Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This example shows the definitions for 2 outputs. To illustrate the structure of an output specification, all attributes in the Output class are represented for both outputs but, for brevity, some or all of the details have been omitted for the following attributes:3 displays, 2 within the "Summary of Demographics" output and 1 within the "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" output.

Lines 26-3040:

Show the definition of the first display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, in whichwhich is shown as version 1 of the "Demog-M" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-1" and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Male)". Four titles, 1 footnote and 1 row label header have been specified for this display:

  • Lines 515-916: Show the first title specified as a reference to the identifier of a sub-section that the results for the output are represented in a single PDF file, which the sponsor labeled as "t14-1-1-demog". The file (t14-1-1-demog.pdf) is located in the "outputs" sub-folder of the folder that contains the reporting event file.
  • Lines 10-24: Show that the sponsor chose to represent summary statistics for male and female subjects in 2 separate displays within the output.
  • has already been defined; the sub-section identified as "GlobalDisp_Title_1" whose definition as "Study CDISCPILOT01" is shown in Example 1 in the GlobalDisplaySection section.
  • Lines 17-28: Show the specifications for the second, third and fourth titles, all of which are newly defined sub-sections.
  • Lines 29-34: Show the specification of a new sub-section as the display's first footnote.
  • Lines 35-40: Show the specification of a new sub-section as the display's first row label header.
Lines 41-67:

Show the definition of the second display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "Demog-F" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-2" and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Female)". Four titles, 1 footnote and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 50-55: Show the first three titles specified as references to the identifiers of a sub-sections that have already been defined:
    • The global sub-section identified as "GlobalDisp_Title_1" is reused as the first title.
    • The second and third titles are specified as reuses of the corresponding titles defined in the "Demog-M" display (as shown in lines 19-20 and 23-24).
  • Lines 56-59: Show the specification for fourth title, which is newly defined within this display.
  • Lines 60-67: Show specification of a footnote and a row label header, both as reuses of the corresponding sub-sections defined in the "Demog-M" display.
Lines 72-113:

Show the definition of the first display in the

Lines 31-58:Show the

"Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" output,

in which:Lines 34-44Show that the results for the output are represented in 2 files (1 in RTF format and 1 in PDF format), which the sponsor labeled as "t14

which is shown as version 1 of the "AE_Summ" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-3-1-1

-teae-summ (RTF)

" and

"t14-3-1-1-teae-summ (PDF)". Both files are located in the "outputs" sub-folder of the folder that contains the reporting event file. For both files, the sponsor also used the style attribute to record a formatting element that was meaningful to their implementation system.

a display title of "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events". Three titles, 1 abbreviation, 2 footnotes and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 97-90: Show the 3 titles specified for the display, the first as a reuse of the "GlobalDisp_Title_1" global sub-section, and the second and third as newly defined within the display.
  • Lines 91-96: Show the specification of a new sub-section as the display's first abbreviation.
  • Lines 97-107: Show the specifications for the first and second, both of which are newly defined sub-sections.
  • Lines 108-113: Show the specification of a new sub-section as the display's first row label header
Lines 45-52: Show that the sponsor chose to represent all results for the output in a single display
  • .
Code Block
titleYAML Example
- id: Out14-1
  version: 1
  name: Summary of Demographics
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-1-1
      version: 1
      name: Demog-M
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Male)
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
        - order: 2
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table 14.1.1
        - order: 3
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_2
            text: Summary of Demographics
        - order: 4
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_3
            text: Male Subjects
      - sectionType: Footnote
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Fnote_1
            text: 'Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Characteristics
    - order: 2
      id: Disp14-1-2
      version: 1
      name: Demog-F
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Female)
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
             - ordersubSection:
           subSectionIdid: Disp14-1-2_Title_1
            text: Table 14.1.2 
        - order: 3
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_Title_2
        - order: 4
            id: Disp14-1-2_Title_42
            text: Female Subjects
      - sectionType: Footnote
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_Fnote_1
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
- id: Out14-3-1-1
  version: 1
  name: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-3-1-1
      version: 1
      name: AE_Summ
      displayTitle: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
        - order: 2
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table
        - order: 3
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_2
            text: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
      - sectionType: Abbreviation
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Abbrv_1
            text: 'Note: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.'
      - sectionType: Footnote
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_1
            text: '[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in
              the AE action taken with study treatment.'
        - order: 2
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_2
            text: 'Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Categories, n (%) 

This display section specifications could be represented in tabular form as:

Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title1

Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title2Disp14-1-1_Title_1Table 14.1.1
Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title3Disp14-1-1_Title_2Summary of Demographics
Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title4Disp14-1-1_Title_3Male Subjects
Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Footnote1Disp14-1-1_Fnote_1Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Out14-1Disp14-1-11Demog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1Characteristics
Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title1

Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title2Disp14-1-2_Title_1Table 14.1.2
Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title3

Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title4Disp14-1-2_Title_2Female Subjects
Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Footnote1

Out14-1Disp14-1-21Demog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1

Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle1

Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle2Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1Table
Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle3Disp14-3-1-1_Title_2Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsAbbreviation1Disp14-3-1-1_Abbrv_1Note: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.
Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFootnote1Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_1[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in the AE action taken with study treatment.
Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFootnote2Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_2Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Out14-3-1-1Disp14-3-1-11AE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsRowlabel Header1Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1Categories, n (%)