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serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)

Include PageQuery ElementQuery Element Include PageQuery AttributesQuery AttributesThe Query element represents a request for clarification on a data item collected for a clinical trial, specifically a request from a sponsor or sponsor’s representative to an investigator to resolve an error or inconsistency discovered during data review. Queries can be created manually by individuals such as site monitors or data managers or automatically by systems. The full text of the Query exists in the Value child element. The optional Name attribute provide the means to provide a short identifier that can be included in listing or user interfaces.

Include Page
Query Element
Query Element

Include Page
Query Attributes
Query Attributes

Query Workflow

A Query must be in 1 of the states listed for the State attribute, and the state diagram below highlights how states can transition through the query workflow. An audit record of the query may be generated as the Query transitions through the workflow. In the Query workflow Open and Candidate are valid start states; Closed, Resolved and Cancelled are valid end states.

Gliffy Diagram
nameQuery Workflow Copy

Query Workflow

In order to represent the state of a query in a system-independent fashion, the workflow of a query needs to be defined in a standard way.


Query Source

Query Type


System to SiteSystemQuery raised automatically by data capture system in response to data quality issue (for example)
Data Management to SiteManualQuery raised by data manager for address by site personnel
Site Monitor to SiteManualQuery raised by site monitor for address by site personnel
Coding System to SiteManual | SystemQuery raised by coding system requiring clarification from site
Safety Reviewer to SiteManualQuery raised by safety reviewer (often in relation to addressing a serious adverse event)
titleOpening a Query

Include Page
Clinical Data Query Examples - Opening a Query
Clinical Data Query Examples - Opening a Query

titleQuery with Transaction History

Include Page
Clinical Data Query Examples - Transaction History
Clinical Data Query Examples - Transaction History
