Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Lines 6-4044:

Show the definition of the first display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "DemogDemographics - MMale" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-1" (line 8) and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Male)" . Four (line 13). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 11-12). One header, 3 titles, 1 footnote footer and 1 row label header have been specified for this display:

  • Lines 15-1618: Show the first title header, which is specified as a reference to the identifier of a sub-section subsection that has already been defined; the sub-section subsection identified as "GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1" whose definition as "Study CDISCPILOT01" is shown in Example 1 in the GlobalDisplaySection section.
  • Lines 1719-2832: Show the specifications for the second, third and fourth 3 titles, all of which are newly defined sub-sectionssubsections.
  • Lines 2933-3438: Show the specification of a new sub-section subsection as the display's first footnotefooter.
  • Lines 3539-4044: Show the specification of a new sub-section subsection as the display's first row label header.
Lines 4145-6977:

Show the definition of the second display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "DemogDemographics - FFemale" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-2" (line 47) and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Female)" . Four titles, 1 footnote and 1 row label header (line 52). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 50-51). One header, 3 titles, 1 footer and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 4854-6157: Show the first three titles specified as references to the identifiers of a sub-sections that have already been defined:The first title specification for the display's single header, which is defined as a reuse of the global sub-section subsection identified as "GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1".
  • Lines 58-69: Show the specifications for the display's 3 titles:
    • The second first and fourth titles third titles (lines 60-63 and 66-69) are specified as subsections newly defined sub-sections within this display.
    • The third title second title (lines 64-65) is specified as a reuse of the corresponding title defined in the "DemogDemographics - MMale" display (as whose definition is shown in lines 2327-2428).
  • Lines 6270-6977: Show specification of a footnote footer and a row label header, both as reuses of the corresponding sub-sections subsections defined in the "DemogDemographics - MMale" display (whose definitions are shown on rows 37-38 and 43-44, respectively).
Lines 7583-116130:

Show the definition of the first display in the "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "AE_SummTEAE Summary" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-3-1-1" (line 85) and a display title of "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" . Three titles, 1 abbreviation, 2 footnotes and 1 row label header (line 90). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 88-89). One header, 2 titles, 1 abbreviation, 1 footnote, 1 footer, and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 8292-9395: Show the 3 titles header specified for the display, the first which is defined as a reuse of the "GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1" global sub-section, and the second and third as newly defined within the displaysubsection.
  • Lines 9496-99105: Show the 2 titles specified for the display, both of which are newly defined within the display.
  • Lines 106-111: Show the specification of a new sub-section subsection as the display's first abbreviation.
  • Lines 100112-110118: Show the specifications for the first and second, both of which are newly defined sub-sectionsspecification of a new subsection as the display's first footnote.
  • Lines 111119-116124: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first footer.
  • Lines 125-130: Show the specification of a new subsection sub-section as the display's first row label header.
Code Block
titleYAML Example
- id: Out14-1
  version: 1
  name: Summary of Demographics
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-1-1
      version: 1
      name: Demographics Demog-M Male
      displayTitledescription: A Summarysummary of demographic Demographicscharacteristics (Male)
age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary displaySections:
race, and height) for male subjects
      label: Demog-M
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Male)
      - sectionType: TitleHeader
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1
          - ordersectionType: 2Title
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table 14.1.1
        - order: 32
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_2
            text: Summary of Demographics
        - order: 43
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_3
            text: Male Subjects
      - sectionType: FootnoteFooter
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_FnoteFooter_1
            text: 'Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Characteristics
  - order: 2
      id: Disp14-1-2
      version: 1
      name: Demog-F
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Female)Demographics - Female
 A summary of the demographic - sectionType: Title
  characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjects
      - orderlabel: 1Demog-F
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Female)
   subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
      - ordersectionType: 2Header
  subSection:      - order: 1
            idsubSectionId: Disp14-1-2_TitleGlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
     text: Table 14.1.2 orderedSubSections:
            - order: 31
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_Title_2subSection:
        - order   id: 4
            subSection:text: Table 14.1.2 
        - order: 2
          idsubSectionId: Disp14-1-21_Title_2
        - order: 3
   text: Female Subjects
      - sectionTypesubSection: Footnote
            id: Disp14-1-2_Title_2
            text: Female Subjects
      - sectionType: Footer
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_FnoteFooter_1
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
- id: Out14-3-1-1
  version: 1
  name: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-3-1-1
      version: 1
      name: AE_SummTEAE Summary
      displayTitledescription: OverallA Summarysummary of Treatmenttreatment-Emergentemergent AdverseAEs Events
of different types (overall, related, serious, displaySections:
related serious, leading to death, related -leading sectionType: Title
  to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation) 
      - order: 1
label: TEAE_Summ
      displayTitle: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
Adverse Events
      - ordersectionType: 2Header
        -    idorder: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table
subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 31
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_21
            text: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
          - sectionTypeorder: Abbreviation2
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_AbbrvTitle_12
            text: 'Note: TEAE=Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.'
      - sectionType: FootnoteAbbreviation
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_FnoteAbbrv_1
            text: '[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted inNote: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.'
      - sectionType: Footnote
      the AE actionorderedSubSections:
 taken with study treatment.'
        - order: 21
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_21
            text: 'Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      [a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in
              the AE action taken with study treatment.'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel HeaderFooter
           - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHdFooter_1
            text: Categories, n (%) 
 'Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Categories, n (%) 

These display section specifications could be represented in tabular form as follows, where:

  • The " subSection_id " column is populated with values of both the id attribute of the OrderedSubSection class (in plain text) and the subSectionId attribute of the OrderedSubSectionRef class (in italics), and
  • The italicized values in the cells highlighted in blue in the " subSection_text " column have been retrieved from the original definition using the subSectionId value. 
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)TitleHeader1GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title21Disp14-1-1_Title_1Table 14.1.1
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title32Disp14-1-1_Title_2Summary of Demographics
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title43Disp14-1-1_Title_3Male Subjects
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)FootnoteFooter1Disp14-1-1_FnoteFooter_1Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1Characteristics
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)TitleHeader1GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title21Disp14-1-2_Title_1Table
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDisp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title32Disp14-1-1_Title_2Summary of Demographics
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title43Disp14-1-2_Title_2Female Subjects
Disp14-1-2121Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)FootnoteFooter1Disp14-1-1_FnoteFooter_1Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MMMM
Disp14-1-21Summary of Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDisp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1Characteristics
Disp14-3-1-11-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitleHeader1GlobalDisp_TitleHeader_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-3-1-11-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle21Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1Table
Disp14-3-1-11-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle32Disp14-3-1-1_Title_2Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
Disp14-3-1-11-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsAbbreviation1Disp14-3-1-1_Abbrv_1Note: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEDisp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFootnote1Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_1[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in the AE action taken with study treatment.
Disp14-3-1-1-1111TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFootnoteFooter21Disp14-3-1-1_FnoteFooter_21Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAEDisp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsRowlabel Header1Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1Categories, n (%)
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