Versions Compared


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This section is used for reference regarding the CRF data capture and to understand the alignment of the instrument to the SDTM RS domain. It also provides guidance on how the result variables (RSORRES, RSSTRESC, and RSSTRESN) should be populated.


Include mappings for all sets of result values. For ease of use of this template, the complete set of response values for the example in Section 3.2 is not included.

If the instrument has been entered into QRS Maker (all instruments should be), then the complete set of response values can be copied from QRS Maker and pasted into this supplement.

Some example mappings are below.


For QRS instruments with subcategories:

When subcategories are used on an instrument, a table with the following introduction information should appear before the mappings for results.

QSSCAT alignment with QSTESTCD

As stated in Section 3.1 assumptions, items on the QRS Short_Name are grouped into subcategories. The table below includes the subcategory names along with the applicable item numbers for each category. The values of the subcategories are used to populate QSSCAT and are annotated on the CRF.


titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses
  • If this is a public domain instrument that has an individual item with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.

    • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.

  • If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.
    • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDTXXXOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDTXXXTSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.


If all items have the same original result values, with the same standardized character and numeric values, then only include one table showing the values of QSORRES/QSSTRESC/QSSTRESN and put "All QSTESTCDs" (title case "All", and in quotes) above the table:


RSTESTCD = "CBS0101" RSTEST = "CBS01-Alertness"

deeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)11
lightlylightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22
drowsy (child closes his/her eyes frequently, less responsive to the environment)33
awake and alert (child responsive to the environment)44
awake and hyper-alert (exaggerated responses to environmental stimuli)55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0102" RSTEST = "CBS01-Calmness/Agitation"

calm (child appears serene and tranquil)11
slightly anxious (child shows slight anxiety)22
anxious (child appears agitated but remains in control)33
very anxious (child appears very agitated, just able to control)44
panicky (severe distress with loss of control)55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0103" RSTEST = "CBS01-Respiratory Response"

no spontaneous respiration11
spontaneous and ventilator respiration22
restlessness or resistance to ventilator33
actively breathes against ventilator or coughs regularly44
fights ventilator55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0104" RSTEST = "CBS01-Crying"

quiet breathing, no crying sounds11
occasional sobbing or moaning22
whining (monotonous sound)33
screaming or shrieking55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0105" RSTEST = "CBS01-Physical Movement"

no movement11
occasional, (three or fewer) slight movements22
frequent, (more than three) slight movements33
vigorous movements limited to extremities44
vigorous movements including torso and head55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0106" RSTEST = "CBS01-Muscle Tone"

muscles totally relaxed; no muscle tone11
reduced muscle tone; less resistance than normal22
normal muscle tone33
increased muscle tone and flexion of fingers and toes44
extreme muscle rigidity and flexion of fingers and toes55

RSTESTCD = "CBS0107" RSTEST = "CBS01-Facial Tension"

facial muscles totally relaxed11
normal facial tone22
tension evident in some facial muscles (not sustained)33
tension evident throughout facial muscles (sustained)44
facial muscles contorted and grimacing55


deeply asleep (eyes closed, no response to changes in the environment)11
lightlylightly asleep (eyes mostly closed, occasional responses)22
drowsy (child closes his/her eyes frequently, less responsive to the environment)33
awake and alert (child responsive to the environment)44
awake and hyper-alert (exaggerated responses to environmental stimuli)55


insufficient sedation11
adequate sedation22

Include mappings for all sets of result values. For ease of use of this template, the complete set of response values for the example in Section 3.2 is not included.

If the instrument has been entered into QRS Maker (all instruments should be), then the complete set of response values can be copied from QRS Maker and pasted into this supplement.

Some example mappings are below.


Omit the QSSTRESN column when it is not applicable to the dataset.

QSTESTCD = "test code" QSTEST = "test name"



Similarly, if some, but not all, QSTESTCDs share the same original result and standardized values, then the QSTESTCD and corresponding QSTEST values are put in a list above the table rather than providing a separate table for each QSTESTCD/QSTEST.

titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses

If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses. This approach used the CDISC QRS CT instrument's SYNONYM as part of the codelist name.

The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named SYNONYMSET1OR for the variable RSORRES and SYNONYMSET1STR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.


If there are responses that correspond to non-consecutive items or 1-7 consecutive items, include the test codes and test names above the table with the responses as follows:

QSTESTCD = "test code 1" QSTEST = "test name 1"

QSTESTCD = "test code 4" QSTEST = "test name 4"

QSTESTCD = "test code 5" QSTEST = "test name 5"

QSTESTCD = "test code 6" QSTEST = "test name 6"

QSTESTCD = "test code 7" QSTEST = "test name 7"

QSTESTCD = "test code 8" QSTEST = "test name 8"

QSTESTCD = "test code 15" QSTEST = "test name 15"

QSTESTCD = "test code 22" QSTEST = "test name 22"

QSTESTCD = "test code 27" QSTEST = "test name 27"

QSTESTCD = "test code 29" QSTEST = "test name 29"


Omit the QSSTRESN column when it is not applicable to the dataset.

QSTESTCD = "test code" QSTEST = "test name"


titleFor public domain instrument's published QRS responses

If this is a public domain instrument with published QRS responses, include the following sentence above the—TESTCDs listed with their responses.

    • The controlled response terminology for the tests below is named --TESTCDTXXXOR for the variable RSORRES and --TESTCDTXXXTSTR for the variables RSSTRESN and RSSTTRESC.

For responses that are for 8 or more consecutive items, an override label should be used in QRS Maker to show the items that are included as follows:

QSTESTCD = "first test code in sequence" QSTEST = "first test name in sequence" through

QSTESTCD = "last test code in sequence" QSTEST = "last test name in sequence"

I have not experienced the physical sensation of feeling weighted down and without physical energy00
I have occasionally experienced periods of feeling physically weighted down and without physical energy, but without a negative effect on work, school, or activity level11
I feel physically weighted down (without physical energy) more than half the time22
I feel physically weighted down (without physical energy) most of the time, several hours per day, several days per week33

5 Supplemental Qualifier Name Codes
