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The scale points include a numeric rating (0-10) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 2.5 = "Minimal disability in two FS.". For the EDSS, RSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables RSSTRESC and RSSTRESN.
Some responses (3 specifically) to the EDSS ratings exceeded the 200-character limit for the QSORRES variable and needed to be reduced to fewer than 200 characters. Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy, indicates which question responses item responses were revised in order to fit the 200-character limit.
RSCAT, RSTESTCD, and RSTEST values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.
A full list of value sets for the result fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy.