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  1. ADaM Home on the CDISC Portal (Warning - the portal is being removed and documents are being transferred to the wiki)
  2. ADaM Home on the CDISC Wiki (Access may be restricted to ADaM Team Members)

Team Mission

To provide metadata models and examples of analysis datasets used to generate the statistical results for a regulatory submission
as well as metadata models and examples covering the statistical results
and other analysis needs.


The ADaM Team develops standards for the submission of analysis datasets that support the creation of statistical summaries for clinical trials. The Analysis Data Model (ADaM) assumes that analysis datasets are created primarily from source data compliant with the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM). The ADaM is described by


three primary documents:  the Analysis Data Model (Model Document)


, its Implementation Guide (ADaMIG),

as well as supportive appendix documents such as ADTTE and OCCDS. ADaM metadata are modeled the same way as SDTM metadata, with an increased emphasis on value-level metadata, plus Analysis Results Metadata. Throughout the ADaM

and the Occurrence Data Structure (OCCDS) document. There are other supportive documents such as ADaM Basic Data Structure (BDS) for Time-to-Event (TTE) Analyses and Analysis Results Metadata (ARM)

Throughout the ADaM documents, it is acknowledged that clinical trials are unique, and that the design of analysis datasets is driven by the scientific and medical objectives of the study. Clear communication regarding the analyses which support these objectives is a foundational principle.


The ADaM team


continues to

continue to

support and enhance

the Model Document and ADaM-IG and to support the

our documents, supports the data standardization needs from

the FDA and the Therapeutic

regulatory agencies and therapeutic-area focused initiatives.