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An ItemGroupDef describes a type of variable or field grouping that can occur within a study.

ODM v2.0 introduces nested ItemGroups. ItemGroupRef elements may be added to ItemGroupDef to create hierarchical data structures of arbitrary depth. Nested ItemGroupDefs can be used for enhanced re-usability of ItemGroups. They can also be used to represent semantic relationships between items, items that share common behaviors such as skip logic, or items that are displayed or collected together.

The Coding child element allows to associate semantics within the group. For example, a LOINC panel code in the case that the ItemGroup represents a laboratory panel.

The WorkflowRef child element allows to reference a workflow definition (WorkflowDef) for navigation within the ItemGroup, for example, when the ItemGroup represents a form or questionnaire (or part of it) where there is a workflow between the items or groups of items.

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ItemGroupDef Element
ItemGroupDef Element

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ItemGroupDef Attributes
ItemGroupDef Attributes
serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

titleSimple ItemGroupDef

Include Page
ItemGroupDef Example - Simple
ItemGroupDef Example - Simple

titleSimple ItemGroupDef

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ItemGroupDef Repeating Example
ItemGroupDef Repeating Example

titleThe use of nested ItemGroupDef for representation of a Biomedical Concept

Include Page
Biomedical Concept Example: Blood Pressure
Biomedical Concept Example: Blood Pressure
