| xs:language | Optional | Code representing the language of the enclosed text value. Default value depends on locale. Note: The xml:lang attribute is part of the XML standard. See IETF Trust, Tags for Identifying Languages | - The schema requires xml:lang to be unique within a parent element for the same type.
- If only one TranslatedText element is provided, the xml:lang is optional.
- For submissions to the FDA, text content must be in English.
- To avoid ambiguity, a particular language tag must not occur more than once in a series of TranslatedText elements with the same type.
- Only one TranslatedText element without an xml:lang attribute may occur within the same parent and type.
Examples: - "en" for English
- "en-GB" for British English
type |
Type | (text/plain | application/xhtml+xml) | Required | Contains IANA media type of the TranslatedText element contents. | - A TranslatedText element with plain text with specified type "text/plain" must always be present, despite the fact whether other TranslatedText elements with enhanced presentation of the same text are present or not.
- When type="application/xhtml+xml", contents of the TranslatedText element must contains a limited number of HTML tags.
- Layout containers: <div> <p>
- Headers: <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6>
- Lists: <ul> <ol> <li>
- Definitions: <dl> <dt> <dd>
- Lines: <hr>
- Block-level quotes/preformatted: <pre> <blockquote>
- Links: <a>
- Inline elements: <span> <code> <br>
- Text styling: <em> <strong> <b> <i>
- Tables: <table> <caption> <thead> <tfoot> <tbody> <colgroup> <col> <tr> <th> <td>
- Images: <img> <map> <area>
- Color: <span style="color:xxx">