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  • Copy ADQRS QS Template pages to the Initial development (Not ready for internal review). Please DO NOT OVERWRITE the template pages.
  • Change the title of the page as follows:
  • Remove 'Copy of ADQRS QS Template - '. The new title should begin with 'ADaM ADQRS Short_Name...'.
  • Change 'ADQRS Short_Name' to the short name (QSCAT) for the current measure.
    1. This change needs to be done in the title as well as throughout the document.
  • The version number will be 'v1' if there has never been a supplement for the measure before. Otherwise, increment as appropriate.
  • When copyrighted instruments are used, 'Public domain' will need to be changed to 'Approved'. Note that the copyright approval must allow for the creation of analysis supplements.
  • Replace 'ADQRS Long_Name' and 'ADQRS Short_Name' with the long and short name of the measure that the supplement is being created for.
  • Replace royal blue text with information pertaining to the measure the supplement is being created for. Delete royal blue text which does not apply to the new measure. Unless otherwise noted, text in black applies to all QRS Questionnaire Supplements and should not be deleted.
  • Remove all information blocks, except for the one immediately below this called 'Information for Reviewers'.

  • Keep changes in blue for ease throughout internal and public review. Once the supplement has gone thru public review and all comments are resolved, change all text color to black except for hyperlinks.

  • Info
    titleInstructions on how to use this template
    titleInformation for Reviewers

    Text in black is part of the template used to create this document and is not under review. Please review the blue text; this text represents the changes made to the template that are specific to this QRS instrument.

    Page propertiesTitle

    Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Clinical Classification (APACHE II)

    CDISC ReferenceClinical Classification Supplement to the Analysis Data Model Implementation GuideQRS Short NameAPACHE IIADQRS Permission StatusPublic DomainTeamCDISC ADaM Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) SubteamSupplement Version1.0 (or higher as appropriate when doing a supplement revision)
    StatusDRAFT (or "REVISION DRAFT" or "FINAL", as appropriate). Status will not be considered "Final" until the supplement is ready to be sent for publication.Date2023 (date current version released, regardless of status)NotesThis supplement is intended to be used with other CDISC user guides for specific therapeutic/disease areas and follows the CDISC Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide. Naming conventions follow ADaMIG v1.1 or higher.

    Revision History

    DateVersion2023  (update whenever text is modified below, even during development)1.0 Draft

    © 2023 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved.

    1     General Considerations

    This section describes the implementation of the analysis dataset for QRS instruments as based on the Basic Data Structure (BDS) described in the Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide (ADaMIG). The ADaMIG can be found on the CDISC website at The BDS was chosen as the model for analysis datasets of QRS instruments because it supports a wide variety of analyses, including summaries of total score by timepoint as well as change from baseline by timepoint. This data structure allows the ADaM variables PARAM and PARAMCD to come directly from Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) variables RS.RSTEST and RS.RSTESTCD, respectively, for individually captured questions, thus ensuring traceability between SDTM and ADaM data. If other analyses are required that are not supported by the BDS, then consideration would be needed as to the appropriate structure. Analysis requirements always drive the design of the analysis datasets.

    This ADaM supplement is based on the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) Clinical Classification Supplement Version 2.0 to the SDTM Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials (SDTMIG). 

    Note that source SDTM score values may not be suitable for analysis because the values may need to be imputed or transformed. In addition, recalculation of collected values may be needed per analysis rules. In these cases, the derivation of AVAL may not be a simple copying of RS.RSSTRESN. 

    These specific analysis implementation details for the APACHE II are meant to be used in conjunction with ADaMIG. All completed questionnaires, ratings, and scales documentation can be found on the CDISC website at:

    1.1   Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers

    This document is a supplement to the ADaMIG and is covered under Appendix C of that document, which describes representations, warranties, limitations of liability, and disclaimers. Please see Appendix C of the ADaMIG for a complete version of this material.

    CDISC does not endorse any QRS instrument and does not specify how to conduct clinical assessments, protocols, or analyses. CDISC disclaims any liability for your use of this material.

    1.2   Copyright Status

    CDISC believes this instrument to be in the public domain, but you should perform your own assessment. CDISC has included the APACHE II in the CDISC library of QRS data standards supplementsThere may be many versions of this instrument in the public domain or copyrighted. CDISC has chosen to use the version attached to the QRS supplement to the SDTMIG, and the QRS supplement to the ADaMIG is based on the same version.

