Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Copy QS Template page and move to the Initial development (not ready for review) page. Please DO NOT OVERWRITE the template pages.
    1. If the supplement is based on a measurement system, such as PRO-CTCAE V1.0, FACIT, PROMIS, etc., replace the word instrument with measurement system throughout the supplement.
  • The "–" in this template represents the domain implemented for the instrument. This is replaced with the 2-character domain abbreviation of FT, QS, or RS that is used for the instrument.
  • Change the title of the page as follows:
    1. Remove 'Copy of QRS Supplement Template - '.
    2. Replace 'Name of QRS Instrument' with the full name of the QRS instrument the supplement is being created for.
    3. Change 'QRS Short_Name' to the short name (--CAT) for the current instrument.
  • Update the information in the Page Properties block below as indicated in the block below.
    1. The supplement version number in the header section will be 'v1' if there has never been a supplement for the instrument before. Otherwise, increment as appropriate.
    2. If the CRF was copyright approved, keep 'Approved'; otherwise change 'Approved' to 'Public Domain'.
  • Replace 'Title' and 'QRS Short_Name' throughout the document with the title and short name of the instrument that the supplement is being created for.
  • Replace royal blue text with information pertaining to the instrument the supplement is being created for. Delete royal blue text which does not apply to the new instrument.
  • Unless otherwise noted, text in black applies to all QRS Supplements and should not be deleted, but should be examined carefully and revised as appropriate based on the specific instrument supplement as needed. Any changes need to be in blue font to stand out for review.
  • Change QS to RS or FT and 'Questionnaires' to 'Disease Response and Clin Classification' or 'Functional Tests' as appropriate.
  • Remove all information blocks, except for the one immediately below this called 'Information for Reviewers'.
  • Keep changes in blue for ease throughout internal and public review. Once the supplement has gone thru public review and all comments are resolved, change all text color to black except for hyperlinks.
  • Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)are used to express numbers in most circumstances. Exceptions are the following: 
    • Numbers that begin a sentence, title, subtitle, or heading 
    • Common fractions 

    • Accepted usage such as idiomatic expressions and numbers used as pronouns 

    • Other uses of “one” in running text (e.g., when meaning "a")
    • Ordinals first through ninth
    • Numbers spelled out in quotes or published titles.
    titlecolor coding

    Green = Recent FDA Changes

    Pink = Instructional information for developers

    Blue = Text can change from supplement to supplement based on the instrument

    Black = Standard template language

    titleInstructions on how to use this template
    titleInformation for Reviewers

    Text in black is part of the template used to create this document and is not revised under CDISC internal or public review. Please review the blue text; this text represents the changes made to the template that are specific to this QRS instrument.


    Comfort Behavior Scale (COMFORT-B SCALE)




    • This supplement is available to be used with other CDISC user guides for specific therapeutic/disease areas and follows the CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials.
    • This instrument is a US FDA Qualified Clinical Outcome Assessment (COA) instrument. (COA #XXX, Qualified Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA) | FDA) (Use only for instruments this applies to; update COA #.)


    Revision History


    © 2023 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved. 

    1 Introduction

    This document describes the CDISC implementation of the Comfort Behavior Scale instrument.

    CDISC did not modify this questionnaires, ratings, and scales (QRS) instrument to meet Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) case report form (CRF) standards.

    For CRFs that are created by CDISC with SME input, use this statement:  There is no known standard case report form (CRF) available for this instrument. CDISC created this CRF to represent the instrument, which CDISC believes is in the public domain. This is not an endorsement of the instrument. The creation of this instrument was based on input from PASI (TA or instrument) subject matter experts. Sponsors may create this instrument’s CRF using their style guidelines, but they need to maintain the wording and order of the questions/items and responses as described on the CRF.  (note that if you use this statement, then QRS is not spelled out for the first time until where noted below.) (the related reference article needs to be included as a footnote on the CDISC created CRF)

    For CRFs that are created by CDISC based on articles, use this statement. Include the 1st sentence for articles that don't have a CRF.  If the 1st sentence is NOT included, then spell out "case report form (CRF)" in the 2nd sentence:  There is no known standard case report form (CRF) available for this instrument. CDISC created this CRF to represent the instrument, which CDISC believes is in the public domain. This is not an endorsement of the instrument. The creation of this instrument was based on published articles describing the instrument. Sponsors may create this instrument’s CRF using their style guidelines, but they need to maintain the wording and order of the questions/items and responses as described on the CRF.  (note that if you use this statement, then QRS is not spelled out for the first time until where noted below.)

