The Cardiovascular System Findings (CV) domain represents physiological and morphological findings related to the cardiovascular system so it holds the assessments from the parametric mapping. The example CV dataset below shows how to represent longitudinal relaxation time, transverse relaxation time and extracellular volume findings from CMR. The timing of the contrast specificity is noted using the CVTPT to note if the CVTEST was done before or after contrast. CVTPTREF associates the timepoints in CVTPT with "contrast administration." In the example below, row 9 shows an unreadable CMR using the CVSTAT variable populated with "NOT DONE" and the CVREASND variable shows the reason the procedure was not done, or in this case the result not provided which was a non-evaluable image. A similar approach may be used if there is a desire to record that the CMR was not obtained at the specific visit (omitting the poor-quality information) and why in the dataset records. The non-standard variable CVOIQ=Cardiovascular Overall Image Quality is used to represent if the image for the evaluation is "non-evaluable", "evaluable", "evaluable Image - sub-optimal", or "evaluable image - optimal".