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Include PageBranching ElementBranching Element Include PageBranching AttributesBranching AttributesThis element describes the branching in a workflow from a source (start) structural element to 2 or more target structural elements, over a Transition element.

When source and target are the same structural element, this represents a loop or repetition of the structural element. As such, the Branching element must also be used to represent "repeat until" activities.

The conditions for following 1 branch or several of them are defined by the TargetTransition and DefaultTransition elements.The Type attribute defines whether only 1 branch of the branching ("exclusive") can be followed, or that all branches of the branching can be followed in parallel ("parallel"). In the case of Exclusive, the conditions must be tested in the order that the TargetTransition elements are provided.
The DefaultTransition will be followed when none of the TargetTransitions can be executed due to not fulfilling their associated conditions.Example:

Include Page
Branching Element
Branching Element

Include Page
Branching Attributes
Branching Attributes

titleUsing an XSLT stylesheet on a BPMN-2 XML file

Physio_Underwater_Therapy_BPMN_to_ODMv2_Workflow_result.xml. This example was generated automatically from a BPMN-2 XML file using an XSLT stylesheet.

Image Modified

The example demonstrates the case that a subject can, after visit 1, take physiotherapy, underwater therapy, or both in parallel. This is then followed by visit 2, which is an evaluation visit.

Code Block
	<odm:WorkflowDef OID="WF.Process_1" Name="Process_1">
		<odm:WorkflowStart StartOID="StartEvent_1"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0zyw78x" Name="Transition from Start of Therapy to Visit 1" SourceOID="StartEvent_1" TargetOID="SE_0imo8x1"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_00de882" Name="Transition from Visit 1 to Arm Branching" SourceOID="SE_0imo8x1" TargetOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo" Name="Physio+underwater therapy arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h" Name="Physiotherapy Arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="SE_0m6x4je"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws" Name="Underwater therapy arm" SourceOID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" TargetOID="SE_0stubbd"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ao0p7m" Name="Transition from Physio+underwater therapy in parallel to Physiotherapy" SourceOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" TargetOID="SE_0m6x4je"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0dnupty" Name="Transition from Physio+underwater therapy in parallel to Underwater therapy" SourceOID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" TargetOID="SE_0stubbd"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0mxsfta" Name="Transition from Physiotherapy to Visit 2: Evaluation" SourceOID="SE_0m6x4je" TargetOID="SE_0ltgyb8"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ecqyq5" Name="Transition from Underwater therapy to Visit 2: Evaluation" SourceOID="SE_0stubbd" TargetOID="SE_0ltgyb8"/>
		<odm:Transition OID="TR.SequenceFlow_0yx6wvs" Name="Transition from Visit 2: Evaluation to End of Therapy" SourceOID="SE_0ltgyb8" TargetOID="EndEvent_1iomuxu"/>
		<!--Branching definition-->
		<odm:Branching OID="ExclusiveGateway_19rvqwk" Name="Arm Branching" Type="Exclusive">
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_1sm9dlo"/>
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_1hk2z8h"/>
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws" ConditionOID="COND.SequenceFlow_0z0iuws"/>
		<odm:Branching OID="ParallelGateway_12qduy7" Name="Physio+underwater therapy in parallel" Type="Parallel">
			<!--Remark that there is no Condition reference for parallel execution-->
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0ao0p7m"/>
			<!--Remark that there is no Condition reference for parallel execution-->
			<odm:TargetTransition TargetTransitionOID="TR.SequenceFlow_0dnupty"/>
		<odm:WorkflowEnd EndOID="EndEvent_1iomuxu"/>
