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titleCDASH CM Metadata Specifications


What was the name of the medication the subject used to reduce nicotine dependency
OrderCDASH Variable Name Question TextPromptCRF Completion InstructionsSDTMIG Target VariableSDTM Target MappingControlled Terminology Code List NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated Value
1What is the category of the  medication the subject used to attempt to reduce nicotine dependencyMedication CategoryEMYNAny Tobacco Product EventsAny Tobacco Product EventsRecord the type of medicaiton the subject used to reduce nicotine dependency.Indicate if the subject experienced any medical conditions or events. If Yes, include the appropriate details where indicated on the CRF.CMCATEMYNN/A(NY)Yes;No
2SPTOBIDTobacco Product Identifier Tobacco Product Identifier Indicate the  product that  was associated with the event. SPTOBID


What was the event or malfunction associated with this device?

Tobacco Product Device EventRecord a description of the toboacco product device event or malfunction that occurred.EMTERM

4EMSTDATWhat was the start date when the event or malfunction first occurred or was identified?Start DateRecord the date that the event or malfunction first occurred or was noted using this format (DD-MON-YYYY).EMSTDTC

5EMPATTWhat was the pattern of the event of malfunction?Pattern of Tobacco Product Device EventRecord the pattern of the the event or malfunction that occurred.EMPATT

Single Event; Intermittent; Continuous

EMACNDEVWhat action was taken with the device?Action Taken With DeviceRecord what action was taken with the device as a result of the event.EMACNDEV

No Action Taken; Device Replaced; Battery Replaced

EMAENO(n)What was the identifier for the primary adverse event(s) associated with or related to this device event?Related Adverse Event IDRecord the ID of the primary AE associated with event, if any.N/AASSOCIATE WITH RELATED RECORD VIA RELREC2What is the subcategory for the medication?Medication SubcategoryRecord the medication subcategory, if not pre-printed on the CRF.CMSCATLAST ATTEMPTED USE WITH THIS MEDICATION3 MedicationRecord only one medication per line. Provide the full trade or proprietary name of the medication; otherwise, record the generic name.Applicant-Defined CRF Completion InstructionsCMTRT4What was the duration of the medication used to reduce nicotine dependency for the last attempt?  Collected DurationProvide the duration of the medication used. Record all relevant medical conditions or events, as defined in the protocol. Record only one medical condition or event per line. Ensure that the medical conditions or events listed on the Medical History page do not meet any of the exclusion criteria.CMDUR5What was the duration unit of the medication used to reduce nicotine dependency for the last attempt Collected Duration UnitSelect the appropriate duration unit of the medication used. Record the start date of the medical event or condition using this format (DD-MON-YYYY).CMDURDAYS; MONTHS; YEARS