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  • PGx and Oncology Cross-team Meeting to discuss outstanding PGx change requests and additional items



Characterization of the Tumor: Primary, Metastatic, etc. (BSTEST row 11)



Team agrees to add TUMTORI/Tumor Tissue Origin but stuck on the definition.....

  1. A characterization of the tumor tissue site based on whether disease has spread (e.g., primary or metastatic site).
  2. A characterization of the tumor tissue site based on whether it/the site originated after the disease has spread.
  3. A characterization of the tumor tissue based on whether it originated after the disease has spread.

Team considered all 3; 2 and 3 were more popular than 1. 

45min MRD supporting data - PFTEST row 13, 14 Erin/Joyce/Melanie 

PFTEST row 13, 14

  1. Team needs to consider whether these two test codes belong in LB instead of PF. The granularity of these terms is inconsistent with what is currently published in PFTEST and so we need to consider whether PF is the appropriate domain to hold this data.
  2. Decision to discuss these two term requests with the lab team. The discussion should include methodological differences, which is what the team is getting stuck on.



    Erin Muhlbradt to send NCCN and Bruggerman MRD papers to PGx team. done  

  •  Erin Muhlbradt to draft TEST name and definition for new BSTEST term on row 11 and PFTEST row 13, 14. done  
  •  Melanie Paules to send out PGx invite to Oncology team for next meeting on 2017-02-27. done  