- PT is used to represent the results of all testing of tobacco products. Examples of the types of testing that would be represented here include:
- Testing products for conformance to design parameter specifications
- Testing for harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) in samples of the product
- Product stability study testing results
- PTCAT (Category of Test) is a required variable since the same analyte (same value of PTEST) may appear in more than one context. PTCAT differentiates the records in these cases (e.g., HPHC TESTING, STABILITY STUDY)
- PTSCAT can be used to further differentiate constituents.
- Constituents like tar, which are not formally designated HPHCs but which are tested along with designated HPHCs, should be categorized as "HPHC TESTING" with PTSCAT="OTHER".
- The original result of a test and its associated units are represented in PTORRES and PTORRESU, respectively. If the result is standardized to a different set of units, the standardized value and its units are represented in PTSRESC and PTSTRESU. Additionally, PTSRESN should be populated if the standard result is numeric.
- PTORRES, PTSTRESC and PTSTRESN are all Expected variables. PTSTRESN can be left null if the result is not numeric
- If the original results are not standardized to different units, the value in PTORRES should be carried over to PTSTRESC and PTSRESN (the latter is only used if numeric). The value in PTORRESU should be carried over into PTSTRESC.
- The variable PTSPEC (Specimen Type) is used to represent the specimen matrix (e.g, E-LIQUID, TOBACCO, SMOKE, VAPOR).
- PTSPCCND (Specimen Condition) is used for conditions such as "AS-IS" or "DRIED".
- When lab methodology is too complex for the single PTMETHOD variable, PTXFN should be used to reference a file name or path to a file in the application that describes the methodology used. Either PTMETHOD or PTXFN should be included in the data.
- The following Permissible identifiers can be used as follows:
- IGDCMPID is used when necessary to identify that a particular test was performed on a specific component of the tobacco product, and when this component would not be obvious without identifying it explicitly. For example, IGDCMPID is necessary when the same test is performed on 2 different components, such as 2 different types of tobacco in a leaf product.
- STOCONID is used in stability studies testing to identify the set of conditions under which the product being tested was stored.
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