Versions Compared


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Leadership Team

Joyce Hernandez (JHC)

Phil Pochon (Covance)

  • Christine Connolly
  • Erin Muhlbradt
  • Jon Neville
 PGx Team
  • Fred Wood (Accenture)
  • Ellen Schatz (Lilly)
  • Darcy Wold (CDISC)
  • Mamatha Shekar (Illumina)
  • Anita Umesh (Illumina)
  • Mona Oakes (ImClone)
  • Doris Li
  • Cliona Molony (Merck)
  • Mohtaram Bahmanian
  • Chenchen Yu (Assurex Health)
  • Alexa Gilbert (Assurex Health)
    • See PGx Wiki Space

    Terminology Team

    Terminology Team

    Bernice Yost (CDISC)

    • Erin Muhlbradt (NCI)
    • Jordan Li (NCI)
    • Chris Gemma (CDISC)

    (Looking for more participants who are interested in designing domains for cytogenetics).





    Team Mission

    This project will support the submission of all types of genetic and genomics data including the use of any industry standards such as the International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) and Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS).


    • The PGx Team meets weekly on Tuesdays.


    The Pharmacogenomics/Genetics Implementation Guide (PGxIG) will be extended to include data structures to collect cytogenetic data with pertinent examples and terminology. We also intend to develop a PGx summary domain (PS) that represents the assay design. The team would also like to plan for Next Generation Sequencing and RNASEQ. Last year, the team published a Virology Guide focused on viral resistance that contained several examples for Viral Genetics. The current PGxIG effort, which should finish later this year includes extensions for mutations, SNP data and allelic results.

    The team expects to perform on-going maintenance based on new data brought by team members to be mapped. The PGxIG team plans to provide an area in the CDISC wiki (

    PGx Home

    CDISC Genomics Subteam) where we can develop and maintain a library of sample data that has been mapped to the domains.



    PGx team maintains its membership through careful selection of volunteer experts who can contribute to its various sub-teams with their technical or Therapeutic-based subject matter expertise.  

    2015 Deliverables

  • PGxIG Version 1 Published – Q2
  • PGx Version 1 Terminology Public Review – Q3 - or -
  • PGx Version 1 Terminology Public Review – Q4

    2019 Work Plan

    Future Projects (Prioritized List)

    • Cytogenetics
    • CRF design for the collection of genetic/genomics data. (Joint with CDASH)
    • Gene Expression expansion to include population/cohort level reporting
    • Whole Genome Sequencing
    • Capturing Meta data that describes key aspects for trial design for genetic/genomic testing
    • Extend HLA examples for concepts such as typing ambiguity (allele and genotype lists) – when lab is not able to determine which alleles are present
    • Additional Allelic/Genotype uses cases
    • Miscellaneous Suggestions (from Public Review)
    2014 Deliverables
    • PGxIG Version 1 Public Review – Q2


    • Regulatory Authorities
    • Standards Development Organizations
    • Pharmaceutical Sponsors
    • Medical Devices, Diagnostics
    • Contract Research Organizations & Consultants

    Dependencies & Collaborations

    Dependencies on


    other Standards/Teams /SDOs/Organizations:

    SDS team (SDTM), terminology, BRIDG, ODM/Define, SHARE, HL7 CG/LOINC and BRIDG


    SDS team (SDTM), Controlled Terminology, BRIDG, FDA, ODM/Define, SHARE, NCI-EVS, NCI-IRWG (BRIDG)

    Operating Model & Meetings

    • The PGxIG Team meets weekly on Mondays
    • The HL7 CG meets weekly on Tuesdays
    • Sub-team leads determine frequency and duration of individual sub-team meetings.
    The main PGx Wiki repository is located here defined as OMICS Portal: PGx Home