    The representation of data collected for this instrument is based on the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTMIG) Clinical Classification (RS) domain model, which can be found on the CDISC website at:

    The specific implementation details for this instrument are meant to be used in conjunction with the SDTMIG. All CDISC QRS (spell out "questionnaires, ratings, and scales" if this is a CDISC-created CRF and put QRS in parentheses.) documentation packages can be found on the CDISC website at:

    The CDISC Intellectual Property Policy can be found on the CDISC website at:

    1.1 Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers

    This document is a supplement to the SDTMIG for Human Clinical Trials and is covered under Appendix F of that document, which describes representations, warranties, limitations of liability, and disclaimers. Please see Appendix F of the SDTMIG for a complete version of this material.


    Although the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has provided input with regard to this supplement, this input does not constitute US FDA endorsement of any particular instrument.  (Include this line only for supplements that the US FDA will be reviewing.  Please DO NOT MODIFY the sentence.)

    2 Copyright Status


    For public domain instruments use the following text: CDISC believes this instrument to be in the public domain, but you should perform your own assessment. CDISC has included the QRS Short_Name in the CDISC inventory of QRS data standards supplements. Hence, CDISC developed QSTESTCD and QSTEST for each item based on the text on the instrument. There may be many versions of this instrument. CDISC has chosen to use this version as the data standard.

    Insert the CDISC copyright or Exempt from Copyright CDISC text that is included in each of the –CAT CT CDISC Definition. This same text is annotated as a text box on the annotated CRF.

    These materials discuss and/or include one or more of the Comfort Behavior Scale (COMFORT-B SCALE), which are owned exclusively by Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista. No part of the COMFORT-B SCALE may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista and payment of any applicable fees. Copyright Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista. All rights reserved.

    The CDISC documentation of this instrument consists of: (1) controlled terminology, (2) standard database structure with examples, and (3) CRF(s) annotated with the CDISC SDTMIG variables with submission values. 

    titleInformation for Reviewers

    The CRF is attached at the top of the Wiki. When you click the paperclip image, you will find the file for the annotated CRF.

    Note: CDISC Controlled Terminology is maintained by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The most recent version should be accessed through the CDISC website at:


    Include the following statements as standalone paragraphs for copyrighted instruments:

    CDISC has developed this documentation at no cost to the copyright holder or any additional cost to users of the instrument beyond the normal license fees charged by the copyright holder.

    CDISC acknowledges [insert the name of the copyright holder, in blue text] (e.g., Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista for the approval to include the COMFORT-B SCALE in the CDISC data standards.

    Reference for the COMFORT-B SCALE:

    • Boerlage AA, Ista E, Duivenvoorden HJ, de Wildt SN, Tibboel D, van Dijk M. The COMFORT behaviour scale detects clinically meaningful effects of analgesic and sedative treatment. Eur J Pain. 2015 Apr;19(4):473-9.
    • Van Dijk M, Peters JW, van Deventer P, Tibboel D. The COMFORT Behavior Scale: a tool for assessing pain and sedation in infants. Am J Nurs 2005; 105 (1): 33-6.

    This is an example only.  Use the reference from the CDISC definition of the --CAT.

    • do not include the parentheses.
    • do not include copyright information from the definition about copyright holder and version since that's already included above.
    • do add a period to the end. 

    If there are multiple references, please use the following format:

    References for the QRS Short_Name:

    • CDISC Controlled Terminology reference.
    • additional reference.

