QRS FAQ Categorized
Annotated CRFs | |
Topic | QRS FAQ |
Annotation Placement | 17-Jul-2013: If the scores and reference text are present in each response, annotate the scores in the first question only with QSSTRESC/QSSTRESN. Preferably draw a red box around the scores and place the annotation next to it. |
Format | 23-Jun-2021: CRF annotations need to follow the Study Data Tabulation Model Metadata Submission Guidelines (SDTM-MSG) V2.0 example going forward. https://www.cdisc.org/standards/foundational/sdtmig Legacy Questionnaire CRF Annotations will be maintained; unless a change control is needed in the future and then the effort to revise will be made. Draft guidance for CDISC created QRS instrument CRFs: (this will be updated as more CRFs are created)
Prior QRS Annotated CRF Guidance 15-May-2013: CRF annotations need to follow the Study Data Tabulation Model Metadata Submission Guidelines (SDTM-MSG) V1.0 example going forward. https://www.cdisc.org/standards/foundational/sdtmig Legacy Questionnaire CRF Annotations will be maintained; unless a change control is needed in the future and then the effort to revise will be made. i. Per the Metadata example, QS=Questionnaires appears at the top of the page in Arial 18 point font, black color, bolded, and italicized. It is enclosed in a black 1 point thickness text box with a light blue fill color. ii. Variable annotations are in Arial 10 or 12 point font, red color, bolded, and italicized. They are enclosed in a black 1 point thickness text box with a light blue fill color. Be consistent within a page and use 12 point unless space is an issue and then use 10 pt. |
Format | 22-May-2013: Follow-up on CRF annotation rules: we should use “when” not “for” when annotating QSORRES, e.g. “QSORRES when QSTESTCD = MMSEA1”. |
EVAL | 15-May-2013: Team decided that --EVAL should not be annotated on the CRF if it is assigned and not collected. |
Response sets | 26-Jun-2013: Team made these rules for annotating the CRF and these should be added to the FAQ document: iii. Do not annotate --TEST. iv. If one set of responses applies to all items on the questionnaire, the response set is presented only once on the questionnaire, and the responses are laid out in such a fashion that the customary annotation would be unclear, include the item type in parentheses after the variable name to add clarity. Example: |
QRS ADaM Supplements | |
Topic | ADQRS FAQ |
ADaM Supplements | 15-Jul-2015: The team reviewed the ADaM QRS teams concerns with having a single QRS Supplement to handle both the SDTM and ADaM dataset creation. It was agreed to have separate supplements for each. The Web page QRS Supplement table was reviewed and it was decided that it would be best to have separate rows within each QRS measure to indicate the SDTM and ADaM dataset creation supplement documents separately. |
QRS SDTM Supplements | |
Topic | QRS FAQ |
Comment Questions | 18-Jan-2017: QRS COMMENT question implementation summary. QRS Summary on How Comments, Descriptive or Explanatory text is handled
The ASEX-FEMALE and ASEX-MALE QS supplements can be referenced as examples on implementing this type of comment in a QRS measure.
Copyright | 27-Apr-2016: The TAUGs are using copyright status terms that don't necessarily agree with the terms used by this team. These should be harmonized. During the discussion, this team felt that our current use of "Not granted" is too broad as it includes both a "no" response (denied) and no response received (after ~3 requests). Suggestion was to add "No response received" to the TAUG list (Dana) and to re-categorize the QRS list on the web from "Not granted" to "Denied" or "No response received." The action item form the 4/27 meeting was reviewed to update the NOT GRANTED list of QRS measures with terms used for the TAUG QRS section to be more specific on why the measure was not granted permission. These will include: Denied and No Response Received in the revisions to this table. |
Subtotal and Total Scores Rule | 13-Mar-2019:
--EVALID | 24-Jul-2013: QSEVALID: Team agreed that placing reviewer initials in QSEVALID is an appropriate use of --EVALID per the SDTMIG, contrary to statement at SDS Team call that --EVALID is only for a “role”. SDSeLT 23-Jun-14 meeting confirmed that is a valid use of QSEVALID and the Governance Team will update the definition in the SDTM 1.4 document for the next release. There is also the issue of the need for additional variables for who provided vs who evaluated the response. This was brought to the SDSLT for review. This question was part of the SDTMIG 3.3 Batch 3 Public Review. The final resolution on 2-Mar-2017 to this is listed in the JIRA Issue https://jira.cdisc.org/browse/SDS-965. SDTM will not expand the use of EVALID to include rater's initials. An additional variable to hold the evaluator name or initials in the future. If this information is needed, a supplemental qualifier can be used for this information. |
--ORRES | 8-May-2013: Original results stored in QSORRES when greater than the 200 characters limit currently mandated by the FDA, and hence, CDISC: To accommodate this situation in QSORRES the QRS Sub-Team has decided to shorten the responses to accommodate the 200 character limit without removing the clear meaning of the result. The original and shortened values are summarized in the QRS Supplement. |
--ORRES | 15-May-2013: QRS Sub-Team decided that QSORRES values should be in the same case as the printed results on the questionnaire itself. Although not specifically controlled through terminology, per SDTM IG Assumption, the questionnaire can be considered an external reference. |