    Note: CDISC Controlled Terminology is maintained by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The most recent versions of the SDTM and ADaM controlled terminologies should be accessed through the CDISC website (

    1.3   Known Issues

    The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) is a severity of disease measurement and mortality estimation tool for adult patients applied within 24 hours of admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). The instrument's intended use is for newly admitted patients to the ICU. The instrument consists of individual items that are summed up to create a total score. This instrument is generally collected once at Screening/Baseline. The total score is normally collected as part of the instrument with no instructions provided for handling missing data. In the majority of cases, where APACHE II is only assessed once and the collected total score used as a baseline covariate, the SDTM RS domain may be sufficient to support the analysis requirements, as a variable in ADSL copied directly from a result/value in SDTM.

    The APACHE II total score is designed as a mortality prediction tool. It is not intended to influence the medical management or care of patients during their ICU stay or to be calculated sequentially to show improvement or effect of interventions. The worst values recorded during the initial 24 hours in the ICU are recommended to be used in calculation of the total score but the measurements initially recorded during the patient’s admission can be used for practical reasons. 

    Information for Reviewers

    Text in black is part of the template used to create this document and is not under review. Please review the blue text; this text represents the changes made to the template that are specific to this QRS instrument.

    Page properties

    Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Clinical Classification (APACHE II)

    CDISC ReferenceClinical Classification Supplement to the Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide
    QRS Short NameAPACHE II
    ADQRS Permission StatusPublic Domain
    TeamCDISC ADaM Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) Subteam
    Supplement Version1.0 (or higher as appropriate when doing a supplement revision)
    StatusDRAFT (or "REVISION DRAFT" or "FINAL", as appropriate). Status will not be considered "Final" until the supplement is ready to be sent for publication.
    NotesThis supplement is intended to be used with other CDISC user guides for specific therapeutic/disease areas and follows the CDISC Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide. Naming conventions follow ADaMIG v1.1 or higher.

    Revision History

    2024-02-201.0 Draft

    © 2024 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved.

    1     General Considerations

    This section describes the implementation of the analysis dataset for QRS instruments as based on the Basic Data Structure (BDS) described in the Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide (ADaMIG). The ADaMIG can be found on the CDISC website at The BDS was chosen as the model for analysis datasets of QRS instruments because it supports a wide variety of analyses, including summaries of total score by timepoint as well as change from baseline by timepoint. This data structure allows the ADaM variables PARAM and PARAMCD to come directly from Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) variables RS.RSTEST and RS.RSTESTCD, respectively, for individually captured items, thus ensuring traceability between SDTM and ADaM data. If other analyses are required that are not supported by the BDS, then consideration would be needed as to the appropriate structure. Analysis requirements always drive the design of the analysis datasets.

    This ADaM supplement is based on the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) Clinical Classification Supplement Version 2.0 to the SDTM Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials (SDTMIG). 

    Note that source SDTM score values may not be suitable for analysis because the values may need to be imputed or transformed. In addition, recalculation of collected values may be needed per analysis rules. In these cases, the derivation of AVAL may not be a simple copying of RS.RSSTRESN. 

    These specific analysis implementation details for the APACHE II are meant to be used in conjunction with ADaMIG. All completed questionnaires, ratings, and scales documentation can be found on the CDISC website at:

    1.1   Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers

    This document is a supplement to the ADaMIG and is covered under Appendix C of that document, which describes representations, warranties, limitations of liability, and disclaimers. Please see Appendix C of the ADaMIG for a complete version of this material.

    CDISC does not endorse any QRS instrument and does not specify how to conduct clinical assessments, protocols, or analyses. CDISC disclaims any liability for your use of this material.

    1.2   Copyright Status

    CDISC believes this instrument to be in the public domain, but you should perform your own assessment. CDISC has included the APACHE II in the CDISC library of QRS data standards supplementsThere may be many versions of this instrument in the public domain or copyrighted. CDISC has chosen to use the version attached to the QRS supplement to the SDTMIG, and the QRS supplement to the ADaMIG is based on the same version.

    Note: CDISC Controlled Terminology is maintained by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The most recent versions of the SDTM and ADaM controlled terminologies should be accessed through the CDISC website (

    1.3   Known Issues

    The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) is a severity of disease measurement and mortality estimation tool for adult subjects applied within 24 hours of admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). The instrument's intended use is for newly admitted subjects to the ICU. The instrument consists of individual items that are summed to create a total score. This instrument is generally collected once at Screening/Baseline. The total score is normally collected as part of the instrument with no instructions provided for handling missing data. In the majority of cases, where APACHE II is only assessed once and the collected total score used as a baseline covariate, the SDTM RS domain may be sufficient to support the analysis requirements. If this is the case, a variable in ADSL copied directly from a result/value in SDTM may be sufficient to support analysis needs.

