This example shows an instance of the DataSubset specialization of the WhereClause class that defines a compound expression for "Example flag 1 is not missing or N". The compound expression of the DataSubset classthis data subset:
- Negates another compound expression that specifies that the value of the EXMPFL variable in the ADVS dataset is missing or the value of the EXMPFL variable in the ADVS dataset is equal to "N".
- Could be expressed as:
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Lines 1-5: | Show the attributes of the DataSubset specialization of the WhereClause class: - level is assigned as "1" because this is the "top" level of the specification of the selection criterion.
- order is "1" because level is "1" and this is not a specialization of the Group class.
- The presence of the compoundExpression attribute indicates that a compound expression is being defined.
| Lines 6-7: | Show the attributes of an instance of the CompoundSubsetExpression specialization of the WhereClauseCompoundExpression class (because this is a compound expression within a DataSubset class): - The value of the logicalOperator attribute is "NOT" which indicates that the sub-clause specified in the whereClauses attribute is being negated.
- The whereClause attribute contains a single sub-clause, which is another compound expression represented as an instance of the WhereClause class (because these are this is a sub-clauses clause within a CompoundSubsetExpression class) with "2" as the value of the level attribute (1 greater that than the level of the DataSubset class specifying this compound expression). The value of the order attribute is "1" because this is the first (and only) sub-clause within this level.
| Lines 11-12: | Show the attributes of an instance of the WhereClauseCompoundExpression class (because this is a compound expression within a WhereClause class): - The value of the logicalOperator attribute is "OR" which indicates that either of the sub-clauses specified in the whereClauses attribute has to be satisfied.
- The whereClause attribute contains two 2 sub-clauses, both of which are simple conditions represented as instances of the WhereClause class (because these are sub-clauses within a WhereClauseCompoundExpression class) with "3" as the value of the level attribute (1 greater that than the level of the WhereClause class specifying this compound expression). The values of the the order attribute are "1" and "2" to order the sub-clauses within this level.