Variable Name | Variable Label | Type | Codelist/Controlled Terms | Core | Notes |
STUDYID | Study Identifier | text | Req | MH.STUDYID | |
USUBJID | Unique Subject Identifier | text | Req | MH.USUBJID | |
MHTERM | Reported Term for the Medical History | text | Req | MH.MHTERM | |
MHDECOD | Dictionary-Derived Term | text | Cond | MH.MHDECOD | |
MHBODSYS | Body System or Organ Class | text | Cond | MH.MHBODSYS | |
ASTDT | Analysis Start Date | integer | Cond | Convert MH.MHSTDTC from character ISO8601 format to numeric date format | |
AENDT | Analysis End Date | integer | Cond | Convert MH.MHENDTC from character ISO8601 format to numeric date format | |
AOCCFL | 1st Occurrence within Subject Flag | text | Y | Perm | Sort the data in the required order and flag the first for each subject. |
AOCCPFL | 1st Occurrence of Preferred Term Flag | text | Y | Perm | Sort the data in the required order and flag the first record for each MHDECOD for each subject. |
AOCCSFL | 1st Occurrence of SOC Flag | text | Y | Perm | Sort the data in the required order and flag the first record for each body system for each subject. |
TRTP | Planned Treatment | text | Product A;Product B | Cond | ADSL.TRT01P |
TRTA | Actual Treatment | text | Product A;Product B | Cond | ADSL.TRT01A |
SAFFL | Safety Population Flag | text | Y;N | Cond | ADSL.SAFFL |
RANDFL | Randomized Population Flag | text | Y;N | Cond | ADSL.RANDFL |
TRTSDT | Date of First Exposure to Treatment | integer | Perm | ADSL.TRTSDT | |
TRTEDT | Date of Last Exposure to Treatment | integer | Perm | ADSL.TRTEDT | |
MHCAT | Category for Medical History | text | Perm | MH.MHCAT | |
MHSTDTC | Start Date/Time of Medical History Event | text | Perm | MH.MHSTDTC | |
MHENDTC | End Date/Time of Medical History Event | text | Perm | MH.MHENDTC | |
MHENRTPT | End Relative to Reference Time Point | text | Perm | MH.MHENRTPT | |
MHENTPT | End Reference Time Point | text | Perm | MH.MHENTPT | |
MHSEQ | Sequence Number | integer | Perm | MH.MHSEQ |
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