    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

    The APACHE II total score is designed as a mortality prediction tool. It is not intended to influence the medical management or care of subjects during their ICU stay or to be calculated sequentially to show improvement or effect of interventions. The worst values recorded during the initial 24 hours in the ICU are recommended to be used in calculation of the total score but the measurements initially recorded during the subject’s admission can be used for practical reasons. 

    Although the APACHE II total score is the most widely used ICU mortality prediction score, it has a number of limitations and shortcomings. The total score is not intended to be applied to specific populations such as liver failure or HIV subjects and is not accurate when dealing with subjects transferred from another unit or another hospital.

    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)
    The APACHE II total score must be recalibrated before it can be used in a population other than the general ICU population.
    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)
     ICU prediction scores in general need to be periodically recalibrated to reflect changes and improvements in practice and subject demographics. Be sure to discuss Although the APACHE II Discuss the use of this instrument with the appropriate regulatory authorities.

    2     Rules and References

    The primary source used in the development of this supplement is Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, Zimmerman JE. APACHE II: a severity of disease classification system . Critical Care Medicine 1985; 13(10):818–29. [1].

    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

    All links are valid and referenced information is current as of the date of this ADaMIG QRS supplement. This supplement does not make recommendations for the handling of missing data or adoption of imputation methods.

    3     Scoring Software

    There is no known publicly available scoring software as of the date of this ADaMIG QRS supplement.

    4     Introduction to the Instrument   

    The APACHE II is a severity-of-disease classification system that uses a point score based on the initial values of 12 routine physiologic measurements, age, and previous health status. Scores range from 0 to 71 and higher scores correspond to more severe disease and a higher risk of death. The composite score is based on findings represented in other SDTM domains such as Laboratory Test Results (LB) and Vital Signs (VS).

    5     Key Data Checks

    The computed total score consists of integer values ranging from 0 to 71. The classification system consists of 11 physiology measures based on a numeric rating scale 0 to 4,

    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)
    where 0 reflects values within the normal range and an increase in the numeric rating scale represents an increase in the abnormality of the physiology measure in either the high or low direction. For Serum Creatinine, the measure is assessed on the same scale but double points are assigned for subjects with acute renal failure. The measure evaluating extent of impaired consciousness , is calculated as 15 minus the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Score; , so that lower scores indicate mild or no impairment and higher scores represent more severe impairment (possible head and/or central nervous system injury) and range from 0 to 12. Chronological age is divided into age groups which are assigned values of 0, 2, 3, 5, 6. For patients into age groups which are assigned values of 0, 2, 3, 5, or 6
    serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

    For subjects with a history of severe organ system insufficiency or who are immunocompromised, a numeric rating of 2 or 5 is assigned for chronic health points, where 2 is assigned “for elective postoperative patients” subjects” and 5 is assigned “for nonoperative or emergency postoperative patients”subjects”. For subjects who do not have a history of severe organ system insufficiency or who are not immunocompromised, a NOT DONE record may be retained from the source RS domain with the conditional branching flag (RSCBRFL="Y") populated. Additionally, a sponsor may choose to set AVAL=0 for subjects who do not meet the criteria for assigning chronic health points. This decision must be clearly documented, as the analysis value of 0 is logically derived or implied.

    6     Example

    6.1   Background

    Analyses based on ADaM datasets may vary depending on the sponsor, therapeutic area, and the needs of regulatory authorities in their decision-making processes. This fictional example is provided for illustrative purposes only. The ADaM dataset describing the analysis results from an instrument is based on the protocol and statistical analysis plan (SAP) for the individual study.

    The example dataset described here is intended to support a variety of analyses, ranging from simple univariate summary statistics on the actual total scores to other types of by-visit and repeated-measure analyses. For that reason, standard ADaM BDS variables such as AVAL (analysis value) have been included in the example. In addition, although not illustrated in the example, the APACHE II total score can be divided into categories (e.g., <17, >=17) reflecting disease severity or risk of death, and the frequency of subjects reporting in each category may be generated or used for analysis.

    In the example presented here, it is assumed that the final APACHE II analysis dataset (ADAPCH) contains all of the original records, plus a record for the computed total acute physiology score and a record for the computed total APACHE II for each patient subject and assessment timepoint. The date of the assessment—and time of the assessment, if collected—should also be included in the dataset. For traceability, raw item-level responses from the SDTM RS.RSORRES variable, stored separately from the analysis variable AVAL, are included. Derivation type (DTYPE) should be used to clearly indicate records where missing values have been imputed using sponsor-defined imputation methods. If useful for analysis, a summary analysis dataset which includes only the computed total score records may also be created.

    6.2   Example Analysis Dataset, Variable and Value-level Metadata

    The ADAPCH Dataset Metadata table shows an example of how the APACHE II may be implemented in ADaM. The dataset metadata is a recommendation for the dataset name, label, structure, and keys. These can be modified for sponsor-specific standards and analyses. 








