- It is recognized that PP is a derived dataset, and may be produced from an analysis dataset with a different structure. As a result, some sponsors may need to normalize their analysis dataset in order for it to fit into the SDTM-based PP domain.
- Information pertaining to all parameters (e.g., number of exponents, model weighting) should be submitted in the SUPPPP dataset.
- There are separate codelists used for PPORRESU/PPSTRESU where the choice depends on whether the value of the pharmacokinetic parameter is normalized.
- Codelist “PKUNIT” is used for non-normalized parameters.
- Codelists “PKUDMG” and “PKUDUG” are used when parameters are normalized by dose amount in milligrams or micrograms respectively.
- Codelists “PKUWG” and “PKUWKG” are used when parameters are normalized by weight in grams or kilograms respectively.
- Any Identifiers, Timing variables, or Findings general observation class qualifiers may be added to the PP domain, but the following qualifiers would not generally be used in PP: --BODSYS, --SEV.
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