As new QRS measures come up for development, they will be added to JIRA ( in the QRS Project.  A list of the status for QRS projects is maintained in the wiki, also under the QRS Pre-Development area (JIRA QRS Status Listings).

Labels are used to represent:

  • Therapeutic area(s) (nutrition, oncology, PTSD, HIV, etc. ) and/or 'sponsor-request'
  • Domain, once known: QS, FT, RS.  In rare cases, 'multiple-domains'
  • Copyright status.  If the status is unknown, there will not be a label for this yet.  Only one copyright status label will be used at any given time; when new information is received, the label will be updated.  If the status is known, it will be as follows:
    • Public-domain - when the status has been confirmed
    • copyrighted - when the copyright status is known, but the request has not yet been made
    • Permission-requested - when the measure is copyrighted, permission has been requested, and we have not heard back yet, but the request is still open
    • Granted - when the measure is copyrighted and permission has been received
    • No-response-received - when the measure is copyrighted, permission has been requested, but no response has been received and the request is closed
  • Terminology package (P29, P30, etc).  Once terminology has been drafted and been approved, the package number is added to the labels.
  • Difficulty level:  On occassion, a difficulty level may be added to assist in knowing which measures fellows or other volunteers may want/be able to help with.

Sub-tasks:  It has been determined that sub-tasks will not be used in general.  Going forward, when someone is assigned to a measure and they see sub-tasks for copyright determination, terminology, and supplement, these sub-tasks should be deleted.

Comments:  On-going status will be noted in comments, especially when terminology is complete or a supplement is in-progress or has been reviewed by the qrs sub-team.

Task status:

  • No labels