Versions Compared


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Date: 2021-0304-2609

Review PeriodInstrument NameQRS DeveloperQC AssigneeQCCopy EditingFDA Review?QRS IR or PR
1-DevelopmentColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Screening (C-SSRS SCREENING)S. Kopko

1-DevelopmentFunctional Assessment Scale - NACC Version (FAS-NACC UDS v3.0)S. Kopko
2019-09-25 In Process

new copyright received for v3.0 CRF - CT Approved in PKG 41

1-DevelopmentPatient-Reported Outcomes Version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, Version 1.0 (PRO-CTCAE v1.0)S. Kopko
  • NCI and FDA - meeting in Jan. 2020 and on 6/23/20 to move forward
  • NIH Draft CT review commeents resolved with S. Mitchell

1-Development Change ControlBarnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS)S. ZilberS. Kopko2021-03-25: QRS CT change control approved 

1-Development Change ControlBrief Psychiatric Rating Scale-Anchored (BPRS-A)TBDS. Kopko

1-Development Change ControlColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Since Last Visit (C-SSRS SINCE LAST VISIT)TBDTBD

Example update needed based on QRS Skipped Records concept.
1-Development Change ControlColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE)TBDTBD

CSSR-S Baseline example change control from DBooth 2019-12-05.pdfExample update needed based on QRS Skipped Records concept.
1-Development Change ControlEuropean Quality of Life Five Dimension Five Level Scale (EQ-5D-5L)D. ErabellyS. Kopko
  • update to include standardized numeric values from manual
  • 2021-03-18 Q&A with SK

1-Development Change ControlEuropean Quality of Life Five Dimension Three Level Scale (EQ-5D-3L)D. ErabellyS. Kopko
  • update to include standardized numeric values from manual
  • 2021-03-18 Q&A with SK
  • 2021-04-08 ready for TR

1-Development Change ControlExacerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool (EXACT) - Patient-Reported Outcome v2.0 (Published supplement conversion to current WIKI template)S. KopkoD. Booth2020-01-08 Dana doing QC of final CT change control before updating WIKI supplement
Priority review request
1-Development Change ControlFunctional Assessment Questionnaire - NACC Version (FAQ-NACC UDS v2.0)S. SudiniS. KopkoBased on QRS CT team review, Dana doing QC of 2019-12-19 FAQ-NACC UDS v2.0 final CT

1-Development Change ControlPAIN Relief (PR) Change Control v1.2S. KopkoD. Booth

1-Development Change ControlTanner Scale Boy VersionS. SudiniS. KopkoCT change control from RP to RS approved 2020-04-23

In Process
1-Development Change ControlTanner Scale Boy VersionS. SudiniS. KopkoCT change control from RP to RS approved 2020-04-23

In Process
1-Development Change ControlUnified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)F. AlipourS. KopkoSection 4 QSTESTCD = UPD128 response table correction needed

In Process

Contacting Author & NINDS on represenitng "ON/OFF" periods

2-Team review
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (October 2002) Long Last 7 Days Self-Administered Format (IPAQ-LF SELF-ADMINISTERED VERSION

3-Internal review 

Crohn's Disease Activity Index Version 1 (CDAI V1)

D. CoreyS. Kopko
  • TR Completed
  • 2021-
02-26: Completed TR QC Checklist
  • 2020-06-03:  Completed TR #2
  • April IR
    • 04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Colorectal Version 4 (FACT-C V4)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • TR Completed
    • 2021-04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review International Physical Activity Questionnaire (October 2002) Long Last 7 Days Self-Administered Format (IPAQ-LF SELF-ADMINISTERED VERSION)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2020-02-26: Completed TR QC Checklist
    • 2020-06-03:  Completed TR #2
    • 2021-04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review International Physical Activity Questionnaire (August 2002) Short Last 7 Days Self-Administered Format (IPAQ-SF SELF-ADMINISTERED VERSION)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • TR Completed
    • 2021-04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review International Physical Activity Questionnaire (November 2002) Long Last 7 Days Telephone Format (IPAQ-LF PHONE VERSION)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • TR Completed
    • 2021-04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review International Physical Activity Questionnaire (August 2002) Short Last 7 Days Telephone Format (IPAQ-SF PHONE VERSION)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • TR Completed
    • 2021-04-13 IR Completed