    APACHE II Analysis Dataset

    1 record per subject per analysis visit per parameter.



    The ADAPCH Variable Metadata table contains an example of analysis variable metadata for a subset of possible variables available for the APACHE II. Example value-level metadata are found in the Parameter Value Level List - ADAPCH [AVAL] metadata table. The ADAPCH Variable Metadata table does not include all of the possible variables that may be present in the Subject-Level Analysis Dataset (ADSL) and copied to the BDS structure analysis dataset, with the exception of the required STUDYID and USUBJID. For a complete list of available ADSL variables, consult the ADaMIG. Some ADSL variables (e.g., REGION1) were included in this example for stratification, and are not required. Additional covariates or other variables may be added as needed for analysis. Common BDS variables such as BASE and CHG have been omitted from the example as the majority analyses of APACHE II do not use these variables. There is no specific ordering of variables recommended in this supplement. The SDTM variables were placed next to the corresponding derived ADaM variables for illustration purposes only. 

    ExtraUser Notes

    Variable Name

    Variable Label


    Controlled Terms



    User Notes


    Study Identifier




    Unique Subject Identifier



    SITEIDSite Identifier Char 


    Sequence Number



    RSSEQ is included to provide traceability back to SDTM.
    ASEQAnalysis Sequence NumberNum

    After sorting by key variables, renumber all the records from 1 to n within a subject.Provides a sequence number to derived rows which are not present in RSSEQ.


    Intent-to-Treat Population Flag


    “Y”, “N”


    Conditional; must include at least 1 population flag.


    Planned Treatment


    "DRUG A + SOC", "SOC"

    Derivation should be defined by sponsor according to analysis needs.   

    Conditional; should include at least 1 treatment variable (e.g., TRTP, TRTA, TRTSEQP, TRT01P).





    See Parameter Value Level List - ADAPCH table.

    PARAMCDParameter Code Char

    See Parameter Value Level List - ADAPCH table.


    Parameter Number


    Number of the item in the order it appears on the form; assign a higher value to the derived total score record.


    Parameter Category 1



    Set to RS.RSCAT for records that come directly from SDTM and "APACHE II" for any derived records such as total scores.


    Visit Name



    RS.VISIT included for traceability.


    Visit Number



    RS.VISITNUM included for traceability.


    Analysis Visit


    AVISIT represents the analysis visit for the record. Refer to the SAP for additional details.


    Analysis Visit (N)


    A numeric representation of AVISIT. 


    Date/Time of Finding



    RS.RSDTC included for traceability.


    Analysis Date


    Date portion of RS.RSDTC converted to numeric and displayed in a format such as DATE9.

    For derived total score records where PARAMCD in ("APCH1TPS" "APCH1TS"), this information will be copied from the individual records that comprise that instrument.


    Analysis Relative Day


    ADT-ADSL.TRTSDT+1 if ADT≥TRTSDT; else, ADT-ADSL.TRTSDT if ADT<TRTSDT.This derivation is for example only.


    Finding in Original Units




    Original Units




    Conditionally Branched Item Flag




    Represents that this item was '"NOT DONE' " due to conditional branching. AVAL is not populated on this record for this item due to conditional branching.


    Analysis Value


    See Parameter Value Level List - ADAPCH table.


    Derivation Type




    Baseline Record Flag



    Set ABLFL="Y" on the record defined as the baseline value. This flag will only be populated on the derived acute physiology and APACHE II total score records (PARAMCD in ("APCH1TPS" "APCH1TS")) in this example.

    Permissible if needed for analysis. Generally represented using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3. Note that regulatory agency specific requirements (e.g., US FDA) may require other terminologies; in such cases, follow regulatory requirements.    


    Geographic Region 1



    Permissible if needed for analysis.


    Geographic Region 1 (N)



    Permissible if needed for analysis.


    ExtraUser Notes




    Controlled Terms



    User Notes


    PARAMCD NOT IN NOTIN ("APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis), "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis))


    Set AVAL=RS.RSSTRESN.The analysis value is the result copied from SDTM.


    PARAMCD EQ "APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis)


    The sum of RS.RSSTRESN for RS.RSTESTCD in ("APCH101"-"APCH112") if no questions items are missing. Note that one out of the following two items: RSTESTCD=among item pairs RSTESTCD in ("APCH105A" or , "APCH105B" must be answered or RSTESTCD=) as well as RSTESTCD in ("APCH106A" or , "APCH106B" but ) only one item is expected to be answered and not both, respectively.

