AttributeSchema Datatype or EnumerationUsageDefinitionBusiness Rules
CodedValuetextRequiredValue of the codelist item (as it would occur in clinical data).For ItemDef elements that reference a CodeList element containing CodeListItem child elements, ItemData values must match a CodedValue attribute. 
RankfloatOptionalNumeric significance of the CodeListItem relative to others in the CodeList.If Rank is provided for any CodeListItem in a CodeList, it must be provided for all.
Other(Yes)OptionalSignfies that the term represents "other" content.
OrderNumberintegerOptionalOrdering on the Items (within a containing CodeListItem) for use whenever a list of Items is presented to a user.If OrderNumber is provided for any CodeListItem, it must be provided for all.
CommentOIDoidrefOptionalReference to a CommentDef.Must match the OID for a CommentDef within the Study/MetaDataVersion.