    3-Internal review 
    Disability Rating Scale (DRS)F. AlipourS. Kopko
    • 2020-09-30 Completed TR
    • 2020-11-17 Completed  IR
    • 2021-02-11 Completed PR

    April Publishing PUB-382

    • 2021-04-03 Publiished
    3-Internal review 
    Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2020-09-30 Completed TR
    • 2020-11-17 Completed  IR
    • 2021-02-11 Completed PR

    April Publishing PUB-382

    • 2021-04-03 Publiished
    3-Internal review 
    Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS SCALE)F. AlipourS. Kopko
    • 2020-09-09 Completed TR
    • 2020-11-17 Completed  IR
    • 2021-02-11 Completed PR

    April Publishing PUB-382

    • 2021-04-03 Publiished
    3-Internal review
    Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS)F. AlipourS. Kopko
    • 2020-07-15 TR completed
    • 2020-11-17 Completed  IR
    • 2021-02-11 Completed PR
    April Publishing PUB-382

    • 2021-04-03 Publiished

    4-Between IR and PRAJCC TNM Staging System 7th Edition (AJCC V7)D. BoothS. Kopko2019-04-18 Completed IR
    JIRA Issues Done
    2020-01-13 Completed
    2020-05-27: Restored and updates to current QRS template
    4-Between IR and PR

    5-Public review Children's Depression Rating Scale, Revised (CDRS-R) WPS completed review of draft Package 2019-02-19S. KopkoD. Booth
    • 2019-04-18 Completed IR

    • No JIRA Issues
    TBD for 4-Between IR and PR
    • April PR

    Needs current QRS Template Updates

    5-Public review Covi Anxiety Scale (COVI)S. KopkoA Humphrey
    • 2019-06-28 Completed IR
      No JIRA Issues
    • 2021-04-09 Completed PR
    • 2021-04-09 Completed PR
    TBD for PR
    4-Between IR and PR

    5-Public review Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory-2 (DRRI-2)S. KopkoD. Booth
    • 2019-06-28 Completed IR
      No JIRA Issues
    • 2021-04-09 Completed PR
    TBD for
    PR4-Between IR and

    5-Public review Disease Steps (DISEASE STEPS)S. KarraS. Kopko
    • 2019-04-18 Completed IR
      JIRA issues approved
    • 2021-04-09 Completed PR
    TBD for PR

    4-Between IR and PREuropean Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire - Core 30 Version 3.0 (EORTC QLQ-C30 V3.0)S. KopkoJörg Sahlmann D. Booth2019-06-28 Completed IR
    JIRA Issues Approved
    Copy-editing and EORTC review will occur prior to FDA reviewTBD April
    4-Between IR and PREuropean Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire - Palliative Care V1.0 (EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL V1.0)S. KopkoJörg Sahlmann D. Booth2019-06-28 Completed IR
    No JIRA Issues
    Copy-editing and EORTC review will occur prior to FDA reviewTBD April.
    4-Between IR and PRGeriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS SHORT FORM)D. BoothS. Kopko2016-06-26 Completed TR
    2019-10-04 Completed IR
    JIRA Issues Open
    TBD for PRNoNeeds current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PRMini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Functional Test (PAR comment revisions need to be re-reviewed by PAR)D. CoreyS. Kopko

    2018-05-11 IR Completed
    2019-05-23 1st PAR

    review comments updated and Completed QC for PR 

    2020-09-24 Updated to current template

    TBD for FDA IRYes2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PRMini-Mental State Examination 2 Standard Version (MMSE-2 STANDARD VERSION) (PAR comment revisions need to be re-reviewed by PAR)D. CoreyS. Kopko

    2018-05-11 IR Completed
    2019-05-23 1st PAR review comments updated and Completed QC for PR 