    Notes on the use of quotation marks:

    • Use for text values of a Likert scale: e.g., ...with response options ranging from “never” to “daily."
    • Actual numbers of the scale (e.g., 0-3) do not appear in quotation marks while the definitions of these anchors (e.g., 5 = “I always fall asleep”) do.
    • Enclose values for variables within quotation marks (e.g., QSTESTCD = "IPA0102")

    3 The RS Domain Model

    3.1 Assumptions for the RS Domain Model

    All assumptions and business rules described in the SDTMIG RS domain are applicable to this supplement. Additional assumptions specific to the Comfort Behavior Scale are listed below.


    Include a description of scale score or other possible responses (You may need multiple numbered points for this, though the IDS-SR did not.). For scale scores use the following language: The scale points include a numeric rating (1-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 1 = "deeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)"). For the COMFORT-B SCALE, RSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables RSSTRESC and RSSTRESN. (Replace this sentence for instruments with text only responses with “QSORRES and QSSTRESC are populated with the text description and QSSTRESN is not represented with a numeric value”.

    Include a description of the evaluation interval if one exists. This may be numeric (QSEVLINT) or text (QSEVINTX). When the evaluation interval is provided in text and cannot be described in ISO 8601 format, use QSEVINTX instead of "QSEVLINT field in ISO 8601 format" and replace "the past 7 days" with the text (e.g., "DAYTIME'". Refer to SDTMIG Section 2.2.5 Timing Variables for All Classes). The evaluation interval needs to be clearly defined on the CRF. Remove this point if it does not apply.: 


    Records are created in rs.xpt for every instrument item

    1. For items with no data, RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN are all missing and RSSTAT = "NOT DONE". If the reason is known then that reason is represented in RSREASND (e.g., RSREASND = "PREFER NOT TO ANSWER"). If the reason is unknown, then RSSTAT = "NOT DONE" and RSREASND is missing.

    2. Due to the variability of copyright holder and public domain derived score generation processes, records are not included for derived subscores or total scores that are not provided.


    When assigned with conditionally branched responses are not documented in the instrument’s instructions or a user manual:

    1. QNAM = “RSCBRFL”, QLABEL = “Conditional Branched Item Flag“, QVAL = “Y” (this is a RS supplemental qualifier variable related to the record).
    2. RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN are set to null (missing).

    When assigned conditionally branched responses are documented in instructions or a user manual:

    1. QNAM = “QSCBRFL”, QLABEL = “Conditional Branched Item Flag“, QVAL = “Y” (this is a QS supplemental qualifier variable).
    2. The QSORRES responses are represented as follows:
      1. For severity items, QSORRES = "None".
      2. For interference items, QSORRES = "Not at all".
    3. If numeric response values are assigned, they are represented here: QSSTRESC = 0 and QSSTRESN = 0.

       or if no numeric responses are assigned: QSSTRESC = NULL and QSSTRESN = NULL.


    Include this point if score(s) are submitted to SDTM. Update blue text: The QRS Short_Name instrument includes a total score (and subscores or other scores as needed.  If so, change "that is" to "that are") that is considered as captured data on the instrument and is not considered as derived in the example below. These scores may be submitted in SDTM or derived in the Analysis Data Model (ADaM) per scoring instructions from [Insert copyright holder's name or other source.].

    1. Subtotal and total scores are represented in--ORRES, --STRESC, and --STRESN.
    2. If scores are received or derived by the sponsor, it is recommended that they are submitted to SDTM and verified in ADaM whenever feasible. It is the sponsors repsonsibility to do this verification based on the instrument's user manual or instructions from the copyright owner.


    The SUPPQUAL variables used are a series of non-standard variables that represent collected administrator information, administration device, etc., and these updated SUPPQUAL variables are included in the WIKI non-standard variable registry (Non-standard Variable Registry). For example:

    1. PPRAID which is "Preprinted Administrator Identifier".
    2. COLAVL which is "Collected Administrator Value".

    The supplement version 1.0 of the FAS-NACC UDS V3.0 instrument shows an implementation example.