--ORRES | 22-May-2013: Team discussed QSORRES rules around case sensitivity and Yes/No vs. Y/N. Our rule is that QSORRES should represent the result text exactly as presented on the questionnaire itself, including case, punctuation, and spelling. Exceptions are: text > 200 characters may be abbreviated; reference text that merely qualifies a result may be omitted (for example, use just “Very Mild” for “Very Mild: e.g., occasionally exhibits poor eye contact”). Should there be a case where result choices are not pre-printed on the questionnaire, in the reference, or in a supplemental “key”, then SDTM controlled terminology should be used (e.g. Y or N for Yes or No). |
--ORRES | 14-Aug-2013: For a question in the “check-all-that-apply” format, a separate test code will be assigned for each of the items in the checklist. For items that are checked, use “CHECKED” as the result; for items that are not checked, use “NOT CHECKED” as the result. If the checklist is not completed at all based on a certain response to an opening question, the checklist items are considered null and not submitted in SDTM. |
--ORRES | 11-Sep-2013: The QRS sub-team reviewed the follow-up on QSORRES for the SDS questionnaire. Through various e-mail exchanges among with the QRS Sub-Team, the favored approach for QSORRES is to concatenate number and text for cases where text applies to more than one number. Examples: 1-Mildly, 2-Mildly. Action: This is the decision until a better solution is developed (e.g. metadata solution). |
--ORRES | 13-Nov-2013: When trailing punctuation or extraneous words such as “or” are used only to make a list of response choices a readable sentence format, they should be excluded from QSORRES. For example, QSORRES = ‘Severe’ when ‘4’ is selected; QSORRES = ‘Very severe’ when 5 is selected. See below. |
--ORRES | 07-May-2014: Decision by team is to use any text for QSORRES if text is available, else use number. This is consistent also with feedback we received from FDA a couple of years ago (Amy Malla). Team also discussed and decided that SUPPQS should hold the endpoint values (until a better “metadata solution” is developed. |
--STRESN --STRESC | 13-Mar-2019: CRF numeric responses -There are cases where QRS CRFs do not include numeric “standardized responses” assigned to text responses (ex. mild, moderate, severe being 1, 2, 3). It is clearly in everyone's best interest to include the numeric “standardized responses” in the SDTMIG QRS dataset. This is only done when the numeric “standardized responses” are documented in the QRS CRF instructions, a user manual, website specific to the QRS instrument, or other reference document, that provides a clear explanation and rationale for providing them in the SDTMIG QRS dataset. |
QRS Batteries | 17-Sep-2014: QRS Battery Implementation was decided with the SDS team. It was decided to follow the simple rule to produce the CT lists for any instrument (including a summary or battery) that we have copyright permission for. Treat each instrument including a battery/summary as independent items and develop terminology specifically for that item. Do not consider syncing question from an individual QRS instrument with the QRS battery. Any relationships between questions can and should be described in the Define file and/or the SDTM Reviewers Guide. CAT values can be created whether copyright permission is held or not. So all instruments and batteries/summaries that have developed terminology should have a defined --CAT value also. In the case of a battery/summary where we don’t have copyright for the individual instrument --CAT values should also be defined for the individual instruments when we are aware of those. See the embedded Meeting minutes with the attachments explaining this decision. 2014-08-25 SDS Extended Leadership Team Meeting Notes 2014-09-08 SDSLT Meeting Notes |
QRS Derivation | 05-Dec-2018 update to 30-Apr-2014: The QRS derivation continually surfaces with the QS Sub-Team. The previous QRS sub-team and terminology team decision was that if a total or subtotal score is not listed on the CRF it is not included in the QRS CT and not represented in SDTM. Many questionnaires have totals and subtotals described in their documentation, user manuals, or they are supplied to sponsors as part of eData. Additional derivations may also be provided to be part of the ADaM analysis representation of the data with CT to enable analysis and further data integration. Based on these known reasons, the QRS sub-team has agreed on the following rules for “Total” type scores in QRS datasets.
QRS Derivation | 05-Dec-2018 update to 27-May-2015: subtotal and Total scores represented in QRS domains are considered as capture data. There is no way for a QRS implementer to determine if the --DRVFL flag should be set based on an example CRF, without knowing the sponsor's data management processes. This is the statement for inclusion in supplements and the SDTMIG QS/FT/RS domain documents: The “QRS short name” total score, which is the sum of the points for each of the measures, is populated in --ORRES, --STRESC and --STRESN. Since the total score is (listed on the CRF or documented in the reference document or documented in the user manual or provided as eData to sponsors), it is considered a captured total score without any knowledge of the sponsor data management processes related to the score.
