Versions Compared


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Completed by:
Date Completed:


Name and Version of Project:

Internal Review:

  • Crohn's Disease Activity Index Version 1 (CDAI V1)
  • Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Colorectal Version 4 (FACT-C V4)
  • International Physical Activity Questionnaire (August 2002) Short Last 7 Days Self-Administered Format (IPAQ-SF SELF-ADMINISTERED VERSION)
  • International Physical Activity Questionnaire (August 2002) Short Last 7 Days Telephone Format (IPAQ-SF PHONE VERSION)
  • International Physical Activity Questionnaire (November 2002) Long Last 7 Days Telephone Format (IPAQ-LF PHONE VERSION)
  • International Physical Activity Questionnaire (October 2002) Long Last 7 Days Self-Administered Format (IPAQ-LF SELF-ADMINISTERED VERSION)


  •  Approval from the SDS QRS Subteam has been obtained.
  •  Supplement met all requirements on the Developer & Quality Control Review Checklist for SDS QRS Supplements
  •  The Developer & Quality Control Review Checklist for SDS QRS Supplements has been added as a child page to the supplement wiki page.
  •  The QRS Public Domain Copyright Verification Document has been attached to the supplement wiki archive page. (db: These are being double checked and will be posted during IR.)
  •  Announcement has been prepared.
  •  Project Manager/Team Lead notified Ann White (Communications) at least 3 days before planned internal review posting so she can review the announcement and post to the CDISC website

    Once all items have been checked in the above list, and Ann has approved the announcement, the supplement is ready for internal review.  After internal review, the following checklist should be completed:
