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Describes an external resource used as the source for the parent ItemGroup or Item. 

Include Page
Resource Element
Resource Element

Include Page
Resource Attributes
Resource Attributes






Contained in:


A Resource describes an external resource from which the data or information is being obtained or retrieved. This can be another ODM document, or an Electronic Health Record (EHR) or extract of it, such as an HL7-v2 message, an HL7-CDA document, an HL7-FHIR resource, or an OpenEHR extract.

The Type attribute designates the type of the external resource. Examples are: "ODM", "HL7-FHIR", "HL7-CDA", "HL7-v2", "OpenEHR-extract". Extensible controlled terminology may be published for the Typa attribute in future.

The Name attribute designates the name of the element or field in the external resource where the data or information resides. The value must be an existing element name or field name for the specific document or message type provided in the Type attribute.
Examples are: "ItemGroupDef" (for Type="ODM"), "Observation" (for Type="HL7-FHIR"), "substanceAdministration.doseQuantity" (for Type="HL7-CDA"), "OBX-5" (for field 5 ("Observation Result") for Type="HL7-v2").

The Attribute attribute describes an attribute to the element or field provided by the Name attribute where the data or information can be obtained.
Examples are "valueQuantity.value" or "valueQuantity.unit" for the case of an HL7-FHIR "Observation", "Repeating" for the case of an ODM ItemGroupDef element, "unit" for the case of an HL7-CDA doseQuantity, "Code" or "Name" for the case of field 5 (which is composite) of an HL7-v2 OBX message.
The Name and Attribute attributes are not meant to provide a machine-executable instruction to extract the information from the resource. The Selection child element is meant for this.