Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: ARSP-9: removed ARM-TS and changed definition of ARD from "Analysis-ready data" to "Analysis results dataset".

The following abbreviations and terms are used in this document. Additional definitions can be found in the CDISC Glossary (available at

ADaMAnalysis Data Model
ADSL(ADaM) Subject-level Dataset
AEAdverse event
APIApplication programming interface
ARDAnalysis results dataset
ARMAnalysis results metadata
ARSAnalysis Results Standard (Model)
CSRClinical Study Report
PDFPortable Document Format
RTFRich Text Format
SAPStatistical Analysis Plan
ARS-UGAnalysis Results Standard Users Guide
CSRClinical study report
DDLData definition language
ER DiagramEntity Relationship Diagram
FDA(US) Food and Drug Administration
GraphQLOpen-source data query and manipulation language for APIs
HTMLHypertext markup language
JSONJavaScript object notation
OWLWeb ontology language
PDFPortable document format
RDFResource description framework
RTFRich text format
SAPStatistical analysis plan
SDTMStudy Data Tabulation Model
ShExShape expressions (language describing RDF graph structures)
SQLStructured query language
XMLExtensible markup language
YAMLYAML ain't markup language; human-readable data serialization languageTFLTables, Figures, and Listings