    2020-09-24 Updated to current template

    TBD for FDA IRYes2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PRPAIN Intensity (PI) Change Control v1.2S. KopkoK. Minkalis2019-07-31 Completed TR
    2019-10-04 Completed IR
    JIRA Issues Under review
    TBD for PR2019-10-22: CDER currently re-considering its priorities for the standardization of pain instrument data.Needs current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PRPsoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)D. CoreyD. Booth
    • 2019-10-04 Completed IR

    • No JIRA Issues

    Completed for FDA IR

    Dana revising for 2nd FDA IR

    4-Between IR and PR
    • CRF & Supplement being updaed

    • 2020-06-29 FDA IR comments received
    Needs current QRS Template Updates

    5-Public review Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ)S. KopkoTBD
    • 2018-08-04 Completed IR

    • JIRA Issue under review
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    • April PR

    2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PR
    5-Public review Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire-JR (SIQ-JR)S. KopkoA. Palmer
    • 2018-08-04 Completed IR
    • JIRA Issues Done
    • April PR
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    4-Between IR and PR
    5-Public review Transition Dyspnea Index (TDI)S. KarraS. Kopko
    • 2019-06-28 Completed IR

    • No JIRA Issues
    TBD for PRNeeds current QRS Template Updates
    • Ready for PR - add to April?

    5-Public review 
    4-Between IR and PR
    Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC)D. Booth
    D. Corey
    • 2018-08-14 Completed IR

    • JIRA Issues Done
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    • April PR

    • 2020-07-
    • 10 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward

    Public review 
    PublicationAbnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) Change Control QS->RSS. SudiniS. Kopko
    • 2019-06-28 IR completed
      No JIRA Issues
    • 2021-
    09-23 updated to current templateReady for copyediting for PR
    • 03-05 Completed PR
    • 2021-04-03 Publiished
    5-Public review Asthma Daytime Symptom Diary V1.0 (ADSD V1.0)D. CoreyD. Booth
    • 2019-09-11 Completed TR
    • 2019-10-04 Completed IR
      JIRA issues

    2020-08-18 updated to current template

    • approved
    • 2021-03-05 Completed PR
    • 2021-04-07 1st FDA Review
     Ready for copyediting for PR

    5-Public review Asthma Nighttime Symptom Diary V1.0 (ANSD V1.0)D. CoreyD. Booth
    • 2019-09-11 Completed TR
    • 2019-10-04 Completed IR
      JIRA issues approved
    • 2021-
    08-18 updated to current templateReady for copyediting for PR
    • 03-05 Completed PR
    • 2021-04-07 1st FDA Review

    5-Public review Baseline Dyspnea Index (BDI)S. KarraS
    . Kopko

    2019-06-28 Completed IR
    No JIRA Issues

    2020-09-28 updated to current template - ready for PR

    2020-01-13 Completed Batch 5
    Ready for 2nd copyediting for PR
    . Kopko
    • 2019-06-28 Completed IR No JIRA Issues
    • Ready for PR - add to April?

    5-Public review Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 1988 Version (BPRS 1988 VERSION)S. KopkoK. Minkalis
    • 2019-06-28 Completed
    • IR No JIRA Issues
    • 2020-09-
    • 05 PR Checklist by Dana
    • 2021-
    09-24 updated to current template

    Issue on reference papers and CRF differences in process

    • 02-03 FDA Responses reeived on Research Request
    • PR after FDA review
    • 2021-03-03 Completed copyediting for FDA Review

    PUB-341 to be sent in April

    TBD and WORD doc needed for FDA IRPriority review request5-Public review 
    Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG)S. SudiniS. Kopko
    • 2019-06-28 Completed IR
      No JIRA Issues
    • 2021-
    10-12 updated to current template - ready for PRReady for copyediting for PR
    • 03-05 PR Completed

    • 2021-04-03 Publiished
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    5-Public review Glucose Monitoring System Satisfaction Survey Version: Type 1 Diabetes (GMSS VERSION TYPE 1 DIABETES)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2019-07-31 Completed TR
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done - Ready for PR
    Ready for copyediting for PR
    • 2021-04-09 PR Completed