    The QRS Short_Name instrument collects administrative information as the preprinted examiner’s initials and the collected response. This is represented in the SUPPQUAL variable QNAM = --PPRAID” with QNAM = “Preprinted Administrator Identifier” and QVAL = “EXAMINER’S INITIALS”. The collected initials response is represented with QNAM = “--COLAID” and QNAM = “Collected Administrator Identifier” and QVAL = “ADM1”.

    This is part of the data example for the SUPPQUAL variables.

    The SUPPRS table represents the preprinted and collected administrative items represented on the CRF. 

















    Preprinted Administrator Identifier









    Collected Administrator Identifier




    Include this point if there are comments at the end of the instrument. Remove this point if it does not apply.: Comments located at the end of the QRS Short_Name will be recorded in the Comments domain (CO). All assumptions and business rules described in the SDTMIG CO domain are applicable.


    Include this point if there are responses over 200 characters. Remove this point if it does not apply: Some responses to the QRS Short_Name items exceeded the 200-character limit for the QSORRES variable and needed to be reduced to fewer than 200 characters. Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy, indicates which item responses were revised in order to fit the 200-character limit.



    1. RSCAT, RSTESTCD, RSTEST, RSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN (and other variables such as QSORRESU as needed; only include QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN if the responses are published in CT with public domains instruments) values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.

    2. A full list of value sets for the qualifier, timing, resultand unit fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy. (Note: Only the result field is always used. Include qualifier, timing, and unit fields as needed and remove this note.)

    3.2 Example for the COMFORT-B SCALE RS Domain Model

    The COMFORT-B SCALE example below shows the terminology used to implement the instrument in the RS domain. This example shows the data for 1 subject collected at the baseline visit for the COMFORT-B SCALE instrument. The example uses CDISC Controlled Terminology for RSTESTCD, RSTEST, and RSCATAll original results, matching the CRF item response text, are represented in RSORRES. This result is then represented as a standard numeric score in RSSTRESN and as a standard character representation in RSSTRESC.


    Update the data in the table below to the current instrument. Include row descriptions as needed to highlight idiosyncrasies or items otherwise of note in this particular instrument. If only 1 or 2 row descriptions are needed, then the information should be included as a paragraph instead.

    For the not done visit that is now being included in all QRS supplements, when no reason is collected, information should be included, either in the paragraph before, or as a row description as follows:


    When the reason is collected for a not done visit, information or a row description should be added as follows:



    We are unable to make the example consistently show blue in the Wiki. All examples are updated for each QRS instrument, so we ask that you please review the example below.




    The following is for illustrative purposes and would not really be included for the IDS-SR instrument in this template. It provides an example of what would need to be included if the instrument required supplemental qualifiers (see Section 5 Supplemental Qualifier Name Codes):

    Text that would remain unchanged has been left in black:

    The evaluation interval text value for data collection needs to be populated in SUPPQS as follows. The standard terminology for QNAM and QLABEL are listed below.




    4 SDTM Mapping Strategy

    This section is used for reference regarding the CRF data capture and to understand the alignment of the instrument to the SDTM QS domain. It also provides guidance on how the result variables (QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN) should be populated.


    Include mappings for all sets of result values. For ease of use of this template, the complete set of response values for the example in Section 3.2 is not included.

    If the instrument has been entered into QRS Maker (all instruments should be), then the complete set of response values can be copied from QRS Maker and pasted into this supplement.

    Some example mappings are below.


    For QRS instruments with subcategories:

    When subcategories are used on an instrument, a table with the following introduction information should appear before the mappings for results.

    QSSCAT alignment with QSTESTCD

    As stated in Section 3.1 assumptions, items on the QRS Short_Name are grouped into subcategories. The table below includes the subcategory names along with the applicable item numbers for each category. The values of the subcategories are used to populate QSSCAT and are annotated on the CRF.


    titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses
    • If this is a public domain instrument that has an individual item with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.

      • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.

    • If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.
      • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDTXXXOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDTXXXTSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.


    If all items have the same original result values, with the same standardized character and numeric values, then only include one table showing the values of QSORRES/QSSTRESC/QSSTRESN and put "All QSTESTCDs" (title case "All", and in quotes) above the table:

    "All QSTESTCDs"


    Similarly, if some, but not all, QSTESTCDs share the same original result and standardized values, then the QSTESTCD and corresponding QSTEST values are put in a list above the table rather than providing a separate table for each QSTESTCD/QSTEST.

    titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses

    If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses. This approach used the CDISC QRS CT instrument's SYNONYM as part of the codelist name.

    The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named SYNONYMSET1OR for the variable RSORRES and SYNONYMSET1STR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.


    If there are responses that correspond to non-consecutive items or 1-7 consecutive items, include the test codes and test names above the table with the responses as follows:

    QSTESTCD = "test code 1" QSTEST = "test name 1"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 4" QSTEST = "test name 4"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 5" QSTEST = "test name 5"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 6" QSTEST = "test name 6"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 7" QSTEST = "test name 7"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 8" QSTEST = "test name 8"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 15" QSTEST = "test name 15"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 22" QSTEST = "test name 22"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 27" QSTEST = "test name 27"

    QSTESTCD = "test code 29" QSTEST = "test name 29"

    Information for Reviewers

    Text in black is part of the template used to create this document and is not revised under CDISC internal or public review. Please review the blue text; this text represents the changes made to the template that are specific to this QRS instrument.

    Page properties

    Comfort Behavior Scale (COMFORT-B SCALE)

    CDISC ReferenceClinical Classification Supplement to the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials
    QRS Short Name


    QRS Permission StatusApproved
    TeamCDISC Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) Subteam
    Supplement Version1.0
    Notes to Readers
    • This supplement is available to be used with other CDISC user guides for specific therapeutic/disease areas and follows the CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials.

    Revision History

    2024-04-081.0 Draft

    © 2024 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved. 

    1 Introduction

    This document describes the CDISC implementation of the Comfort Behavior Scale (COMFORT-B SCALE) instrument.

    CDISC did not modify this questionnaires, ratings, and scales (QRS) instrument to meet Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) case report form (CRF) standards.

    The representation of data collected for this instrument is based on the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTMIG) Clinical Classification (RS) domain model, which can be found on the CDISC website at:

    The specific implementation details for this instrument are meant to be used in conjunction with the SDTMIG. All CDISC QRS documentation packages can be found on the CDISC website at:

    The CDISC Intellectual Property Policy can be found on the CDISC website at:

    1.1 Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers

    This document is a supplement to the SDTMIG for Human Clinical Trials and is covered under Appendix F of that document, which describes representations, warranties, limitations of liability, and disclaimers. Please see Appendix F of the SDTMIG for a complete version of this material.

    CDISC specifies how to structure the data that has been collected in a database, not what should be collected or how to conduct clinical assessments orimplement protocols. CDISC disclaims any liability for your use of this material.

    2 Copyright Status

    Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista owns the copyright for the COMFORT-B SCALE instrument and has granted CDISC permission to include this supplement in the CDISC inventory of QRS data standards supplements.Hence, CDISC developed RSTESTCD and RSTEST for each item based on the actual text on the instrument.

    These materials discuss and/or include one or more of the Comfort Behavior Scale (COMFORT-B SCALE), which are owned exclusively by Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista. No part of the COMFORT-B SCALE may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista and payment of any applicable fees. Copyright Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista. All rights reserved.

    The CDISC documentation of this instrument consists of: (1) controlled terminology, (2) standard database structure with examples, and (3) CRF(s) annotated with the CDISC SDTMIG variables with submission values. 

    titleInformation for Reviewers

    The CRF is attached at the top of the wiki. When you click the paperclip image, you will find the file for the annotated CRF.

    Note: CDISC Controlled Terminology is maintained by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The most recent version should be accessed through the CDISC website at:


    CDISC has developed this documentation at no cost to the copyright holder or any additional cost to users of the instrument beyond the normal license fees charged by the copyright holder.

    CDISC acknowledges Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista for the approval to include the COMFORT-B SCALE in the CDISC data standards.

