This example shows a subset of published controlled terminology parameters and the relationship of values across response variables TSVAL, TSVALNF, TSVALCD, TSVCDREF, and TSVCDVER. Text Text over 200 characters can be added to additional columns TSVAL1-TSVALn. This example include the subset of terms that are CDISC and FDA requireddoes not include any text over 200 characters. Applicants should consult with regulators regarding which parameters are expected/required to be submitted. When required items are not applicable, TSVALNF may be used.
TSVALNF contains a “null flavor,” a value that provides additional coded information when TSVAL is null. For example, for TSPARM = "AGEMAX" (Planned Maximum Age of Subjects), there is no value if a study does not specify a maximum age. In this case, the appropriate null flavor is "PINF", which stands for "positive infinity." In TSVALNF can also be used in a case where the value of a particular parameter is unknown. However, in a tobacco study conducted in healthy volunteers for a drug where the Trial Phase Classification study/trial phase classification is not established the null flavor , the value (TSVAL) for TSPARM = "TPHASE" would be "NANOT APPLICABLE" (i.e., not applicable). TSVALNF can also be used in a case where the value of a particular parameter is unknown. . TSVAL should not be left null in this case.
Sequence number is given to ensure uniqueness within a parameter. In this example, TSPARMCD (FCNTRY) is repeated twice to indicate that the study was conducted in the US and Canada. TSSEQ is assigned "1" for the US and "2" for Canada.
TSGRPID is used to tie together a group of related records. For example, DCUTDTC, and DCUTDESC below are tied together using TSGRPID.
Dataset wrap |
Dataset2 |
1 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| ACTSUB | Actual Number of Subjects | 304 |
| 2 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| ADAPT | Adaptive Design | N |
| 3 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| ADDON | Added on to Existing Treatments | Y |
| C49487 | CDISC CT | 2011061031 | 4 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| AGEMAX | Planned Maximum Age of Subjects | PINF |
| 5 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| AGEMIN | Planned Minimum Age of Subjects | P18MP18Y |
| ISO 8601 |
| 6 | XYZ | TS | 1 | PA | DCUTDTC | Data Cutoff Date | 2010-04-10 |
| ISO 8601 |
| 7 | XYZ | TS | 1 | PA | DCUTDESC | Data Cutoff Description | PRIMARY ANALYSIS |
| 8 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| FCNTRY | Planned Country of Investigational Sites | USA |
| ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 |
| 9 | XYZ | TS | 2 |
| FCNTRY | Planned Country of Investigational Sites | CAN |
| ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 |
10 | XYZ | TS | 1 | HLTSUBJI | Healthy Subject Indicator | NA | C48660 | CDISC CT2011-06-11 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| INDIC | Trial Disease/Condition Indication | Tobacco smoking consumption |
| 266918002 | SNOMED | 2011-03 | 1211 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| LENGTH | Trial Length | P3M |
| ISO 8601 | 13
| 12 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| NARMS | Planned Number of Arms | 3 | 14
| 13 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| OBJPRIM | Trial Primary Objective | Change in concentration of Nicotine in urine from baseline | 15
| 14 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| OBJSEC | Trial Secondary Objective | Change in concentration of Cotinine in urine from baseline | 16
| 15 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| PLANSUB | Planned Number of Subjects | 300 | 17
| 16 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| RANDOM | Trial is Randomized | Y |
| C49488 | CDISC CT | 201106101817 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| REGID | Registry Identifier | NCT123456789 |
| NCT123456789 | | 19
| 18 | XYZ | TS | 2 |
| REGID | Registry Identifier | XXYYZZ456 |
| XXYYZZ456 | EudraCT | 20
| 19 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| SENDTC | Study End Date | 2011-04-01 |
| ISO 8601 | 21
| 20 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| SEXPOP | Sex of Participants | BOTH |
| C49636 | CDISC CT | 2011061022SPONSORClinical Study SponsorPharmaco23
| 22 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| STOPRULE | Study Stop Rules | NONE | 25
| 23 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TBLIND | Trial Blinding Schema | DOUBLE BLIND |
| C15228 | CDISC CT | 2011061026 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TCNTRL | Control Type | ACTIVE |
| C49649 | CDISC CT | 201106102725 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TITLE | Trial Title | A 3 month study of tobacco biomarkers in subjects using ENDS devices | 28
| 26 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TDIGRP | Diagnosis Group |
| NA | 30
| 27 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TINDTP | Trial Intent Type |
| NA | C49656 | CDISC CT | 201106103228 | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| TPHASE | Trial Phase Classification | NA33TOBACCO PRODUCT EFFECTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 342TTYPETrial SAFETY3536 | XYZ | TS | 3 | TTYPE | Trial Type | PHARMACOKINETIC | XYZ | TS | 1 |
| SDTIGVER | SDTM IG Version | 3.4 | 3723831 |
| TIGVER | Tobacco IG Version | 1.0 |