    The expectation is that issues with that issues pertaining to conditional branching (e.g., both items answered) are queried and fixed in SDTM RS. If this is not possible, the statistician will provide guidance and documentation of how to conduct the analysis given the circumstance (e.g. worst score).


    PARAMCD EQ "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis)


    The sum of RS.RSSTRESN for RS.RSTESTCD in ("APCH101"-"APCH112") and "APCH114", "APCH115" if no questions items are missing. Note that one out of the following two items: RSTESTCD=among item pairs RSTESTCD in ("APCH105A" or , "APCH105B" must be answered or RSTESTCD=) as well as RSTESTCD in ("APCH106A" or , "APCH106B" but ) only one item is expected to be answered and not both, respectively.

    If a subject dies on or before Day 15, they are assigned the highest observed APACHE II score of any of the subjects at any time during the trial for their Total APACHE II Score at Day 15 (Day of Discharge).

    The assignment of the highest observed APACHE II score is for illustration purposes only and not meant as a recommendation.


    PARAMCD NOT IN NOTIN ("APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis), "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis))



    See CDISC Controlled Terminology for Clinical Classification Test Codes. RS.RSTESTCD for responses to individual questions items copied from SDTM.


    PARAMCD IN ("APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis), "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis))



    See CDISC Controlled Terminology for Parameter Codes.


    PARAMCD NOT IN NOTIN ("APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis), "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis))



    See CDISC Controlled Terminology for Clinical Classification Test Names. RS.RSTEST for responses to individual questions items copied from SDTM.


    PARAMCD IN ("APCH1TPS" (APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - Analysis), "APCH1TS" (APCH1-Total APACHE II Score - Analysis))



    See CDISC Controlled Terminology for Parameter Names.

    6.3   Example Analysis Dataset 

    The APACHE II Analysis Dataset tables below show the terminology and variables for implementing the example analysis dataset for this instrument in the BDS. This specific example is taken from a Phase II, randomized, controlled, open label multi-center study to assess the efficacy and safety of Drug A for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients subjects with COVID-19 pneumonia and impaired respiratory function. The primary outcome measure is APACHE II Severity of Disease Score on Day 15 or on the Day of Discharge (Whichever whichever is Earlierearlier). This measure compares "Drug A + Standard of Care SOC" with "SOC" (SOC ) versus the = Standard of Care (SOC). 

    In this example, the APACHE II score was measured within 24 hours of ICU admission, on or before Day 1 (prior to implementation of treatment), Day 7, and Day 15 or on the day of discharge (whichever was earlier). In the example, as per the SAP, participants subjects who died on Day 15 or earlier were assigned the highest observed APACHE II score of any of the participants subjects at any time during the trial (worst case imputation for deaths). This imputation method is for example purposes only and not meant to be a recommendation nor considered a common practice. Missing data values of for the parameters required for the derivation of the APACHE II score were replaced by the last available assessment. Item level imputation, in this example, is handled by the investigators and/or clinicians at the site and is considered source data, already captured in SDTM. The  --LNKID variable can be used to determine the source or input record used to assess that particular physiological item on APACHE II at that time point. SOC included a variety of supportive therapies that ranged from the administration of supplementary oxygen to full intensive care support, alongside the use of antiviral treatment, convalescent plasma, corticosteroids, antibiotics or other agents.

    In the example, the SAP specifies that planned collected visits, including baseline measurements, are to be used in analyses and displays of results. In fact, no Unscheduled Visits unscheduled visits exist in the source data. If the planned physiology assessment is not done or invalid, the investigator may choose to use a previous or repeat assessment of that parameter as the value at that visit for the scoring of APACHE II. The records for 2 subjects are shown in the example datasets. The data for 3 visits is shown for the first subject, with no missing data. The data for 1 visit is shown for the second subject, who died before the Day 15 (Day of Discharge) Visit so the APACHE II total score is imputed to the worst case value of any subjects across any timepoints at that visit. Note that the worst case value is not shown in the sample data.


    The APACHE II Complete Analysis Dataset table shows all of the individual question item responses for this example, as well as the computed total Acute Physiology score and the computed total APACHE II score. This example is considered to be the final analysis dataset for submission. Computed total scores can appear after the individual item responses, with appropriate labels for identification.

