Versions Compared


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AEs were coded using MedDRA, and the sponsor’s applicant’s procedures include the possibility of modifying the reported term to aid in coding. The CRF was structured so that seriousness category variables (e.g., AESDTH, AESHOSP) were checked only when AESER is answered “Y.” In this study, the study reference period started at the start of product exposure. Three AEs were reported for this subject. This SDTM dataset used AEENRF to represent Ongoing events. The expected variables (e,g,, AELLT, AELLTCD, AEPT, AEPTCD, AEHLT, AEHLTCD, AEHLGT, AEHLCTCD, AEBDSYCD, AESOC, AESOCCD) were not included to save space.  

The sponsor applicant also collected information about whether the event was associated with a Device. These subject's did not have any device related issues. See Tobacco Product Issues and Events

serverIssue Tracker (JIRA)
for an example of device related events.  
