Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Element NameMetaDataVersion
Parent ElementsStudy
Element XPath(s)


Element Textual ValueNone
Usage/Business Rules
AttributesOID, Name, CommentOID
Child Elements
, StudyTiming?



Contained in:


A metadata version defines the types of study structural elements, workflows, event timings, study event groups, study events, item groups, and items that form the study data.

Usage/Business Rules
  • Business Rule(s):
    • Required when ODM/@Granularity is in  (All | Metadata).
  • Other Information:

    • The Include element references a prior metadata version. This causes all the definitions in that prior metadata version to be automatically included in this one.


    • Any of the included definitions can be replaced (overridden) by explicitly giving a new version of the definition (with the same OID) in the new metadata version


    • . See Section, Include, for more information on how the Include element works. New definitions (with new OIDs) can be added in the same way.