    Dataset wrap
    1STUDYXX-100-P000110011YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Temperature - RectalAPCH1011APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5138.5-38.9C

    USANorth America1APCH101APCH1-Temperature - RectalAPACHE II-5
    2STUDYXX-100-P000110022YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPCH1022APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51110-129mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH102APCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPACHE II-5
    3STUDYXX-100-P000110033YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Heart RateAPCH1033APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5170-109beats/min

    USANorth America1APCH103APCH1-Heart RateAPACHE II-5
    4STUDYXX-100-P000110044YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Respiratory RateAPCH1044APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5125-34breaths/min

    USANorth America1APCH104APCH1-Respiratory RateAPACHE II1-5
    5STUDYXX-100-P000110055YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APCH105A5APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51


    USANorth America1APCH105AAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APACHE IINOT DONE-5
    6STUDYXX-100-P000110066YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APCH105B6APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5161-70mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH105BAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APACHE II-5
    7STUDYXX-100-P000110077YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Arterial pHAPCH106A7APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-517.15-7.24


    USANorth America1APCH106AAPCH1-Arterial pHAPACHE II-5
    8STUDYXX-100-P000110088YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum HCO3APCH106B8APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51


    9STUDYXX-100-P000110099YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum SodiumAPCH1079APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51150-154mmol/L

    USANorth America1APCH107APCH1-Serum SodiumAPACHE II-5
    10STUDYXX-100-P00011001010YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum PotassiumAPCH10810APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-513.5-5.4mmol/L

    USANorth America1APCH108APCH1-Serum PotassiumAPACHE II-5
    11STUDYXX-100-P00011001111YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum CreatinineAPCH10911APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51<0.6mg/dL

    USANorth America1APCH109APCH1-Serum CreatinineAPACHE II-5
    12STUDYXX-100-P00011001212YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-HematocritAPCH11012APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5120-29.9%

    USANorth America1APCH110APCH1-HematocritAPACHE II-5
    13STUDYXX-100-P00011001313YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-White Blood CountAPCH11113APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5120-39.910^9/L

    USANorth America1APCH111APCH1-White Blood CountAPACHE II-5
    14STUDYXX-100-P00011001414YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPCH11214APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-513


    USANorth America1APCH112
    APCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPACHE II-515STUDYXX-100-P00011001515YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPCH11315APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5118


    USANorth America1APCH113APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPACHE II-5
    16YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - AnalysisAPCH1TPS16APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51

    YUSANorth America1-5
    17STUDYXX-100-P00011001617YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-B: Age PointsAPCH11417APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5145-54YEARS

    USANorth America1APCH114APCH1-B: Age PointsAPACHE II-5
    18STUDYXX-100-P00011001718YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPCH11518APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51for elective postoperative patients


    USANorth America1APCH115APCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPACHE IIAmerica1-5
    19STUDYXX-100-P00011001819YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPCH11619APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-5122


    USANorth America1APCH116APCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPACHE II-5
    20YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-06-242924JUN201429JUN2020-51

    YUSANorth America1-5
    21STUDYXX-100-P00011001921YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Temperature - RectalAPCH1011APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020738.5-38.9C

    USANorth America1APCH101APCH1-Temperature - RectalAPACHE II7
    22STUDYXX-100-P00011002022YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPCH1022APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020770–109mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH102APCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPACHE II7
    23STUDYXX-100-P00011002123YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Heart RateAPCH1033APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020770-109beats/min

    USANorth America1APCH103APCH1-Heart RateAPACHE II7
    24STUDYXX-100-P00011002224YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Respiratory RateAPCH1044APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020725-34breaths/min

    USANorth America1APCH104APCH1-Respiratory RateAPACHE IIAmerica17
    25STUDYXX-100-P00011002325YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APCH105A5APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207


    USANorth America1APCH105AAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APACHE IINOT DONE7
    26STUDYXX-100-P00011002426YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APCH105B6APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020761-70mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH105BAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APACHE II7
    27STUDYXX-100-P00011002527YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Arterial pHAPCH106A7APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL202077.25-7.32


    USANorth America1APCH106AAPCH1-Arterial pHAPACHE II7
    28STUDYXX-100-P00011002628YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum HCO3APCH106B8APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207


    29STUDYXX-100-P00011002729YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum SodiumAPCH1079APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207150-154mmol/L

    USANorth America1APCH107APCH1-Serum SodiumAPACHE II7
    30STUDYXX-100-P00011002830YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum PotassiumAPCH10810APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL202073.5-5.4mmol/L
    0USANorth America1APCH108APCH1-Serum PotassiumAPACHE II

    USANorth America17
    31STUDYXX-100-P00011002931YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum CreatinineAPCH10911APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL202070.6-1.4mg/dL

    USANorth America1APCH109APCH1-Serum CreatinineAPACHE II7
    32STUDYXX-100-P00011003032YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-HematocritAPCH11012APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020720-29.9%

    USANorth America1APCH110APCH1-HematocritAPACHE II7
    33STUDYXX-100-P00011003133YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-White Blood CountAPCH11113APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020715-19.910^9/L