This statement will be included in any derived data assumption going forward and also added to the assumption in the QS/FT/RS domain documents for the next SDTMIG release. |
QRS metadata | 26-Jun-2013: Questionnaire metadata, such as the evaluation interval, are included now in the QRS domain datasets in lieu of an alternative overall metadata solution for QRS instruments. Once such a solution is published, some questionnaire metadata elements, such as the evaluation interval, may be removed from the QRS domain datasets in the QRS Supplements. |
QRS Naming Convention | 25-May-2016: The agreement reached was that we will not use the CC abbreviation when stating clinical classifications in general to avoid confusion with domain names and we will use the names of Questionnaires, Functional Tests and Clinical Classifications supplements. We also will retain the plural version of Clinical Classifications; |
--SCAT | 22-May-2013: Team discussed QSSCAT case sensitivity. We propose use of upper case always for consistency with QSCAT and SDTM guidance |
--SCAT | 23-Oct-2013: Use the QSCAT value in the supplement even if it differs from the commonly known questionnaire abbreviation. The commonly known questionnaire abbreviation will be contained in the QSCAT Definition in Terminology. Make a note in the supplement if applicable. |
Supplemental Qualifiers | 29-Jun-2016: :If a QRS supplemental qualifier applies to all of the QRS --TESTCDs in a category, the IDVAR and IDVARVAL should be the --CAT or --CAT values. If it does not apply to all tests at this level they should have the specific QRS --TESTCDs to which it applies. Sponsor discretion needs to take precedence in all other cases. |
Supplemental Qualifiers | 16-Jul-2021: GGG review of the draft QX domain agreed that new QRS SUPPQUAL QNAMs need to follow the NSV naming convention, that begins QNAMs with the 2-character domain abbreviation. Exisitng QRS SUPPQUAL QNAMs will be updated with supplement change controls moving forward. |
--TESTCD | 19-Jun-2013: Per SDTM, the rule for assigning --TESTCD when an entire set of tests is not done is to use xxALL, where xx is the domain name. So if an entire questionnaire is not done, QSTESTCD = ‘QSALL’. (Note that QSCAT would be needed to differentiate among multiple QSALL values across questionnaires. |
--TESTCD | 08-Jan- 2014: If consecutive QSTESTCDs fall within a QSSCAT, list the QSTESTCDs in the format 1 – n in the supplement mapping strategy section. If multiple, non-consecutive QSTESTCDs fall within a QSSCAT, list each individually. Team decided to hold off on this until we see more cases and what we prefer. One issue with listing QS test codes in ranges like 1 – n is that each test code is then not searchable. But is the intent really that these supplements should be searchable? |
Version History | 19-Feb-2014: For updated supplement versions, provide a summary of changes in the Version History of the revised supplement |
Version History | 18-May-2016: A suggestion was made to add the SDTM version in which the QRS measure was developed in the "Notes to Readers" section. After discussion and review of the QRS web page that describes the use of the RS domain, it was decided not to add this item. Based on the evolution of the standards and revised mapping and/or new variable decisions, the maintenance of all QRS historic documents for anything but major change controls will be necessary. We want to foster the approach to follow current thought processes on the QRS mapping for historic document that might be may not have used new variable approved since they were developed. |
On Hold for SDS Team Input | |
--EVAL | 15-May-2013: Question for SRC: Should --EVAL = INVESTIGATOR be included in QS data set if this just represents an assigned value, i.e. not explicitly collected on the CRF? SRC originally requested this to be included. Isn’t it understood that SDTM data in general falls under this category? Waiting for a SDS Team decision |
FTEVAL | 21-May-2014: Team discussed the FTEVAL issue. Suggestion from SDS ELT for QSEVAL was to always include the variable in the supplements, even if not collected. Team not sure this should apply to FT since FT is not “subjective” data, which is the way --EVAL is currently defined in SDTM. TUG is clearly just an objective measurement. Decision was to remove FTEVAL and FTEVALID from supplement example and assumptions. [
Waiting for a SDS Team decision |
Skipped CRF Questions | 23-Mar-2016: The question on how to deal with the skipped question on this CRF was posed by F. Wood, who suggested to create records for the logically skipped questions. E. Kiely suggested we do this also in a prospective manner with related CDASH STAT & PERFORM variable values. Although most QRS CRFs do not provide methods to handle missing responses, many sponsor implement them via their EDC systems. Based on this ii was decide this needs further consideration. Eanna will propose a review of the use of related CDASH QRS missing value approaches at a future CDASH team meeting. |