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#Variable NameVariable LabelTypeFormatRoleVariable(s) QualifiedUsage RestrictionsVariable C-codeDefinitionNotesExamples
1STUDYIDStudy IdentifierChar

C83082A sequence of characters used by the sponsor to uniquely identify the study.

2DOMAINDomain AbbreviationChar

C49558An abbreviation for a collection of observations, with a topic-specific commonality.2-character abbreviation, which must be "SV".
3USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierChar

C69256A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.

4VISITNUMVisit NumberNum

C83101An assigned numeric identifier that aligns to the chronological order of a clinical encounter.Decimal numbering may be useful for inserting unplanned visits. Used for sorting.
5VISITVisit NameChar
Synonym QualifierVISITNUM
C171010The label for a protocol-defined clinical encounter.May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY.
Variable QualifierVISITNUM

An indication that the visit is planned. Values should be "Y" or null.
Record Qualifier

An indication as to whether a prespecified (planned) visit has occurred.
8SVREASOCReason for Occur ValueChar
Record Qualifier

The reason for the value in SVOCCUR. If SVOCCUR="N", SVREASOC is the reason the visit did not occur.
9SVCNTMODContact ModeChar
Record Qualifier

The way in which the visit or contact was conducted."IN PERSON", "TELEPHONE", "IVRS".
10SVEPCHGIEpi/Pandemic Related Change IndicatorChar
Record Qualifier

Indicates whether the visit was changed due to an epidemic or pandemic.
11VISITDYPlanned Study Day of VisitNum

C171011The planned study day of a clinical encounter relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.The reference start date is RFSTDTC in Demographics.
12SVSTDTCStart Date/Time of VisitCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalTiming

Start date or start date and time for a subject's visit.
13SVENDTCEnd Date/Time of VisitCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalTiming

End date/time of a subject's visit.
14SVSTDYStudy Day of Start of VisitNum

Study day of start of visit relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC.
15SVENDYStudy Day of End of VisitNum

Study day of end of visit relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC.
16SVUPDESDescription of Unplanned VisitChar
Record Qualifier

Description of what happened to the subject during an unplanned visit. Null for protocol-defined visits.