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Element NameAbsoluteTimingConstraint
Parent Element(s)StudyTiming
Element XPath(s)
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/Protocol/StudyTimings/StudyTiming/AbsoluteTimingConstraint
Element Textual ValueNone
AttributesOID, Name, (StudyEventGroupOID|StudyEventOID), TimepointTarget, TimepointPreWindow, TimepointPostWindow
Child Elements(Description?)




Contained in:


The element AbsoluteTimingConstraint is used to specify when an activity, represented by either a StudyEventGroup or StudyEvent,, can take place.  The value for TimepointTarget can be a complete date, a datetime, a partial date, or an incomplete or partial date/datetime. For example, if the activity is planned to be at 9am, the value for TimepointTarget may be expressed as "-----T09".

The TimepointPreWindow describes the amount of time before the TimepointTarget that the activity may be started. It is expressed as an ISO 8601 duration.

The TimepointPostWindow describes the amount of time after the TimepointTarget that the activity can be stared. It is expressed as an ISO 8601 duration.


Usage/Business Rules