    5-Public review Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 17-Item (HAMD 17) Published supplement conversion to current WIKI templateS. KopkoD. Booth
    • 2019-12-04 Completed TR (revised with "QRS skipped Item" logic based on agreement with FDA at follow-up QRS Skipped Records meeting on 12/9)
    • 2020-08-15 QC Checklist completed
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR
    - 1 Issue Done

    2020-10-23 Issue on reference papers and CRF differences in process

    • - 1 Issue Done
    • 2021-02-15 QRS Research Request
    • PR after FDA review
    • 2021-03-03 Completed copyediting for FDA Review
    TBD for FDA IRPriority review request

    5-Public review KDIGO AKI Stage (KDIGO AKI)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2020-03-20: Completed TR
    • 2020-07-08 Completed QC Checklist
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done
    Ready for copyediting for PR
    • 2021-04-09 PR Completed

    5-Public review Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)S. KopkoD. Booth
    • 2019-11-20 Completed TR
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done
    Ready for copyediting & WORD file for FDA IRPriority review request
    • PR after FDA review
    • 2021-03-03 Completed copyediting for FDA Review

    5-Public review Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Functional Test (PAR comment revisions need to be re-reviewed by PAR)D. CoreyS. Kopko

    2018-05-11 IR Completed
    2019-05-23 1st PAR

    review comments updated and Completed QC for PR 

    2020-09-24 Updated to current template

    TBD for FDA IR

    Dana checking with PAR for user manuals

    Yes2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    5-Public review Mini-Mental State Examination 2 Standard Version (MMSE-2 STANDARD VERSION) (PAR comment revisions need to be re-reviewed by PAR)D. CoreyS. Kopko

    2018-05-11 IR Completed
    2019-05-23 1st PAR review comments updated and Completed QC for PR 

    2020-09-24 Updated to current template

    TBD for FDA IR

    Dana checking with PAR for user manuals

    Yes2019-11-06 PAR completed 2nd Review and looks good.
    2020-07-101 Updated PAR agreement signed-good to move forward
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    5-Public review National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-04-22 Completed TR
    • 2020-08-19 QC Checklist - Steve Copyright permission on OneDrive?
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done
    Ready for copyediting & WORD file for FDA IR
    • April PR

    TBD April with PR
    Priority review request

    5-Public review Patient Determined Disease Steps (PDDS)

    Owner contacted CDISC with updated letter that removed the deference to Performance Scales (PS) due to potential copyright issues with that instrument
    S. KopkoD. Corey
    • 2020-06-10: Completed TR
    • 2020-07-08 Completed QC Checklist
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done
    Ready for copyediting for PR
    • 2021-04-09 PR Completed

    5-Public review Rockport One Mile Walk Test (ROCKPORT ONE MILE WALK TEST V1.0)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2020-07-08 Completed QC Checklist from TR on 2020-03-18
    • 2020-09-08 Completed IR - 1 Issue Done
    Ready for copyediting for
    • April PR
    Ready for IR

    6-Between PR and Publication4 Stair AscendD. CoreyS. Kopko2019-05-01 Completed PR
    JIRA Issues Done
    2019-08-28 Completed2020-01-31 Completed FDA final quick review
    2020-06-24 Draft Updates based on 10 Meter Walk/Run presented to FDA - minor revisions and WORD file generation for final quick review
    FDA quick review issues reviewed at 2020-03-25 & 04-01 meetings
    To be updated based on 2nd FDA IR on 10 Meter Walk/Run
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    6-Between PR and Publication4 Stair Descend D. CoreyS. Kopko2019-05-01 Completed PR
    JIRA Issues Done
    2019-08-28 Completed2020-01-31 Completed FDA final quick review
    2020-06-24 Draft Updates based on 10 Meter Walk/Run presented to FDA - minor revisions and WORD file generation for final quick review
    FDA quick review issues reviewed at 2020-03-25 & 04-01 meetings
    To be updated based on 2nd FDA IR on 10 Meter Walk/Run
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    Between PR and
    PublicationCombat Exposure Scale (CES)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-05-01 Completed PR
    • 2019-05-31 Completed Publication QC

