChar(NY)CondCopied from XX.--PRESP \n Conditional on whether this content is pertinent for analysis and is populated in SDTM SDTM Indicator 2OCCDS
AOCCSFL1st Occurrence of SOC FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of the system organ class within the subject \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product-emergent record for each body system for each subject. MedDRA Occurrence Flag 1OCCDS
AOCCSIFL1st Max Sev./Int. Occur Within SOC FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of the maximum severity/intensity within the subject and system organ class \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product-emergent record for maximum severity within body system for each subject. MedDRA Occurrence Flag 2OCCDS
AOCCFL1st Occurrence within Subject FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of any event/intervention/finding within the subject \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product emergent record for each subject. Occurrence Flag 1OCCDS
AOCCPFL1st Occurrence of Preferred Term FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of the preferred term within the subject \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product emergent record for each --DECOD for each subject. Occurrence Flag 2OCCDS
AOCCIFL1st Max Sev./Int. Occurrence FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of the event/intervention/finding with the maximum severity/intensity within the subject \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product emergent record for maximum severity for each subject. Occurrence Flag 3OCCDS
AOCCPIFL1st Max Sev./Int. Occur Within PT FlagCharYPermCharacter indicator for the first occurrence of the maximum severity/intensity within the subject and preferred term \n Example derivation: Sort the data in the required order and flag the first product emergent record for maximum severity within preferred term for each subject. Occurrence Flag 4OCCDS
AOCCzzFL1st Occurrence of ...CharYPermAdditional flag variables as needed for analysis. Derivation rules for these flags need to be described in the metadata. Occurrence Flag 5OCCDS
DOSEONProduct Dose at Record StartNumPermDose received at the point in time of the record start date Example derivation: \n Obtained from EX.EXDOSE where --STDTC falls between the values of EX.EXSTDTC and EX.EXENDTC Product/Dose 1OCCDS
DOSCUMACumulative \n Actual Product DoseNumPermCumulative actual study drug dosage at the point in time of the record start date Product/Dose 2OCCDS
DOSEUProduct Dose UnitsChar(UNIT)CondConditional on whether DOSEON and/or DOSCUMA are included. Product/Dose 3OCCDS
--SERSerious EventChar(NY)PermXX.–SER AESER is equired for adverse event data. Adverse Event Descriptive 1OCCDS
--SEVSeverity/IntensityChar(AESEV) or (SEVRS)PermXX.--SEV \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the --SEV variable is in the SDTM AE dataset. Note that either --SEV or --TOXGR should be included in SDTM. Adverse Event Descriptive 2OCCDS
--SEVNSeverity/Intensity (N)Num1, 2, 3PermCode XX.--SEV to numeric \n Low intensity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 3OCCDS
ASEVAnalysis Severity/IntensityCharPermApply imputation rules for missing severity of adverse events as specified in the \n SAP or metadata. May change case of text, such as from all uppercase in --SEV to mixed case in ASEV. Adverse Event Descriptive 4OCCDS
ASEVNAnalysis Severity/Intensity (N)Num1, 2, 3PermCode ASEV to numeric \n Low intensity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 5OCCDS
SEVGRyPooled Severity Group yCharPermPooled grouping of AE severity for analysis (e.g., mild/moderate, severe) Adverse Event Descriptive 6OCCDS
SEVGRyNPooled Severity Group y (N)NumPermCode SEVGRy to numeric \n Low intensity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 7OCCDS
--RELCausalityCharPermXX.--REL Adverse Event Descriptive 8OCCDS
--RELNCausality (N)NumPermCode XX.--REL to numeric \n Low relation should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 9OCCDS
ARELAnalysis CausalityCharPermApply imputation rules for missing causality of study drug as specified in the SAP or metadata. May change case of text, such as from all uppercase in --REL to mixed case in AREL. Adverse Event Descriptive 10OCCDS
ARELNAnalysis Causality (N)NumPermCode AREL to numeric Adverse Event Descriptive 11OCCDS
RELGRyPooled Causality Group yCharPermPooled grouping of causality of study drug for analysis (e.g. related, not related) Adverse Event Descriptive 12OCCDS
RELGRyNPooled Causality Group y (N)NumPermCode of RELGRy to numeric \n Low relation should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 13OCCDS
--TOXGRStandard Toxicity GradeCharPermXX.--TOXGR \n For SubClass ADVERSE EVENT, conditional on whether the --TOXGR variable is in the SDTM AE dataset. Note that either --SEV or --TOXGR should be included in SDTM. Adverse Event Descriptive 14OCCDS
--TOXGRNStandard Toxicity Grade (N)NumPermCode --TOXGR to numeric \n Low toxicity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 15OCCDS
ATOXGRAnalysis Toxicity GradeCharPermToxicity grade for analysis. May be based on --TOXGR or an imputed or assigned value. May change case of text, such as from all uppercase in --TOXGR to mixed \n case in ATOXGR. Adverse Event Descriptive 16OCCDS
