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This example shows the specification of an analysis method that contains 2 operations, 1 of which is a dependent operation. The definitions 2 analyses are also includeincluded, 1 of which is an analysis that uses the example method and the other is the analysis that produces some of the results used by the dependent operation.

Lines 2-31:

Show the "Summary by group of a categorical variable" analysis method, which contains 2 operations:

  • Lines 8-11: Show the definition of the "Count of subjects" operation.
  • Lines 12-30: Show the definition of the "Percent of subjects" operation, which is a dependent operation; it references the results of 2 other operations to act as the numerator and denominator in the calculation of the percentage:
    • Lines 17-23: Show the definition of the referenced operation relationship that specifies that the results of the operation identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n" (line 20) act as the numerator (lines 18-19) in the calculation of the percentage. The analysisId attribute is not included, which indicates that the referenced analysis identifier differs depending on the analysis that performs uses this operation (whose definition must therefore specify the referenced analysis identifierso this referenced analysis identifier must be specified in the definition of any analysis that uses this operation). The description (lines 21-23) indicates the type of analysis that can provide the numerator for the calculation.
    • Lines 24-30: Show the definition of the referenced operation relationship that specifies that the results of the operation identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Count_ByGrp_1_n" (line 27) act as the denominator (lines 25-26) in the calculation of the percentage. Again, the analysisId attribute is not included, which indicates that the referenced analysis identifier differs depending on the analysis that performs this operation (whose definition must therefore also specify the referenced analysis identifier for this relationshipso this referenced analysis identifier must also be specified in the definition of any analysis that uses this operation). The description (lines 29-30) indicates the type of analysis that can provide the denominator for the calculation.
Lines 33-43:

Show the definition of the "Summary of Subjects by Treatment" analysis, which is identified as "An01_05_SAF_Summ_ByTrt". This analysis definition is included in the example because it uses the method identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Count_ByGrp", which contains the referenced operation that provides the denominator for the calculation of the percentage, as described above and referenced as "Mth01_CatVar_Count_ByGrp_1_n" on line 27. The definition of the method identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Count_ByGrp" is shown in Example 1 in the AnalysisMethod section.

Lines 44-63:

Show the definition of "Summary of Subjects by Treatment and Age Group" analysis, which is identified as "An03_02_AgeGrp_Summ_ByTrt" (line 44) and includes 2 referenced analysis operations:

  • Lines 59-60: Show that the analysis identified as "An03_02_AgeGrp_Summ_ByTrt" (line 60)—i.e., this same analysis—provides the results used as the numerator in the "Percent of subjects" operation (as specified in the referenced operation relationship identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct_NUM" (line 59) whose definition is shown on lines 17-23). 
  • Lines 61-62: Show that the analysis identified as "An01_05_SAF_Summ_ByTrt" (line 62)—i.e., the analysis defined on lines 33-43—provides the results used as the denominator in the "Percent of subjects" operation (as specified in the referenced operation relationship identified as "Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct_DEN" (line 61) whose definition is shown on lines 24-30). 