    USANorth America1APCH111APCH1-White Blood CountAPACHE II7
    34STUDYXX-100-P00011003234YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPCH11214APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL202071


    USANorth America1APCH112APCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPACHE II7
    35STUDYXX-100-P00011003335YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPCH11315APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020710


    USANorth America1APCH113APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPACHE II7
    36YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - AnalysisAPCH1TPS16APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207


    USANorth America17
    37STUDYXX-100-P00011003437YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-B: Age PointsAPCH11417APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020745-54YEARS

    USANorth America1APCH114APCH1-B: Age PointsAPACHE II7
    38STUDYXX-100-P00011003538YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPCH11518APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207for elective postoperative patients


    USANorth America1APCH115APCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPACHE II7
    39STUDYXX-100-P00011003639YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPCH11619APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL2020714


    USANorth America1APCH116APCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPACHE II7
    40YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7720142020-07-0505JUL201405JUL20207


    USANorth America17
    41STUDYXX-100-P00011003741YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Temperature - RectalAPCH1011APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201536-38.4C

    USANorth America1APCH101APCH1-Temperature - RectalAPACHE II15
    42STUDYXX-100-P00011003842YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPCH1022APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201570–109mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH102APCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPACHE II15
    43STUDYXX-100-P00011003943YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Heart RateAPCH1033APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201570-109beats/min

    USANorth America1APCH103APCH1-Heart RateAPACHE II15
    44STUDYXX-100-P00011004044YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Respiratory RateAPCH1044APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201512–24breaths/min

    USANorth America1APCH104APCH1-Respiratory RateAPACHE II15
    45STUDYXX-100-P00011004145YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APCH105A5APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015


    USANorth America1APCH105AAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APACHE IINOT DONE15
    46STUDYXX-100-P00011004246YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APCH105B6APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201561-70mmHg

    USANorth America1APCH105BAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APACHE II15
    47STUDYXX-100-P00011004347YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Arterial pHAPCH106A7APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020157.33-7.49


    USANorth America1APCH106AAPCH1-Arterial pHAPACHE II15
    48STUDYXX-100-P00011004448YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum HCO3APCH106B8APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015


    49STUDYXX-100-P00011004549YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum SodiumAPCH1079APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015130-149mmol/L

    USANorth America1APCH107APCH1-Serum SodiumAPACHE IIAmerica115
    50STUDYXX-100-P00011004650YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum PotassiumAPCH10810APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020153.5-5.4mmol/L

    USANorth America1APCH108APCH1-Serum PotassiumAPACHE II15
    51STUDYXX-100-P00011004751YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Serum CreatinineAPCH10911APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020150.6-1.4mg/dL

    USANorth America1APCH109APCH1-Serum CreatinineAPACHE II15
    52STUDYXX-100-P00011004852YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-HematocritAPCH11012APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201546-49.9%

    USANorth America1APCH110APCH1-HematocritAPACHE II15
    53STUDYXX-100-P00011004953YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-White Blood CountAPCH11113APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020153-14.910^9/L

    USANorth America1APCH111APCH1-White Blood CountAPACHE II15
    54STUDYXX-100-P00011005054YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPCH11214APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020150


    USANorth America1APCH112APCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPACHE II15
    55STUDYXX-100-P00011005155YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPCH11315APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020152

    2USANorth America1APCH113APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPACHE II

    USANorth America115
    56YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - AnalysisAPCH1TPS16APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015


    USANorth America115
    57STUDYXX-100-P00011005257YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-B: Age PointsAPCH11417APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL20201545-54YEARS

    USANorth America1APCH114APCH1-B: Age PointsAPACHE II15
    58STUDYXX-100-P00011005358YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPCH11518APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015for elective postoperative patients


    USANorth America1APCH115APCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPACHE II15
    59STUDYXX-100-P00011005459YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPCH11619APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL2020156


    USANorth America1APCH116APCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPACHE II15
    60YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1520142020-07-1313JUL201413JUL202015


    USANorth America115
    61STUDYXX-200-P000220011YSOCAPCH1-Temperature - RectalAPCH1011APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2138.5-38.9C

    GBRNon-North America0APCH101APCH1-Temperature - RectalAPACHE II-2
    62STUDYXX-200-P000220022YSOCAPCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPCH1022APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21110-129mmHg

    GBRNon-North America0APCH102APCH1-Mean Arterial PressureAPACHE II-2
    63STUDYXX-200-P000220033YSOCAPCH1-Heart RateAPCH1033APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2170-109beats/min