    • No JIRA Issues
    Completed No
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    2021-03-08 Published
    6-Between PR and
    PublicationEpworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)S. KopkoD. Booth2019-08-17 Completed PR
    Completed No
    Needs current QRS Template Updates6-Between PR and
    2021-03-08 Published
    7-PublicationDiabetes Distress Scale for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1-DDS)D. CoreyD. Booth

    2019-05-29 Completed TR
    2019-10-04 Completed IR
    No JIRA Issues

    2020-06-22 PR Completed - 
    No Issues

    2020-09-24 Updated to current template

    Ready for copyediting and WORD file for publishingDana doing QC before Publication
    2021-03-08 Published
    6-Between PR and
    PublicationDiabetes Distress Scale for Parents of Teens with Type 1 Diabetes (PARENT-DDS)D. CoreyD. Booth

    2019-06-05 Completed TR
    2019-10-04 Completed IR
    JIRA issues approved

    2020-06-22 PR Completed - 
    No Issues

    2020-09-22 Updated to current template

    Ready for copyediting and WORD file for publishingDana doing QC before Publication
    2021-03-08 Published
    6-Between PR and
    PublicationDiabetes Distress Scale for Partners of Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (PARTNER-DDS)D. CoreyD. Booth

    2016-06-26 Completed TR
    2019-10-04 Completed IR
    JIRA issues approved

    2020-06-22 PR Completed - 
    No Issues

    2020-09-22 Updated to current template

    Ready for copyediting and WORD file for publishing
    2021-03-08 Published
    Dana doing QC before Publication
    6-Between PR and PublicationNon-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptom Assessment Questionnaire V1.0 (NSCLC-SAQ V1.0)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-05-01 Completed PR
    Publication QC TBD
    • JIRA Issues Done
    • 2021-
    09-16 Updated to current template2020-10-16 
    2nd copyediting and WORD file for FDA IR in process
    • 01-25 2nd Copyediting Completed
    • 2020-04-09 Full Package in FDA COA review
    • 2020-06-03 Received FDA IR comments
    • 2020-08-26 comment resolution review with FDA
    • 2921-02-12 2nd FDA Review Request

    Between PR and
    PublicationPaced Tapping (PACED TAPPING)D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2019-08-17 Completed PR

    • JIRA issues approved
    Completed No
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    2021-03-08 Published
    6-Between PR and
    PublicationPediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL) Neuromuscular Module Version 3
    (PEDSQL01 - PEDSQL18)
    D. CoreyS. Kopko
    • 2018-10-01 Completed IR
      No JIRA Issue2020-
    • 2020-09-17 Completed
    • PR 1 JIRA Issue Done
    Diane comp0leted QC for publishing
    -16 final copyediting and WORD file request for publishing in  Batch 8
    6-Between PR and
    PublicationRAND Social Support Survey Instrument (RAND SOCIAL SUPPORT SURVEY INSTRUMENT)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-08-17 Completed PR

    • JIRA Issues
    • Done
    Completed No
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    2021-03-08 Published
    6-Between PR and PublicationRising From FloorD. CoreyS. Kopko2019-05-01 Completed PR
    2019-05-13 Completed Publication QC
    JIRA Issues Done
    2019-08-28 Completed2020-01-31 Completed FDA final quick review
    2020-06-24 Draft Updates based on 10 Meter Walk/Run presented to FDA - minor revisions and WORD file generation for final quick review
    FDA quick review issues reviewed at 2020-03-25 & 04-01 meetings
    To be updated based on 2nd FDA IR on 10 Meter Walk/Run
    Needs current QRS Template Updates
    6-Between PR and PublicationSymptoms of Major Depressive Disorder Scale v1.0 (SMDDS V1.0)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-05-01 Completed PR

    Publication QC TBD

    • JIRA Issues Done
    • 2021-
    10-16 Updated to current template2020-10-16 
    2nd copyediting and WORD file for FDA IR in process
    • 01-25 2nd Copyediting Completed
    • 2020-04-09 Full Package in FDA COA review
    • 2020-06-03 Received FDA IR comments
    • 2020-08-26 comment resolution review with FDA
    • 2921-02-12 2nd FDA Review Request