    Reference for the COMFORT-B SCALE:

    • Boerlage AA, Ista E, Duivenvoorden HJ, de Wildt SN, Tibboel D, van Dijk M. The COMFORT behaviour scale detects clinically meaningful effects of analgesic and sedative treatment. Eur J Pain. 2015 Apr;19(4):473-9.
    • Van Dijk M, Peters JW, van Deventer P, Tibboel D. The COMFORT Behavior Scale: a tool for assessing pain and sedation in infants. Am J Nurs 2005; 105 (1): 33-6.

    3 The RS Domain Model

    3.1 Assumptions for the RS Domain Model

    All assumptions and business rules described in the SDTMIG RS domain are applicable to this supplement. Additional assumptions specific to the COMFORT-B SCALE are listed below.

    The COMFORT-B SCALE is a multiple-choice instrument that clinicians may use in pediatric intensive care units to assessyoung children's pain and distress. It consists of 6 behavior items, each rated on a 5-point scale describing the different intensities of the behavior in question. Summating the 6 ratings leads to a total score between 6-30, also captured.

    1. The scale points include a numeric rating (1-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 1 = "deeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)"). For the COMFORT-B SCALE, RSORRES is populated with the text description; the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables RSSTRESC and RSSTRESN. 

    2. Visual analog or numeric rating scales used within a questionnaire with a range of text and numeric values are indicated in the SUPPRS domain with:


      By storing this information in SUPPRS, it is available for interpretation purposes.
      When the value of the data being represented equals a low or high anchor value, the corresponding low and high anchor text is stored in RSORRES with the numeric values stored in RSSTRESC and RSSTRESN.  All other numeric values are stored in RSORRES, RSSTRESC and RSSTRESN.
    3. RSMETHOD is populated with "NUMERICAL RATING SCALE 11-POINT" when RSTESTCD="CBS0109". The NRS is a global pain rating scale (0 ="no pain" and 10 ="worst imaginable pain"). 
    4. In addition to the NRS, the level of sedation (NISS="Nurse Interpretation of Sedation Score") is categorized as 1 = "insufficient sedation", 2 = "adequate sedation", or 3 = "oversedation".
    5. The RSREPNUM variable is used to indicate the same RSTESTSs are used in trial 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    6. Records are created in rs.xpt for every instrument item

      1. For items with no data, RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN are all missing and RSSTAT = "NOT DONE". If the reason is known, then that reason is represented in RSREASND (e.g., RSREASND = "PREFER NOT TO ANSWER"). If the reason is unknown, then RSSTAT = "NOT DONE" and RSREASND is missing.

      2. Due to the variability of copyright holder and public domain derived subscore and overall score generation processes, records are not included for derived subscores or overall scores that are not provided.
    7. Some items on the COMFORT-B SCALE may be conditionally branched per the instrument instructions. Either Respiratory Ventilation or Crying (RSTESTCD = "CBS0103" or "CBS0104") is completed for each subject.

      serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)
      The other will be treated as a conditionally branched item. A record is created in rs.xpt for all items. When an item is considered a conditionally branched item, it is represented as follows:

      1. QNAM = “RSCBRFL”, QLABEL = “Conditional Branched Item Flag“, QVAL = “Y” (this is a RS supplemental qualifier variable related to the record).
      2. RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN are set to null (missing).

    8. The COMFORT-B SCALE instrument includes a total score that is considered as captured data on the instrument and is not considered as derived in the example below. These scores may be submitted in SDTM or derived in the Analysis Data Model (ADaM) per scoring instructions from Monique van Dijk en Erwin Ista.

      1. Subscores and overall scores are represented in--ORRES, --STRESC, and --STRESN.
      2. If subscores or overall scores are received or derived by the sponsor, it is recommended that they are submitted to SDTM and verified in ADaM whenever feasible. It is the sponsor's responsibility to do this verification based on the instrument's user manual or instructions from the copyright owner.
    9. Terminology

      1. RSCAT, RSTESTCD, RSTEST values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.

      2. A full list of value sets for the result fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy.

    3.2 Example for the COMFORT-B SCALE RS Domain Model

    The COMFORT-B SCALE example below shows the terminology used to implement the instrument in the RS domain. This example shows the data for 1 subject collected at the baseline visit for the COMFORT-B SCALE instrument. The example uses CDISC Controlled Terminology for RSTESTCD, RSTEST, and RSCATAll original results, matching the CRF item response text, are represented in RSORRES. This result is then represented as a standard numeric score in RSSTRESN and as a standard character representation in RSSTRESC.


