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titleCDASH SU Metadata Specifications

Section 1 The metadata/specification in the first section focus on the whether any recreational products were used. 

OrderQuestion TextPromptCase Report Form Completion InstructionsTypeCollection VariableTabulation Target  Mapping Instructions  Controlled Terminology CodeList NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated Value
1What is the category of the substance used?Substance Use CategoryRecord the recreational product category, if not pre-printed on the CRF.TextSUCAT

2Were any recreational products used?Any Recreational Product UsedIndicate if the subject had used any recreational products.TextN/ASUYN
SUSTAT = "NOT DONE" and SUTRT="RECREATIOAL PRODUCT"  where SUYN = "Not Done"  (NY)Yes; No; Not Done
3What was the reason the recreational product use was not done?  Reason Not DoneRecord the reason recreational  product use was not done. TextSUREASNDSUREASND 


Section 2 The metadata/specification in the second section focus on each recreational product used. 

OrderQuestion TextPromptCase Report Form Completion InstructionsTypeCollection VariableTabulation Target  Mapping Instructions  Controlled Terminology CodeList NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated Value
4What was the recreational product used?Type of Recreational Product UsedRecord each recreational product used on a new line. TextSUTRT

Alcohol; Tobacco; Marijuana; Hallucinogen Drugs; Non-medical prescription drugs use; Stimulants; Other 

5Does the subject currently use or formerly used recreational products?UsageCheck the appropriate box to indicate if the subject currently or formerly used recreational products.TextSUOCCUR SUOCCUR SUOCCUR; SUSTRTPT; SUSTRF; SUENRTPT; SUENRFSUOCCUR = "Y" WHEN SUNCF = "CURRENT".  SUOCCUR = "Y" WHEN SUNCF = "FORMER".
6What was the amount of the recreational product used?AmountIndicate the amount of recreational drug the subject consumes on a regular basis.TextSUDOSE; SUDOSTXT

7SUDOSUWhat was the unit?Record the unit. See the protocol for a list of units.TextSUDOSUSUDOSU(UNIT)

6SUDOSFRQWhat was the frequency of recreational product use?Record how often the subject regularly uses the recreational product.TextSUDOSFRQ
Occasionally; Intermittent; Daily; PRN; Unknown