Versions Compared


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Element NameItemGroupDef
Parent Element(s)MetaDataVersion
Element XPath(s)/ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef
Element Textual ValueNone
AttributesOID, Name, Repeating, IsReferenceData, Structure, ArchiveLocationID, DatasetName, Domain, Type, Purpose, StandardOID, IsNonStandard, HasNoData, CommentOID
Child Elements(Description?, Class?, (ItemGroupRef*, ItemRef*)+, Coding*, WorkflowRef?, Origin*, Alias*, leaf?)
Usage/Business Rules
  • Business Rule(s):
    • There must be an ItemGroupDef element for each unique ItemGroupOID attribute value in the study.
  • Other Information:
    • The Coding child element allows to associate semantics within the group. For example, a LOINC panel code in the case that the ItemGroup represents a laboratory panel.
    • The WorkflowRef child element allows to reference a workflow definition (WorkflowDef) for navigation within the ItemGroup, for example, when the ItemGroup represents a form or questionnaire (or part of it) where there is a workflow between the items or groups of items.