Rare Diseases JIRA Project: https://jira.cdisc.org/projects/TAUGDMDCIS/issues
If you have no edits or comments to a page:
Click 'Like' at the bottom of the page. This will help us determine which pages have been reviewed.
To add comments using the Wiki:
- Select the text (ideally, a short, unique phrase) to which you wish to attach the comment. After a moment, a small contextual menu should appear.
- Within the contextual menu, click on the JIRA icon. This will trigger an abbreviated Create Issue form.
- Choose the project associated with this document from the Project drop-down menu.
- Choose "Review Comments" from the Issue Type drop-down menu.
- Fill out the form.
- The Summary field will be pre-populated with the text that you selected. You can change this or leave it as it is.
- Enter your comment, and any additional details, in the Description field. Please be thorough, so your comment can be addressed properly.
- In case of technical difficulties, please make sure to include a brief description of the context of your comment.
- Click the "Create" button in the bottom left corner of the form to submit your comment as an issue.
Additional instructions for creating an issue from within Confluence (the Wiki) can be found here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/use-jira-applications-and-confluence-together-427623543.html
To add comments using JIRA:
- Go to the JIRA project associated with this document
Keeping JIRA open in a separate window to capture comments is easier than navigating back and forth between the Wiki and JIRA.
- Click on the "Create" button in the top menu to bring up the Create Issue form.
- Choose the project associated with this document from the Project drop-down menu, if it has not already been selected for you. (If a project has already been selected, make sure it's the right one!)
- From the Issue Type drop-down menu, set the issue type to "Review Comments", if it is not already.
- Fill out the form.
- In the Summary field, describe the content to which the comment applies.
- Enter your comment, and any additional details, in the Description field. Please be thorough, so your comment can be addressed properly.
- Click the "Create" button in the bottom right corner of the form to submit.
Additional instructions for creating an issue from within the JIRA can be found here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Creating+an+Issue