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Examples of operations include:

  • "Count of subjects by group" and "Percent of subjects by group" in a "Summary by group of a categorical variable" method.
  • "Mean", "Standard Deviation", "Minimum Value", "Maximum Value", and confidence intervals in a "Summary by group of a continuous variable" method.
  • "P-value" in a "Pearson's chi-square test group comparison for a categorical variable" method.

Each operation generates a single result for each combination of groups in any "results-by-group" grouping factors included in the specification of an analysis that references the analysis method containing the operation (see the Analysis and OperationResult sections for more information about "results-by-group" grouping factors). Each result is generally expected to represent a single value, but sponsors may choose to define operations that generate composite results as a combination of more than 1 individual value. However, the disadvantage of composite results is that there will not be individual metadata elements to describe each component of a composite result. A better approach is to define operations that generate individual result values and then, if necessary, combine the result values from these operations to produce a composite value for display.

Excerpt Include
ARSP:ER Diagram: Operation
ARSP:ER Diagram: Operation

Each operation is defined as an instance of the Operation class and, in each instance:


  • The id attribute contains the identifier value assigned for the relationship.
  • The referencedOperationRole attribute contains an indication of the role that the results of the referenced operation play in the calculation of the dependent operation. The role is represented as an instance of 1 of the two 2 specializations of the ExtensibleTerminologyTerm class for the OperationRoleEnum enumeration:
    • OperationRole, in which the controlledTerm attribute contains a role from the OperationRoleEnum enumeration
    • SponsorOperationRole, in which the sponsorTermId attribute contains the identifier of a sponsor term created in the terminology extension for the OperationRoleEnum enumeration. In this case, the submissionValue attribute of the referenced sponsor term contains the name of the role. 

Refer to the See the TerminologyExtension and ExtensibleTerminologyTerm sections for more information about the definition and use of terminology extensions, including examples.
