Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Each instance of the AnalysisOutputCategory class is shown on a separate line, with values for the id and label attributes shown in the "category_id" and "category_label" columns, respectively.
  • Attribute values each instance of the AnalysisOutputCategorization class are represented on each of the rows for the categories in the categorization.
Catn_01_GrpGroup of AnalysesCatn_01_Grp_1_PopPopulation Description
Catn_01_GrpGroup of AnalysesCatn_01_Grp_2_SafSafety
Catn_01_GrpGroup of AnalysesCatn_01_Grp_3_EffEfficacy
Catn_02_EstEstimand Analysis TypeCatn_02_Est_1_PrimPrimary Estimator
Catn_02_EstEstimand Analysis TypeCatn_02_Est_2_SensSensitivity Analysis
Catn_02_EstEstimand Analysis TypeCatn_02_Est_3_SuppSupplementary Analysis

In the same reporting event, both analyses and outputs were categorized by specifying one or more of the defined category identifier values in the categoryIds attribute:
