Versions Compared


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Element NameProtocol
Parent Element
Element XPath(s)


Element Textual ValueNone
Usage/Business Rules
  • Optional.
  • Cardinality: Exactly 1

    Child Elements 


    serverIssue Tracker (Description?, StudyStructure?, StudySummary?, StudyObjectives? StudyEndPoints?,
    Description?, StudySummary?,  StudyStructure?, TrialPhase?, StudyTimings?, StudyIndications?, StudyInterventions?,  StudyObjectives? StudyEndPoints?, StudyTargetPopulation?, StudyEstimands?, InclusionExclusionCriteria?, StudyEventGroupRef*, WorkflowRef?, Alias*)

    Usage/Business Rules

    • Other Information:
      • ODM can be used to provide a "common metadata dictionary" for metadata used across studies, and such a metadata dictionary may include a study that does not contain a protocol definition.
      • The study structure (i.e. arms and epochs) is described by the contents of the StudyStructure element.

      • Study design parameters (e.g., study indication, intervention model, minimum and maximum number of participants) are described in the StudySummary element.

      • Study cells, study elements, and subelements are described by instances of StudyEventGroupDef.

      • The overall workflow for the study as a whole must be referenced from the Protocol element. Subworkflows can then be defined by generating StudyEventGroupDef elements that then reference a WorkflowDef representing the subworkflow.