Date e-mail sent: 2023-09-01

Subject: CDISC Publication: SDS QRS supplements to the SDTMIG

Dear CDISC community,

The following Questionnaire, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) supplements to the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTMIG) were developed under the CDISC Standards Development Process.

QRS Standards extend the Foundational Standards to represent data that pertain to QRS instruments. CDISC Standards specify how to structure the data; they do not specify what data should be collected or how to conduct clinical trials, assessments or endpoints.

The following QRS supplements have been published on the CDISC QRS webpage:

Please forward this announcement to any member within your organization/team you feel appropriate. CDISC relies on your input to ensure neutral, consensus-based data standards are developed and adopted by a diverse global community interested in improving research processes and quality for the benefit of all. QRS supplement publication is a key quality step in the development of a standard for the community.

Thank you to the QRS subteam volunteers for contributing your time and expertise.

This is the LINKEDIN CDISC Group announcement: QRS Publications 3Q23 Linked CDISC Group.docx

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