
Build on the draft list of biomedical concepts or content developed in Stage 1 and develop examples and metadata to enhance and finalize concepts.


At the end of this stage, the draft document should be completed and contain all needed components in order to enable a thorough Internal Review.


Biomedical concepts, and other relevant artifacts, such as concept maps o terminology requests.


List terms (abbreviations, acronyms, technical jargon) referenced in this Work Instruction useful at adding clarity. Put "Not applicable." if this section is not applicable.


Study Data Tabulation Model.

Provides a standard for organizing and formatting data to streamline processes in collection, management, analysis and reporting. Implementing SDTM supports data aggregation and warehousing; fosters mining and reuse; facilitates sharing; helps perform due diligence and other important data review activities; and improves the regulatory review and approval process. 


 Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization

Establishes a standard way to collect data consistently across studies and sponsors so that data collection formats and structures provide clear traceability of submission data into the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM).


Analysis Data Model. 

ADaM defines dataset and metadata standards that support: efficient generation, replication, and review of clinical trial statistical analyses, an traceability among analysis results, analysis data, and data represented in the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM).​

Decision TrackerDecision Trackers are located in the CDISC Wiki in the appropriate project space. Project Manager maintain it so Project Teams have a central location to find this information. 

Roles & Responsibilities

Lists all roles and their responsibilities relevant to this Work Instruction.

Project Manager
  1. Refers to the comments received from the Check of Concepts and ensure issues were resolved appropriately.
  2. Resolve gaps or discrepancies that exist and prepare the draft standard and all other documents needed for the Internal Review.
  3. Conducts a project review with the Modeling Experts, as needed.
  4. Maintains a project decision tracker, so Project Teams have a central location to find this information. Checks outstanding issues, works toward resolution, and updates the tracker throughout the course of the project.
Metadata Developer
  1. Defines the metadata modeling approach for new concepts
  2. Determines what SDTM examples are needed for the standard. 
  3. Determines what SDTM examples are needed for the standard. 
  4. Determines what analysis, metadata, and ADaM dataset examples are needed for the TA User Guide.
  5.  Builds on the initial gap analysis to determine if new metadata needs to be developed.
SDTM Expert
  1. Completes the gap analysis on SDTM mappings
  2. Ensures proposed standards are aligned with SDTM
  3. Helps the Metadata Developer determine what examples are needed for the standard.
CDASH Representative
  1. Coordinates developing CDASH Metadata
  2. Coordinates with CDASH subteam to generate CDASH metadata and examples of therapeutic area research concepts.
  3. Ensures proposed standards are aligned with the latest version of CDASH and the CDASH Model
ADaM Expert
  1. Helps TA Statistical Programmer determine what examples are needed for the TA User Guide.
TA Statistical Programmer
  1. Identifies which statistical artifacts, and ADaM, if possible (dataset and analysis metadata) are needed to efficiently conduct specified analyses of statistical endpoints
  2. Helps to construct statistical examples, and ADaM, if possible
  3. Verifies compatibility with analysis objectives
Project Team
  1. Examine concepts and consider what specific content is needed as part of the final standards product. If any new domains or variables are needed, proposals are developed and shared with the appropriate CDISC foundational team. 
Technical Writer
  1. Maintains formatting and layout of the document
  2. Generates and maintains the formal references list
  3. Ensures permissions for graphs and text are acquired from copyright holders as appropriate
  4. Maintains the CDISC TA User Guide Template
  5. Builds the standard by incorporating content and examples as they are developed by the Metadata Developers and Concept Modelers
Clinical TA Expert
  1. Functions as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for therapeutic area concepts, clinical endpoints and terminology
  2. Responsible for the medical content of TA User Guides by writing, and sometimes reviewing sections of data standards that require clinical expertise, with the Medical Writer
  3. Reviews and assists in the search of medical literature and regulatory guidance to ensure appropriate references are included, cited and followed, as needed
  4. Ensures examples in the TA guide are appropriate and clinically accurate, ensures the draft standard is understandable for the implementation community
Medical Writer
  1. Contributes and writes and reviews sections of TA standards document, as needed
  2. Works with Technical Writer to improve and enhance existing templates and approaches
Concept Developer
  1. Copies the template sheet to a new sheet, fills in the concept-level metadata, deletes any concept variable rows that are not relevant for the concept
  2. Populates or modifies Controlled Terminology and SDTM variable information as needed, and adds relevant information about associations with other concepts.
Global Governance Group
  1. Approves the modeling before the standard may be posted for internal review.


Describe each step to be taken to complete the scope of this Work Instruction in the prescribed sequence. Use active verb in the Instructions column.

Step #RoleInstructions

Metadata DeveloperDefines the metadata modeling approach for new concepts

Metadata DeveloperEvaluate the templates or spreadsheets needed for the project and create any additional templates required

Metadata Developer / SDTM Expert

Determines what SDTM examples are needed for the standard. If any new domains or variables are needed, proposals are developed and shared with the SDS team

Metadata Developer / CDASH Representative

Determines what CDASH examples are needed for the TA User Guide. If any new domains or variables are needed, proposals are developed and shared with the CDASH team

TA Statistical Programmer

ADaM Expert

Determines what analysis, metadata, and ADaM dataset examples are needed for the TA User Guide. If any new standards are needed, proposals are developed and shared with the CDISC ADaM Leadership team

Metadata DeveloperBuilds on the initial gap analysis to determine if new metadata needs to be developed. If there are gaps, the team resolves them. Otherwise, the team begins to develop metadata and examples.

Metadata DeveloperDevelops metadata and examples.

Project TeamExamine concepts and consider what specific content is needed as part of the final standards product. If any new domains or variables are needed, proposals are developed and shared with the appropriate CDISC foundational teamRestructure metadata tables

Metadata DeveloperCreates sample data to improve understanding of all key concepts

Technical WriterBegins to build the standard by incorporating content and examples as they are developed by the Metadata Developers and Concept Modelers.Examples

Clinical TA Expert / Medical Writer

Writes relevant sections of the TA User Guide and reviews examples to ensure clinical accuracy and plausibility.Update labels in SDTMIG

Concept DeveloperCopies the template sheet to a new sheet, fills in the concept-level metadata, deletes any concept variable rows that are not relevant for the concept, populates or modifies Controlled Terminology and SDTM variable information as needed, and adds relevant information about associations with other conceptsControlled terminology

Data sciences - test upload?

Domain long name alignment

New QX domain

New DC domain (draft name, MSI)

TA TeamDrafts a Therapeutic Area Specification in collaboration with the FDA to show the different versions of the SDTM and how they relate to domains and variables contained in TA User Guides. New GI domain, from SDTM draft domains

Revise BE, BS, and RELSPEC

Revise DV domain

revise MI domain

New variables

Deprecation of existing variables

Incorporate CDISC glossary text references into the SDTMIG

Decision trees

Suppqual -> NSV



Conformance - legacy review (e.g., should -> must)

Incorporate SDTMIG-AP

Split Variable-Naming Conventions subsection in Section 4

Project Manager 

Refers to the comments received from the Check of Concepts and ensure issues were resolved appropriately.

Project ManagerResolve gaps or discrepancies that exist and prepare the draft standard and all other documents needed for the Internal Review.

Project ManagerConducts a project review with the Modeling Experts, as needed.

Project ManagerAlerts the Global Governance Group when the draft is nearing internal review.

Global Governance GroupApproves the modeling before the standard may be posted for internal review. 

General Workflow


List references pertinent to this Work Instruction, e.g., COP-001.

  • No labels