    GBRNon-North America0APCH103APCH1-Heart RateAPACHE II-2
    64STUDYXX-200-P000220044YSOCAPCH1-Respiratory RateAPCH1044APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21>=50breaths/min

    GBRNon-North America0APCH104APCH1-Respiratory RateAPACHE II-2
    65STUDYXX-200-P000220055YSOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APCH105A5APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21


    GBRNon-North America0APCH105AAPCH1-Oxygenation: A-aDO2APACHE IINOT DONE-2
    66STUDYXX-200-P000220066YSOCAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APCH105B6APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2161-70mmHg1GBRNon-North America0APCH105BAPCH1-Oxygenation: PaO2APACHE II

    GBRNon-North America0-2
    67STUDYXX-200-P000220077YSOCAPCH1-Arterial pHAPCH106A7APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21<7.15


    GBRNon-North America0APCH106AAPCH1-Arterial pHAPACHE II-2
    68STUDYXX-200-P000220088YSOCAPCH1-Serum HCO3APCH106B8APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21


    GBRNon-North America0APCH106BAPCH1-Serum HCO3APACHE IINOT DONE-2
    69STUDYXX-200-P000220099YSOCAPCH1-Serum SodiumAPCH1079APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21150-154mmol/L

    GBRNon-North America0APCH107APCH1-Serum SodiumAPACHE II-2
    70STUDYXX-200-P00022001010YSOCAPCH1-Serum PotassiumAPCH10810APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-213.5-5.4mmol/L

    GBRNon-North America0APCH108APCH1-Serum PotassiumAPACHE II-2
    71STUDYXX-200-P00022001111YSOCAPCH1-Serum CreatinineAPCH10911APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21<0.6mg/dL

    GBRNon-North America0APCH109APCH1-Serum CreatinineAPACHE II-2
    72STUDYXX-200-P00022001212YSOCAPCH1-HematocritAPCH11012APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2120-29.9%

    GBRNon-North America0APCH110APCH1-HematocritAPACHE II-2
    73STUDYXX-200-P00022001313YSOCAPCH1-White Blood CountAPCH11113APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21>=4010^9/L

    GBRNon-North America0APCH111APCH1-White Blood CountAPACHE II-2
    74STUDYXX-200-P00022001414YSOCAPCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPCH11214APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-213


    GBRNon-North America0APCH112APCH1-15 Minus Glasgow Coma ScoreAPACHE II-2
    75STUDYXX-200-P00022001515YSOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPCH11315APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2124


    GBRNon-North America0APCH113APCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology ScoreAPACHE II-2
    16YSOCAPCH1-A: Total Acute Physiology Score - AnalysisAPCH1TPS16APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21

    YGBRNon-North America0-2
    77STUDYXX-200-P00022001617YSOCAPCH1-B: Age PointsAPCH11417APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2165-74YEARS

    GBRNon-North America0APCH114APCH1-B: Age PointsAPACHE II-2
    78STUDYXX-200-P00022001718YSOCAPCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPCH11518APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21for elective postoperative patients


    GBRNon-North America0APCH115APCH1-C: Chronic Health PointsAPACHE II-2
    79STUDYXX-200-P00022001819YSOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPCH11619APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-2131


    GBRNon-North America0APCH116APCH1-Total APACHE II ScoreAPACHE II-2
    20YSOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline020142020-08-030403AUG201404AUG2020-21

    YGBRNon-North America0-2
    21YSOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE II

    Day 15 (Day of Discharge)15

    GBRNon-North America0


    Due to the number of items on the instrument and the fact that only the total APACHE II score records are required for analysis, the separate summary dataset shown in the following example, which contains only the total APACHE II score records, may also be created.   RSSEQ was not included in this example because it would be null for all computed total score records. RSORRES is not shown because only derived total score records are displayed.

    Dataset wrap
    20STUDYXX-100-P000110020YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline024JUN201429JUN2020-5122
    YUSANorth America1
    40STUDYXX-100-P000110040YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IIDAY 77Day 7705JUL201405JUL2020714

    USANorth America1
    60STUDYXX-100-P000110060YDRUG A + SOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IIDAY 1515Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1513JUL201413JUL2020156

    USANorth America1
    80STUDYXX-200-P000220020YSOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE IISCREENING1Baseline003AUG201404AUG2020-2131
    YGBRNon-North America0
    81STUDYXX-200-P000220021YSOCAPCH1-Total APACHE II Score - AnalysisAPCH1TS20APACHE II

    Day 15 (Day of Discharge)1509AUG201409AUG2020538WOC
    GBRNon-North America