    We are unable to make the example consistently show blue in the wiki. All examples are updated for each QRS instrument, so we ask that you please review the example below.

    The table represents the items from the COMFORT-B SCALE instrument.

    Dataset wrap
    Rows 1-48:Represent the questions from the Comfort-B Scale for subject 2324-P0001 at visit 1. Row 4 represents the conditional branching item for the item "Crying". The full representation is done for RSREPNUM=1, and partial representations are done for RSREPNUM=2, 3 and 4.
    Rows 49-96:Represent the missing data from the Comfort-B Scale for subject 2324-P0001 at visit 2. Show the subject was not evaluated on this instrument at visit 2. Since the visit was missed, the reason for not completing
    the visit was not collected, and no date is assumed for when the visit would have occurred. The  variable RSMETHOD is also not represented when this happens.
    1STUDYXRS2324-P00011CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALElightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22



    2STUDYXRS2324-P00012CBS0102CBS01-Calmness/AgitationCOMFORT-B SCALEslightly anxious (child shows slight anxiety)22

    3STUDYXRS2324-P00013CBS0103CBS01-Respiratory ResponseCOMFORT-B SCALEno spontaneous respiration11

    4STUDYXRS2324-P00014CBS0104CBS01-CryingCOMFORT-B SCALE

    5STUDYXRS2324-P00015CBS0105CBS01-Physical MovementCOMFORT-B SCALEoccasional, (three or fewer) slight movements22

    6STUDYXRS2324-P00016CBS0106CBS01-Muscle ToneCOMFORT-B SCALEnormal muscle tone33

    7STUDYXRS2324-P00017CBS0107CBS01-Facial TensionCOMFORT-B SCALEnormal facial tone22

    8STUDYXRS2324-P00018CBS0108CBS01-Total ScoreCOMFORT-B SCALE121212









    CBS0111CBS01-Details Sedatives/AnalgesicsCOMFORT-B SCALEMidazolamMidazolam



    STUDYXRS2324-P000112CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALEPost surgery follow-upPost surgery follow-up



    STUDYXRS2324-P000113CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALEdeeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)11







    STUDYXRS2324-P000124CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALEPost surgery follow-upPost surgery follow-up



    STUDYXRS2324-P000125CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALElightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22





    STUDYXRS2324-P000136CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALEPost surgery follow-upPost surgery follow-up



    STUDYXRS2324-P000137CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALElightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22





    STUDYXRS2324-P000148CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALEPost surgery follow-upPost surgery follow-up



    STUDYXRS2324-P000149CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000150CBS0102CBS01-Calmness/AgitationCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000151CBS0103CBS01-Respiratory ResponseCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000152CBS0104CBS01-CryingCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000153CBS0105CBS01-Physical MovementCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000154CBS0106CBS01-Muscle ToneCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000155CBS0107CBS01-Facial TensionCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000156CBS0108CBS01-Total ScoreCOMFORT-B SCALE












    STUDYXRS2324-P000159CBS0111CBS01-Details Sedatives/AnalgesicsCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000160CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000161CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALE






    STUDYXRS2324-P000172CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000173CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALE






    STUDYXRS2324-P000184CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALE




    STUDYXRS2324-P000185CBS0101CBS01-AlertnessCOMFORT-B SCALE






    STUDYXRS2324-P000196CBS0112CBS01-Reason AssessmentCOMFORT-B SCALE



    The standard terminology for QNAM and QLABEL are listed below.

    The SUPPRS dataset shows the conditional branched items in the RS dataset which have assigned responses (QSCBRFL = "Y"). 

    The anchor range text and numeric values for data collection are represented in SUPPQS. The standard terminology for QNAM, QLABEL, and QVAL are represented.

