Page History
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Text in black is part of the template used to create this document and is not under review. Please review the blue text; this text represents the changes made to the template that are specific to this QRS instrument. |
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Revision History
Date | Version | Summary of Changes |
2023-0102-2627 | 2.0 Draft0 |
2014-09-03 | 1.2 | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE) Revised:
2013-02-06 | 1.1 | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE) Revised:
2012-08-07 | 1.0 | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE) Released |
2012-03-03 | 0.1 | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE) Draft |
© 2023 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
This document describes the CDISC implementation of the Columbiathe Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale Baseline Version 1/14/2009 (C-SSRS BASELINE) instrument.
CDISC does not modify questionnaires, ratings, and scales (QRS) instruments to meet Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) case report form (CRF) standards.
The representation of data collected for this instrument is based on the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTMIG) Questionnaires (QS) domain model, which can be found on the CDISC website at:
The CDISC Intellectual Property Policy can be found on the CDISC website at:
1.1 Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers
This document is a supplement to the SDTMIG for Human Clinical Trials and is covered under Appendix F of that document, which describes representations, warranties, limitations of liability, and disclaimers. Please see Appendix F of the SDTMIG for a complete version of this material.
Although the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has provided input with regard to this supplement, this input does not constitute US FDA endorsement of any particular instrument.
2 Copyright Status
The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. owns the copyright for the C-SSRS BASELINE instrument BASELINE instrument and has granted CDISC permission to include this supplement in the CDISC inventory of QRS data standards supplements. Hence Hence, CDISC developed QSTESTCD developed QSTESTCD and QSTEST for QSTEST for each item based on the actual text on the instrument.
No part of the C-SSRS BASELINE Version 1/14/2009 may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. and payment of any applicable fees. Copyright 2008 The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. All rights reserved.
The CDISC documentation of this instrument consists of: (1) controlled terminology, (2) standard database structure with examples, and (3) CRF(s) annotated with the CDISC SDTMIG variables with submission values.
title | Information for Reviewers |
) CRF(s) annotated with the CDISC SDTMIG variables with submission values.
Note: CDISC Controlled Terminology is maintained by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The most recent version should be accessed through the CDISC website at:
CDISC has developed this documentation at no cost to the copyright holder or any additional cost to users of the instrument beyond the normal license fees charged by the copyright holder.
CDISC acknowledges The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. for for the approval to include the C-SSRS BASELINE in BASELINE in the CDISC data standards.
Reference for the C-SSRS BASELINE:
- (C-SSRS) Baseline 1/14/2009 (Posner, K.; Brent, D.; Lucas, C.; Gould, M.; Stanley, B.; Brown, G.; Fisher, P.; Zelazny, J.; Burke, A.; Oquendo, M.; Mann, J.; copyright 2008 The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.)
3 The QS Domain Model
3.1 Assumptions for the QS Domain Model
All assumptions and business rules described in the SDTMIG QS domain are applicable to this supplement. Additional assumptions specific to the Cthe C-SSRS BASELINE are listed below.
The C-SSRS BASELINE is BASELINE is a suicidal ideation rating scale. It 's a is a standard questionnaire administered on a CRF that is typically used in clinical trials to identify subjects at risk for suicidal ideation and behavior.
- The questionnaire is divided into 3 sections namely : Suicidal Ideation, Intensity of Ideation, and Suicidal Behavior.
- The first section, "SUICIDAL IDEATION"Suicidal Ideation, contains 5 items.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" - "CSS0105" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N".
- If QSORRES = "Yes", then descriptions provided for QSTESTCD = "CSS0101A" - "CSS0105A" are represented in QSORRES and QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN is null for these items.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" - "CSS0105" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N".
- The second section "INTENSITY OF IDEATION" , Intensity of Ideation, contains 6 items.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0106" is rating the most severe ideation with responses represented with a numeric score (1-5) in QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN.
- "Description of Ideation" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0106A") is collected as free text. For For this section of the C-SSRS BASELINE, QSORRES and QSSTRESC are represented with the text description. QSSTRESN is null for this item.
- For QSTESTCD = "CSS0107" - "CSS0108", the the scale points include a numeric rating (1-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 1 = "Less than once a week"). QSORRES is populated with the text description while ; the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.
- For QSTESTCD = "CSS0109" - "CSS0111", the the scale points include a numeric rating (0-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 0 = "Does not attempt to control thoughts"). QSORRES is populated with the text description while ; the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0106" is rating the most severe ideation with responses represented with a numeric score (1-5) in QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN.
- The third section is "SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR", Suicidal Behavior, contains 7 items.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0112", "CSS0114", "CSS0115", "CSS0117", and "CSS0119" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N". QSSTRESN is null.
- If QSORRES = "Yes", then descriptions provided for QSTESTCD = "CSS0113A", "CSS0116A", "CSS0118A", and "CSS0119A" are represented in QSORRES and QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN is null for these items.