ATOXGRNAnalysis Toxicity Grade (N)NumPermCode ATOXGR to numeric \n Low toxicity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 17OCCDS
TOXGGRyPooled Toxicity Grade Group yCharPermPooled grouping of toxicity grade for analysis Adverse Event Descriptive 18OCCDS
TOXGGRyNPooled Toxicity Grade Group y (N)NumPermCode of TOXGGRy to numeric \n Low toxicity should correspond to low value Adverse Event Descriptive 19OCCDS
--ACNAction Taken with Study ProductChar(TPACN)PermXX.--ACN \n Required if XX.--ACN is present and populated Adverse Event Descriptive 20OCCDS
--STATCompletion StatusCharPermXX.--STAT Concomitant Medications Descriptive 1OCCDS
--INDCIndicationCharPermXX.--INDC Concomitant Medications Descriptive 2OCCDS
--DOSEDose per AdministrationNumPermXX.--DOSE Concomitant Medications Descriptive 3OCCDS
--DOSFRMDose FormCharPermXX.--DOSFRM Concomitant Medications Descriptive 4OCCDS
--DOSRGMIntended Dose RegimenCharPermXX.--DOSRGM Concomitant Medications Descriptive 5OCCDS
--ROUTERoute of AdministrationCharPermXX.--ROUTE Concomitant Medications Descriptive 6OCCDS
SMQzzNAMSMQ zz NameCharCondThe Standardized MedDRA query name. Would be blank for terms that are not in the SMQ. Therefore this variable could be blank for all records if no terms within the study were included in the SMQ. \n Conditional on whether SMQ analysis is done Standardized MedDRA Query 1OCCDS
SMQzzCDSMQ zz CodeNumPermThe SMQ number code Standardized MedDRA Query 2OCCDS
SMQzzSCSMQ zz ScopeCharBROAD, NARROWCondThe search strategy for SMQs can be narrow or broad. The preferred terms that are narrow in scope have high specificity for identifying events of interest, whereas the broad terms have high sensitivity. By definition, all narrow terms are also considered within the broad scope. Therefore, to summarize all broad terms, terms with either narrow or broad would be considered. Will be null for terms that do not meet the criteria. \n Conditional on whether SMQ analysis is done Standardized MedDRA Query 3OCCDS
SMQzzSCNSMQ zz Scope (N)Num1, 2PermWill be null for terms that do not meet the criteria Standardized MedDRA Query 4OCCDS
CQzzNAMCustomized Query zz NameCharCondThe CQ name or name of the adverse event of special interest category based on a grouping of terms. Would be blank for terms that are not in the CQ. \n Conditional on whether CQ analysis is done \n Examples: "DERMATOLOGICAL EVENTS" "CARDIAC EVENTS", "IARS (INFUSION ASSOCIATED REACTIONS)" Standardized MedDRA Query 5OCCDS
ADECODyAnalysis Dictionary-Derived Term yCharPermThe terms used for the analysis when combining multiple CQs or multiple SMQs and the original MedDRA terms under 1 variable \n Although designed for MedDRA queries, this variable could be used for other OCCDS analysis needs. Standardized MedDRA Query 6OCCDS
DECDORGwPT in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal preferred term coding of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 1OCCDS
BDSYORGwSOC in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal body system coding of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 2OCCDS
HLGTORGwHLGT in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal HLGT coding of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 3OCCDS
HLTORGwHLT in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal HLT coding of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 4OCCDS
LLTORGwLLT in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal LLT coding of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 5OCCDS
LLTNORGwLLT Code in Original Dictionary wCharMedDRAwPermOriginal LLT code of XX.--TERM using MedDRA or other dictionary version X.X Original or Prior MedDRA Coding 6OCCDS
DECDORGwStandardized Med Name in Orig Dict wCharWHODRUGwPermOriginal standardized medication name of CM.CMTRT using WHO Drug version X.X Original or Prior WHO Drug Coding 1OCCDS
CLASORGwMedication Class in Orig Dictionary wCharWHODRUGwPermOriginal medication class of CM.CMTRT using WHO Drug version X.X Original or Prior WHO Drug Coding 2OCCDS
CLCDORGwMedication Class Code in Orig Dict wCharWHODRUGwPermOriginal medication class code of CM.CMTRT using WHO Drug version X.X Original or Prior WHO Drug Coding 3OCCDS
ATyCORGwATC Level y Code in Orig Dictionary wCharWHODRUGwPermOriginal ATC Level y code of CM.CMTRT using WHO Drug version X.X Original or Prior WHO Drug Coding 4OCCDS
ATyTORGwATC Level y Text in Orig Dictionary wCharWHODRUGwPermOriginal ATC Level y text of CM.CMTRT using WHO Drug version X.X Original or Prior WHO Drug Coding 5OCCDS
STRTMyStratum yCharReqIndicates stratification factors used when calculating the value of the input parameter. At least one STRTMy column must be present and populated. Reference 1REFERENDS
STRVALyStratum y ValueChar ReqIdentifies the stratum with which the input parameter is associated. At least one STRVALy column must be present and populated. Reference 2REFERENDS
INPRMInput Parameter CharReqIndicate the calculated input parameter for the stratum or strata. Reference 3REFERENDS
INPRMVALInput Parameter ValueNumReqThis is the value of the input parameter. Reference 4REFERENDS
INPRMUInput Parameter Unit CharPermUnit associated with the input parameter value. Reference 5REFERENDS
REFSRCEReference Data SourceCharPermInformation identifying the source of the reference data - this may be captured in the dataset or in the define file Reference 6REFERENDS

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