    Dataset wrap
    STUDYXRS2324-P0001RSSEQ4RSCBRFLConditionally Branched Item FlagYCRF
    STUDYXRS2324-P0001RSTESTCDCBS0109RSANTXLOAnchor Text Lowno painCRF
    STUDYXRS2324-P0001RSTESTCDCBS0109RSANTXHIAnchor Text Highworst pain possibleCRF

    4 SDTM Mapping Strategy

    This section is used for reference regarding the CRF data capture and to understand the alignment of the instrument to the SDTM RS domain. It also provides guidance on how the result variables (RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN) should be populated.

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0101" RSTEST = "CBS01-Alertness"

    deeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)11
    lightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22
    drowsy (child closes his/her eyes frequently, less responsive to the environment)33
    awake and alert (child responsive to the environment)44
    awake and hyper-alert (exaggerated responses to environmental stimuli)55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0102" RSTEST = "CBS01-Calmness/Agitation"

    calm (child appears serene and tranquil)11
    slightly anxious (child shows slight anxiety)22
    anxious (child appears agitated but remains in control)33
    very anxious (child appears very agitated, just able to control)44
    panicky (severe distress with loss of control)55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0103" RSTEST = "CBS01-Respiratory Response"

    no spontaneous respiration11
    spontaneous and ventilator respiration22
    restlessness or resistance to ventilator33
    actively breathes against ventilator or coughs regularly44
    fights ventilator55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0104" RSTEST = "CBS01-Crying"

    quiet breathing, no crying sounds11
    occasional sobbing or moaning22
    whining (monotonous sound)33
    screaming or shrieking55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0105" RSTEST = "CBS01-Physical Movement"

    no movement11
    occasional, (three or fewer) slight movements22
    frequent, (more than three) slight movements33
    vigorous movements limited to extremities44
    vigorous movements including torso and head55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0106" RSTEST = "CBS01-Muscle Tone"

    muscles totally relaxed; no muscle tone11
    reduced muscle tone; less resistance than normal22
    normal muscle tone33
    increased muscle tone and flexion of fingers and toes44
    extreme muscle rigidity and flexion of fingers and toes55

    RSTESTCD = "CBS0107" RSTEST = "CBS01-Facial Tension"

    facial muscles totally relaxed11
    normal facial tone22
    tension evident in some facial muscles (not sustained)33
    tension evident throughout facial muscles (sustained)44
    facial muscles contorted and grimacing55


    insufficient sedation11
    adequate sedation22

    5 Supplemental Qualifier Name Codes


    Omit the QSSTRESN column when it is not applicable to the dataset.

    QSTESTCD = "test code" QSTEST = "test name"


    titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses

    If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.

      • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDTXXXOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDTXXXTSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.


    For responses that are for 8 or more consecutive items, an override label should be used in QRS Maker to show the items that are included as follows:

    QSTESTCD = "first test code in sequence" QSTEST = "first test name in sequence" through

    QSTESTCD = "last test code in sequence" QSTEST = "last test name in sequence"


    5 Supplemental Qualifier Name Codes


    The instrument used as an example in this template did not require supplemental qualifiers, but this section has been included to provide guidance on those instruments which do require supplemental qualifiers. (Many instruments do not require it.) Text that always will be in the section when it is included has been left black.

    Additional rows will be required in the suppqs.xpt dataset for each supplemental qualifier needed.


    The following table contains additional standard name codes for use in the Supplement Qualifiers for Questionnaires (SUPPQS Clinical Classifications (SUPPRS) special purpose dataset.

    Value of QNAM ( e.g., SUBJECT VISIT)
    Dataset wrap
    RSANTXLOAnchor Text Lowno pain
    RSANTXHIAnchor Text Highworst pain possible
    RSANVLLOAnchor Value Low0
    RSANVLHIAnchor Value High10
    RSCBRFLConditionally Branched Item FlagY
    Dataset wrap
    Appropriate variable name to provide more information about data in qs.xpt, no more than 8 characters long (e.g., CONTACT).Label for QNAM (e.g., Contact Type)

    End of Document