The DurationTimingConstraint constrains the duration of an activity represented by a study, epoch, StudyEventGroupDef, StudyEventDef, ItemGroupDef, or ItemDef. It is used to constrain the duration of the visit, activity, or any other structural element.

The element may not be used to describe timing constraints between structural elements (e.g., visits), but can be used to described the allowed duration of the visit itself (or any other activity).

If a visit is envisaged to take 6 days, with a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 8 days, then DurationTarget="P6D", DurationPreWindow="P1D", and DurationPostWindow="P2D", with the value of StructuralElementOID being equal to the value of the OID attribute of the visit (StudyEventGroup or StudyEvent) to which the constraint should be applied.