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An instance of the OperationResult is created for each individual "statistic" value generated by the analysis. There will be at least 1 instance for each statistical operation defined for the method associated with the analysis (i.e., specified in the methodId attribute of the analysis). For analyses in which at least 1 referenced grouping factor is marked as generating "results-by-group" grouping factor (i.e., a grouping factor that is referenced in the orderedGrouping attribute of the analysis and is indicated as producing a result for each group (every group by having a value of "true" in the resultsByGroup attribute of its instance of the OrderedGroupingFactor class has a value of "true"), there will be 1 instance for each combination of statistical operation and groups within each results-by-group grouping factor. For example:


  • The groupingId attribute contains the identifier value for the subject or data grouping factor.
  • For results-by-group grouping factors, the specific group associated with the result is indicated by the value of either:
    • The groupId attribute, which contains the identifier value for a predefined group within the grouping factor, or
    • The groupValue attribute, which contains 1 of the data values from the grouping variable. The groupValue attribute is used for data-driven grouping factors (i.e., where the value for the dataDriven attribute of the grouping factor is "true"), which do not have predefined groups.

Include Page
ARSP:results: groupingId and groupId
ARSP:results: groupingId and groupId