    6-Between PR and Publication10-Meter Walk/RunD. CoreyD. Booth
    • 2019-05-01 Completed
    2019-05-12 Publication QC Completed
    • PR 
      JIRA Issues Done
    • 2020-08-07
    -22 Updated to current template2020-08-07 completed 2nd
    • completed 2nd copyediting and WORD file
    • 2021-02-17 completed 3rd copyediting and WORD file
    • 2020-01-31 Completed FDA final quick review
    • 2020-03-25 & 04-01 meetings-FDA quick review issues reviewed  & revisions needed
    • 2020-06-24 Draft Updates presented to FDA
    • 2020-08-10 WORD file generated and send for 2nd FDA final quick review
    • 2021-02-17 WORD file generated and send for 3rd FDA final quick review

    6-Between PR and PublicationVeterans Administration Lung Study Group (VALG)D. BoothS. Kopko
    • 2019-05-01 Completed
    • PR JIRA Issues Done
    • 2019-05-13 Publication QC Completed-need comment confirmation
    JIRA Issues Done
    • Needs CDISC CRF by Dana
    TBD No
    Needs current QRS Template Updates

    7-PublicationAge, treatment with systemic antibiotics, leukocyte count, serum albumin and serum creatinine as a measure of renal function (ATLAS)D. CoreyK. Kellly2019-05-01 Completed PR
    No JIRA Issues
    2020-01-21 Completed
    2020-05-21 WORD/PDF Revised for publishing

    7-PublicationClinical Global Impressions (CGI)S. KopkoD. Booth
    Completed 2019-04-11
    7-PublicationEmotion Recognition (EMOTION RECOGNITION)D. CoreyS. Kopko2019-05-01 Completed PR
    No JIRA Issues
    2020-01-21 Completed
    2020-05-19 WORD/PDF Revised for publishing

    7-PublicationHamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A)S. KopkoL. McLeod2019-05-01 Completed PR
    No JIRA Issues
    2020-01-21 Completed
    2020-05-21 WORD/PDF Revised for publishing

    7-PublicationHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)S. KopkoK. Minkalis

    2019-05-01 Completeed

    Completed Publication QC
    No JIRA Issues

    2020-01-21 Completed
    2020-05-21 WORD/PDF Revised for publishing

    7-PublicationLife Events Checklist for DSM-5, Standard Version (LEC-5 STANDARD VERSION)D. BoothL. McLeod2019-05-01 Completed PR
    2019-05-30 Completed Publication QC
    JIRA Issues Done
    2020-02-21 Completed
    2020-03-12 WORD/PDF created
    7-PublicationPatient Global Impressions (PGI)S. KopkoD. Booth
    Completed 2019-04-11
    7-PublicationPTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)D. BoothS. Kopko2019-05-01 Completed PR
    2019-05-30 Completed Publication QC
    JIRA Issues Done
    2020-02-21 Completed
    2020-03-12 WORD/PDF created
    Public review Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT)D. Corey
    S. KopkoApril PR

    9 QRS General IssuesDermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI
    )D. BoothHOLD1-DevelopmentFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Colorectal Version 4 (FACT-C V4
    )D. BoothHOLD
    2019-06-12: Early draft supplement sent for FDA review.

    1-DevelopmentFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung Version 4 (FACT-L V4)D. BoothHOLD

    1-DevelopmentFunctional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Dyspnea (Dyspnoea) 10 Item Short Form (FACIT-DYSPNEA SF)D. BoothHOLD

    1-DevelopmentFunctional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue 13-Item Scale Version 4 (FACIT-FATIGUE 13-ITEM V4)S. KarraD. BoothTeam QC completed in May except need new terminology for total score and author codes in suppquals (db action items to start, then sk to finish)
    Checking TBD2019-05-29 Completed TR
    9 QRS General IssuesUnified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale '99 (UHDRS 1999)D. CoreyHOLD
