Versions Compared


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  1. The original scores include a numeric rating (0-4) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 0 = "None"). For the MTWS-R, QSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.

  2. The time period of evaluation for the MTWS-R is populated in the QSEVLINTfield in ISO 8601 format when the evaluation interval can be precisely described as duration. The evaluation interval for the MTWS-R is typically the past 24 hours (QSEVLINT = "-P24H")

  3. Records are created in qs.xpt for every instrument item

    1. For items with no data, QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN are all missing and QSSTAT = "NOT DONE". If the reason is known then that reason is represented in QSREASND (e.g., QSREASND = "PREFER NOT TO ANSWER"). If the reason is unknown, then QSSTAT = "NOT DONE" and QSREASND is missing.

    2. Due to the variability of copyright holder and public domain derived subscore and overall score generation processes, records are not included for derived subscores or overall scores that are not provided.
  4. The MTWS-R instrument may include an overall score that is considered as captured data on the instrument and is not considered as derived in the example below. This overall score, or  total withdrawal discomfort score, consists of the first eight symptoms. These scores may be submitted in SDTM or derived in the Analysis Data Model (ADaM) per scoring instructions from [Insert copyright holder's name or other source.].

    1. Subscores and overall scores are represented in --ORRES, --STRESCQSORRES, QSSTRESC, and --STRESNQSSTRESN.
    2. If subscores or overall scores are received or derived by the sponsor, it is recommended that they are submitted to SDTM and verified in ADaM whenever feasible. It is the sponsors repsonsibility to do this verification based on the instrument's user manual or instructions from the copyright owner.
  5. Terminology

    1. QSCAT, QSTESTCD, QSTEST, QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.

    2. A full list of value sets for the result fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy.

3.2 Example for the


MTWS-R QS Domain Model

The QRS Short_Name  MTWS-R example below shows the terminology used to implement the instrument in the QS domain. This example shows the data for 1 subject collected at the baseline visit for the QRS Short_Namethe MTWS-R instrument. The example uses CDISC Controlled Terminology for QSTESTCD, QSTEST, and QSCATAll original results, matching the CRF item response text, are represented in QSORRES. When there are numeric results, then use this sentence next, "This result is then represented as a standard numeric score in QSSTRESN and as a standard character representation in QSSTRESC." When the results are character only, then use these sentences next, "This result is then transformed into the standard character representation in QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN is null as there are no standardized numeric results for this instrument."


Update the data in the table below to the current instrument. Include row descriptions as needed to highlight idiosyncrasies or items otherwise of note in this particular instrument. If only 1 or 2 row descriptions are needed, then the information should be included as a paragraph instead.

For the not done visit that is now being included in all QRS supplements, when no reason is collected, information should be included, either in the paragraph before, or as a row description as follows:

Rows 49-60:Show the subject was not evaluated on this instrument at visit 2. Since the visit was missed, the reason for not completing the visit was not collected, no date is assumed for when the visit would have occurred.  The following variables --METHOD, EVLINT and EVINTX are also not represented when this happens

When the reason is collected for a not done visit, information or a row description should be added as follows:

Rows 49-60:Show the subject was not evaluated on this instrument at visit 2. Since the reason for not completing the visit was collected, the date is included in --DTC for when the visit was planned.


The table represents the items from the QRS Short_Name MTWS-R instrument.

Dataset wrap
Rows 13-14:Items 11 and 12 are presented for illustrative purposes only. When the instrument is conducted, only one will be represented based on the CRF instructions. In this example, Item 12 would not appear in the actual dataset and has result values of "XXX".
Rows 15-16:Items 13 and 14 are presented for illustrative purposes only. When the instrument is conducted, only one will be represented based on the CRF instructions. In this example, Item 14 would not appear in the actual dataset and has result values of "XXX".
Row 33:The total score does not have an evaluation interval value represented, since there is a mixture of evaluation interval values with items 13 and 14 that differ from the remaining items on the CRF.
1STUDYXQS2324-P00011IDSR101IDSR1-Falling AsleepIDS-SRI never take longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep00Y12015-05-15-P7D
2STUDYXQS2324-P00012IDSR102IDSR1-Sleep During the NightIDS-SRI do not wake up at night00Y12015-05-15-P7D
3STUDYXQS2324-P00013IDSR103IDSR1-Waking Up Too EarlyIDS-SRMost of the time, I awaken no more than 30 minutes before I need to get up00Y12015-05-15-P7D
4STUDYXQS2324-P00014IDSR104IDSR1-Sleeping Too MuchIDS-SRI sleep no longer than 7-8 hours/night, without napping during the day00Y12015-05-15-P7D
5STUDYXQS2324-P00015IDSR105IDSR1-Feeling SadIDS-SRI feel sad less than half the time11Y12015-05-15-P7D
6STUDYXQS2324-P00016IDSR106IDSR1- Feeling IrritableIDS-SRI feel irritable less than half the time11Y12015-05-15-P7D
7STUDYXQS2324-P00017IDSR107IDSR1-Feeling Anxious or TenseIDS-SRI feel anxious (tense) less than half the time11Y12015-05-15-P7D
8STUDYXQS2324-P00018IDSR108IDSR1-Your Mood to Good/Desired EventsIDS-SRMy mood brightens but I do not feel like my normal self when good events occur11Y12015-05-15-P7D
9STUDYXQS2324-P00019IDSR109IDSR1-Mood in Relation to Time of DayIDS-SRMy mood often relates to the time of day because of environmental events (e.g., being alone, working)11Y12015-05-15-P7D
10STUDYXQS2324-P000110IDSR109AIDSR1-Mood Worse Morn/Afternoon/NightIDS-SRAfternoonAfternoon
Rows 11-32 removed for ease of use of template. (fyi, this row has merged cells so don't try to overwrite it when using the template; just delete it.)

