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Comment: Fixed typo: "used record" -> "used to record"



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ARSP:ER Diagram: AnalysisARSP:
ER Diagram: Analysis

An instance of the Analysis class is created for each analysis and, in each instance:

  • The id attribute contains the identifier value assigned for the analysis.
  • The version attribute contains the version number of the analysis.
  • The name attribute indicates the assigned name of the analysis.
  • The description attribute may be used to record a detailed description of the analysis.
  • The reason attribute is used to record the rationale for the analysis, and is equivalent to the arm:AnalysisReason attribute described in the ARM for Define-XML specification. The reason attribute contains an instance of 1 of the two specializations of the ExtensibleTerminologyTerm class for the AnalysisReasonEnum enumeration:
    • AnalysisReason, in which the controlledTerm attribute contains a value from the AnalysisReasonEnum enumeration.
    • SponsorAnalysisReason, in which the sponsorTermId attribute contains the identifier of a sponsor term created in the terminology extension for the AnalysisReasonEnum enumeration. In this case, the submissionValue attribute of the referenced sponsor term contains the value that would be shown as the rationale for the analysis. 
  • The purpose attribute is used to record the purpose of the analysis, and is equivalent to the arm:AnalysisPurpose attribute described in the ARM for Define-XML specification. The purpose attribute contains an instance of 1 of the 2 specializations of the ExtensibleTerminologyTerm class for the AnalysisPurposeEnum enumeration:
    • AnalysisPurpose, in which the controlledTerm attribute contains a value from the AnalysisPurposeEnum enumeration.
    • SponsorAnalysisPurpose, in which the sponsorTermId attribute contains the identifier of a sponsor term created in the terminology extension for the AnalysisPurposeEnum enumeration. In this case, the submissionValue attribute of the referenced sponsor term contains the value that would be shown as the purpose of the analysis. 
