Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Element NameMetaDataVersion
Parent ElementsStudy
Element XPath(s)


Element Textual ValueNone
Usage/Business Rules
  • Required
  • Cardinality: 1 or more
AttributesOID, Name, CommentOID
Child Elements
Usage/Business Rules
  • Business Rule(s):
    • Required when ODM/@Granularity is in  (All | Metadata).
  • Other Information:

    • The Include element references a prior metadata version. This causes all the definitions in that prior metadata version to be automatically included in this one. Any of the included definitions can be replaced (overridden) by explicitly giving a new version of the definition (with the same OID) in the new metadata version. See Section, Include, for more information on how the Include element works. New definitions (with new OIDs) can be added in the same way.