- For QSTESTCD = "CSS0120" QSORRES QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N". QSSTRESN QSSTRESN is null for these items.
- A "Total # of Attempts" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0113"), "Total # of interrupted" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0116") and "Total # of aborted" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0118") is represented in QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN.
- The section "Answer for Actual Attempts Only" contains the following:
- "Most Recent Attempt Date" (CSS0121A), "Most Lethal Attempt Date" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0122A"), and "Initial/First Attempt Date" (CSS0123A) are represented in QSORRES and QSSTRESC and should be in ISO 8601 format.
- "Actual Lethality/Medical Damage" for "Most Recent Attempt", "Most Lethal Attempt" and "Initial/First Attempt" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0121B", "CSS0122B", and "CSS0123B"), and "Potential Lethality" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0121C", "CSS0122C", and "CSS0123C") are represented with a numeric score (either "0-5" or "0-2", respectively) and descriptive text. For this section of the C-SSRS BASELINE, QSORRES is populated with the text description while ; the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.
- QSTESTCD = "CSS0112", "CSS0114", "CSS0115", "CSS0117", and "CSS0119" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N". QSSTRESN is null.
- The first section, "SUICIDAL IDEATION"Suicidal Ideation, contains 5 items.
- The time period of evaluation for the C-SSRS BASELINE is populated in the QSEVINTX field as an evaluation interval text value, since it cannot be precisely described as an ISO 8601 duration. The evaluation interval for the C-SSRS BASELINE is "LIFETIME" (QSEVINTX = "LIFETIME").
- Items are divided into 3 subcategories represented in QSSCAT: "SUICIDAL IDEATION", "INTENSITY OF IDEATION", and "SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR".
- Some items on the C-SSRS BASELINE may be not done due to conditional branching. Items determined for conditional branching in the C-SSRS BASELINE are as follows:
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" and "CSS0102" have QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0112" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0103" - "CSS010111" will not be done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" has QSORRES ="Yes" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0102" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0106" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0103" - "CSS0105A" will not be done.
- Items QSTESTCD = "CSS0101A" - "CSS0105A" are only completed when the response to the preceding items (QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" - "CSS0105") is "Yes"; otherwise they are not done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0112" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0114" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0113", "CSS0113A", "CSS0121A", "CSS0121B", "CSS0121C", "CSS0122A", "CSS0122B", "CSS0122C", and "CSS0123A", "CSS0123B", "CSS0123C", will not be done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0115" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0117" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0116", and "CSS0116A" will not be done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0117" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0119" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0118", and "CSS0118A" will not be done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0119" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0120", and QSTESTCD = "CSS0119A" will not be done.
- If QSTESTCD = "CSS0121B", "CSS0122B", and "CSS0123B" have QSSTRESC = "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5", then QSTESTCD = "CSS0121C", "CSS0122C", and "CSS0123C" will not be done.
A record is created and a QS supplemental qualifier variable is used to indicate an item was conditionally branched. When When an item is not done due to conditional branching, it is represented as follows:
QNAM = “QSCBRFL”, QLABEL = “Conditional Branched Item Indicator “, QVAL = “Y” . (This is a QS supplemental qualifier variable.)
QSSTAT = "NOT DONE", and QSREASND is missing
- QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN are set to null (missing)
- Records are created in qs.xpt for every item on the sponsor's version of the instrument.
- For items not done due to conditional branching, refer to assumptions 4 and 5.
- In the unexpected situation where the reason is unknown, then QSORRES, QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN are all missing, QSSTAT = "NOT DONE", and QSREASND is missing.
Some responses to the C-SSRS BASELINE items exceeded the 200-character limit for the QSORRES variable and needed to be reduced to fewer than 200 characters. Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy, indicates which item responses were revised in order to fit the 200-character limit.
QSCAT, QSTESTCD, and QSTEST values QSTEST values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.
A full list of value sets for the qualifier, timing, and result fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy.
3.2 Example for the C-SSRS BASELINE QS Domain Model
The CThe C-SSRS BASELINE example below shows the terminology used to implement the instrument in the QS domainthe QS domain. This example shows the data for 1 subject collected at baseline (v1) and another subject at baseline (v1) and visit 2 for the C2 for the C-SSRS BASELINE instrumentBASELINE instrument. The example uses CDISC Controlled Terminology for QSTESTCDfor QSTESTCD, QSTEST, and QSCAT. All All original results, matching the CRF item response text, are represented in QSORRES. This in QSORRES. This result is then represented as a standard numeric score in QSSTRESN and in QSSTRESN and as a standard character representation in QSSTRESC. When in QSSTRESC. When a result is character only, the result is transformed into the standard character representation in QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN is null.
The table represents the items from the C-SSRS BASELINE instrumentBASELINE instrument.
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The SUPPQS dataset shows the items in the QS dataset which have assigned responses due to conditional branching.
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4 SDTM Mapping Strategy
This section is used for reference regarding the CRF data capture and to understand the alignment of the instrument to the SDTM QS domain. It also provides guidance on how the result variables (QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN) should be populated.
QSSCAT alignment with QSTESTCD.
As stated in Section 3.1 assumptions, Assumptions for the QS Domain Model, items on the C-SSRS BASELINE are grouped into subcategories. The following table below includes the subcategory names along with the applicable item numbers for each category. The values of the subcategories are used to populate QSSCAT and are annotated on the CRF.
QSTESTCD = "CSS0106" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation"
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | 3 |
4 | 4 | 4 |
5 | 5 | 5 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" QSTEST = "CSS01-Wish to be Dead"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0102" QSTEST = "CSS01-Non-Specific Suicidal Thought"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0103" QSTEST = "CSS01-Suicidal Ideation-No Intent"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0104" QSTEST = "CSS01-Ideation With Intent, No Plan"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0105" QSTEST = "CSS01-Ideation With Plan/Intent"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0112" QSTEST = "CSS01-Actual Attempt"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0114" QSTEST = "CSS01-Non-suicidal Self-injurious Behav"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0115" QSTEST = "CSS01-Interrupted Attempt"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0117" QSTEST = "CSS01-Aborted Attempt"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0119" QSTEST = "CSS01-Preparatory Acts/Behavior"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0120" QSTEST= "CSS01-Suicidal Behavior"
Yes | Y |
No | N |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0107" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation, Frequency"
Less than once a week | 1 | 1 |
Once a week | 2 | 2 |
2-5 times in week | 3 | 3 |
Daily or almost daily | 4 | 4 |
Many times each day | 5 | 5 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0108" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation, Duration"
Fleeting – few seconds or minutes | 1 | 1 |
Less than 1 hour/some of the time | 2 | 2 |
1-4 hours/a lot of time | 3 | 3 |
4-8 hours/most of day | 4 | 4 |
More than 8 hours/persistent or continuous | 5 | 5 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0109" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation, Control"
Easily able to control thoughts | 1 | 1 |
Can control thoughts with little difficulty | 2 | 2 |
Can control thoughts with some difficulty | 3 | 3 |
Can control thoughts with a lot of difficulty | 4 | 4 |
Unable to control thoughts | 5 | 5 |
Does not attempt to control thoughts | 0 | 0 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0110" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation, Deterrents"
Deterrents definitely stopped you from attempting suicide | 1 | 1 |
Deterrents probably stopped you | 2 | 2 |
Uncertain that deterrents stopped you | 3 | 3 |
Deterrents most likely did not stop you | 4 | 4 |
Deterrents definitely did not stop you | 5 | 5 |
Does not apply | 0 | 0 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0111" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Severe Ideation, Reasons"
Completely to get attention, revenge or a reaction from others | 1 | 1 |
Mostly to get attention, revenge or a reaction from others | 2 | 2 |
Equally to get attention, revenge or a reaction from others and to end/stop the pain | 3 | 3 |
Mostly to end or stop the pain (you couldn’t go on living with the pain or how you were feeling) | 4 | 4 |
Completely to end or stop the pain (you couldn’t go on living with the pain or how you were feeling) | 5 | 5 |
Does not apply | 0 | 0 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0121B" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Recent Attempt Damage"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0122B" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Lethal Attempt Damage"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0123B" QSTEST = "CSS01-First Attempt Damage
No physical damage or very minor physical damage (e.g., surface scratches) | 0 | 0 | |
Minor physical damage (e.g., lethargic speech; first-degree burns; mild bleeding; sprains) | 1 | 1 | |
Moderate physical damage; medical attention needed (e.g., conscious but sleepy, somewhat responsive; second-degree burns; bleeding of major vessel) | 2 | 2 | |
Moderately severe physical damage; medical hospitalization and likely intensive care required (e.g., comatose with reflexes intact; third-degree burns less than 20% of body; extensive blood loss but can recover; major fractures | Moderately severe physical damage; medical hospitalization and likely intensive care required | 3 | 3 |
Severe physical damage; medical hospitalization with intensive care required (e.g., comatose without reflexes; third-degree burns over 20% of body; extensive blood loss with unstable vital signs; major damage to a vital area) | Severe physical damage; medical hospitalization with intensive care required | 4 | 4 |
Death | 5 | 5 |
QSTESTCD = "CSS0121C" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Recent Attempt Potential"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0122C" QSTEST = "CSS01-Most Lethal Attempt Potential"
QSTESTCD = "CSS0123C" QSTEST = "CSS01-First Attempt Potential"
Behavior not likely to result in injury | 0 | 0 |
Behavior likely to result in injury but not likely to cause death | 1 | 1 |
Behavior likely to result in death despite available medical care | 2 | 2 |
5 Supplemental Qualifier Name Codes
The following table contains additional standard name codes for use in the Supplement Qualifiers for Questionnaires the Questionnaires (SUPPQSSUPPQS) special purpose dataset.
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