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The Branching describes a branching transition This element describes the branching in a workflow from a source (start) structural element to two 2 or more target structural elements, over a Transition element.

The conditions for following 1 branch or several of them are defined by the TargetTransition and DefaultTransition elements.

In order to become active in a workflow, the OID of the Branching must be referenced by the SourceOID attribute of a Transition element.

Include Page
Branching Element
Branching Element

Include Page
Branching Attributes
Branching Attributes

titleUsing an XSLT stylesheet on a BPMN-2 XML file

Physio_Underwater_Therapy_BPMN_to_ODMv2_Workflow_result.xml. This example was generated automatically from a BPMN-2 XML file using an XSLT stylesheet.

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The example demonstrates the case that a subject can, after visit 1, take physiotherapy, underwater therapy, or both in parallel. This is then followed by visit 2, which is an evaluation visit.

Code Block
	<odm:WorkflowDef OID="WF.Process_1" Name="Process_1">
		<odm:WorkflowStart StartOID="StartEvent_1"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0zyw78x" Name="Transition from Start of Therapy to Visit 1" SourceOID="StartEvent_1" TargetOID="SE_0imo8x1"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_00de882" Name="Transition from Visit 1 to Arm Branching" SourceOID="SE_0imo8x1" TargetOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo" Name="Physio+underwater therapy arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h" Name="Physiotherapy Arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="SE_0m6x4je"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws" Name="Underwater therapy arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="SE_0stubbd"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ao0p7m" Name="Transition from Physio+underwater therapy in parallel to Physiotherapy" SourceOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" TargetOID="SE_0m6x4je"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0dnupty" Name="Transition from Physio+underwater therapy in parallel to Underwater therapy" SourceOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" TargetOID="SE_0stubbd"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0mxsfta" Name="Transition from Physiotherapy to Visit 2: Evaluation" SourceOID="SE_0m6x4je" TargetOID="SE_0ltgyb8"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ecqyq5" Name="Transition from Underwater therapy to Visit 2: Evaluation" SourceOID="SE_0stubbd" TargetOID="SE_0ltgyb8"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0yx6wvs" Name="Transition from Visit 2: Evaluation to End of Therapy" SourceOID="SE_0ltgyb8" TargetOID="EndEvent_1iomuxu"/>
		<!--Branching definition-->
		<odm:Branching OID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" Name="Arm Branching" Type="Exclusive">
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo"/>
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h"/>
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws"/>
		<odm:Branching OID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" Name="Physio+underwater therapy in parallel" Type="Parallel">
			<!--Remark that there is no Condition reference for parallel execution-->
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ao0p7m"/>
			<!--Remark that there is no Condition reference for parallel execution-->
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0dnupty"/>
		<odm:WorkflowEnd EndOID="EndEvent_1iomuxu"/>

The Type attribute defines whether only one arm of the branching ("Exclusive") can be followed, or that all arms of the branching can be followed in parallel ("Parallel")